
The health system of Zouping City went to the Municipal Integrity Education Center to carry out warning education activities

author:Zou Ping Rong Media

In order to enhance the awareness of integrity and self-discipline of party members and cadres in the city's health system, and promote the study and education of party discipline, on June 26, Liu Ximing, Secretary of the Party Group and Director of the Zouping Municipal Health Bureau, led a team to the Zouping Integrity Education Center to carry out warning education activities.

The health system of Zouping City went to the Municipal Integrity Education Center to carry out warning education activities
The health system of Zouping City went to the Municipal Integrity Education Center to carry out warning education activities

During the activity, under the guidance of the commentator, we visited the seven special exhibition halls of "Preface Hall", "Solid Book", "Knowing History", "Ming Ji", "Mirror Examination", "Righteousness" and "Endeavor", and comprehensively understood the latest requirements of the Central Committee for comprehensive and strict governance of the party, the historical journey of the Communist Party of China in fighting corruption and advocating integrity, the basic knowledge of discipline and law that party members and cadres should know, and the idea of integrity in the excellent traditional Chinese culture. Profound anti-corruption warning education.

The health system of Zouping City went to the Municipal Integrity Education Center to carry out warning education activities
The health system of Zouping City went to the Municipal Integrity Education Center to carry out warning education activities

After the visit, everyone said that in the future work, we should always keep a clear head, consciously tighten the string of anti-corruption and clean government, constantly strengthen our self-cultivation, know and respect, guard against fear, and keep the bottom line, and effectively build a strong ideological and moral defense line against corruption and degeneration, and transform the results of party discipline learning and education into a powerful driving force for the high-quality development of health care with a more pragmatic work style.

The leading cadres of the Municipal Health Bureau, the main persons in charge of the Municipal People's Hospital, the Municipal Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine, the Central Hospital, the Municipal Maternal and Child Health Hospital, and the town (street) health centers (community health service centers) participated in the activities.

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