
Is it good or bad to drink water on an empty stomach in the morning? Reminder: 4 types of water that you can't drink in the morning, make no mistake

author:Tomato health

Lao Liu, why did you drink water as soon as you got up, and told you a few times that this would drink all the bacteria into your body, why didn't you listen. The wife's sudden voice made Uncle Liu's hands tremble, and the water in the cup almost spilled.

Uncle Liu doesn't know when he has a habit that he must have a glass of water in the morning, because he always feels that his throat is dry and smoky when he gets up in the morning, and only when he gets up in the morning and drinks a glass of water, he feels better.

Is it good or bad to drink water on an empty stomach in the morning? Reminder: 4 types of water that you can't drink in the morning, make no mistake

But recently, his wife read popular science from somewhere, saying that drinking water in the morning will drink bacteria, and she has reminded him more than once, Uncle Liu can't help but think every time: "Is such a ridiculous theory true?" Isn't drinking water good for your body? If you drink water on an empty stomach, will you really drink bacteria? ”

Is it good to drink water on an empty stomach in the morning?

Drinking water in the morning on an empty stomach is a habit that many people believe can promote health. However, this issue has generated a lot of debate and research. Some people think it's good for the body, while others think it's good for the bacteria. Both sides felt that they had a point.

First of all, let's conclude that drinking water on an empty stomach in the morning will not actually drink bacteria into the body, and in comparison, there are still many benefits.

Drinking water on an empty stomach helps to cleanse the gastrointestinal tract and help the body detoxify better. Water can also help boost metabolism, which can help with weight loss and maintaining good health. In addition, drinking water in the morning can also help replenish the water lost by the body due to night's sleep and maintain the body's water balance.

Is it good or bad to drink water on an empty stomach in the morning? Reminder: 4 types of water that you can't drink in the morning, make no mistake

As for whether the first sip of water will drink bacteria into the body, you don't have to worry, because when you first wake up, the bacteria in your mouth are very high after a whole night, but they stubbornly adhere to your teeth and mouth. Even if a small amount of harmful bacteria enters the stomach, it can be quickly killed by stomach acid.

There are 4 types of water, try not to drink it in the morning

Jirai Water

Tap water contains chlorine and other chemicals that can pose a potential threat to our health. Especially when we drink tap water in the morning, since the gastrointestinal tract is in a resting state, it may have an irritating effect on our gastrointestinal tract and cause discomfort.

In order to ensure the safety of tap water, there are a number of measures we can take to filter the water quality. For example, you can use a household water purifier or boiled water to remove harmful substances from the water. In addition, we can also choose to buy bottled water or bottled water instead of tap water, which can effectively reduce our risk of exposure to harmful substances.

Is it good or bad to drink water on an empty stomach in the morning? Reminder: 4 types of water that you can't drink in the morning, make no mistake


In the morning, the first rays of sunlight shine through the windows into the room, waking up the sleeping people. After waking up, many people feel parched and crave a refreshing drink. However, it is best not to choose juice, cola, soft drinks, coffee, milk, etc., for the first glass of water in the morning.

Some beverages, such as coffee, will not only not replenish the body's lack of water when you wake up in the morning, but will increase the body's need for water, resulting in a lack of water in the body.

The first glass of water in the morning is recommended, choose warm water or light salt water. Warm water can help the body replenish water quickly, promote gastrointestinal peristalsis, and help detoxification. Light salt water can not only replenish water, but also help the body absorb water faster, regulate the body's electrolyte balance, and increase the body's resistance.

Is it good or bad to drink water on an empty stomach in the morning? Reminder: 4 types of water that you can't drink in the morning, make no mistake

Drink lemonade on an empty stomach

Many people like to drink lemonade in the summer, however, lemonade is not suitable for everyone. The citric acid it contains stimulates the stomach to produce stomach acid, and for people who already have too much stomach acid, drinking lemon water may cause diarrhea and may lead to stomach ulcers. Stomach ulcer symptoms include stomach pain, indigestion, etc., and if lemonade enters the stomach, it may irritate the ulcer site and aggravate the symptoms. Therefore, patients with gastric ulcers should avoid excessive intake of irritating foods in their diet to avoid aggravating the condition.

Is it good or bad to drink water on an empty stomach in the morning? Reminder: 4 types of water that you can't drink in the morning, make no mistake

Ice water

Now that the weather is getting hotter and hotter, some people like to have a glass of ice water in the morning, which feels very cool, but it is recommended not to drink ice water too often, especially on an empty stomach. You can choose lukewarm or room temperature water and drink it slowly in small sips to reduce stomach irritation.

In addition, in terms of diet, you should also pay attention to eating more easily digestible foods and avoid foods that are too greasy or irritating, so as not to increase the burden on the stomach.

Is it good or bad to drink water on an empty stomach in the morning? Reminder: 4 types of water that you can't drink in the morning, make no mistake

Drinking water on an empty stomach in the morning is not harmful to the body, but has many benefits. But we should pay attention to choosing the right water and the right amount of water to drink, so that we can better protect our health.

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