
Summer is high! Urgent Doctor's Warning: Danger

author:Beautiful Ne River
Summer is high! Urgent Doctor's Warning: Danger

Nehe City Rong Media Center

Summer is high! Urgent Doctor's Warning: Danger
Summer is high! Urgent Doctor's Warning: Danger

June 26th

The reporter learned from the Fourth Hospital of Changsha City, Hunan Province

Recently, the hospital's poison clinic has received a number of patients

Blowing air conditioners due to closed doors and windows

Patients who cause carbon monoxide poisoning

Experts remind

The phenomenon of "out-of-season poisoning" in summer is not uncommon

Take precautions


A few days ago, Mr. Ding, a citizen of Changsha, closed the doors and windows and blew the air conditioner at home, but when he came out of the bathroom after taking a shower for half an hour, he felt dizzy, walked unsteadily, and gradually showed symptoms of vomiting. When Mr. Ding's mother saw this, she immediately called the 120 emergency number. After learning about the situation, the pre-hospital emergency doctor of Changsha Fourth Hospital judged that the patient was likely to be poisoned by carbon monoxide based on experience, and instructed the patient's family to open all doors and windows in the home for ventilation, and take the patient away from the poisoning site and move to a place with fresh air and good ventilation.

After the 120 ambulance takes the patient to the hospital, the emergency medical staff will open a green channel for him. After examination, Mr. Ding was diagnosed with carbon monoxide poisoning.

"Carbon monoxide is a colorless, odorless, tasteless, and insoluble gas in water, so it's more like a mysterious 'invisible killer'." Huang Yan, director and chief physician of the emergency center of Changsha Fourth Hospital, said that with the arrival of summer, many people like to close their doors and windows to blow air conditioners, and the poisoning clinic has recently admitted a number of patients with carbon monoxide poisoning.

Doctor reminds

The phenomenon of "out-of-season poisoning" in summer is not uncommon, and these behaviors are very dangerous: parking and blowing air conditioners with windows closed, using gas to cook with doors and windows closed, eating charcoal hot pot or barbecue in air-conditioned rooms, and using gas water heaters to bathe with doors and windows closed.

In general, there are three levels of carbon monoxide poisoning:

  • Mild poisoning, headache, dizziness, palpitations, nausea, vomiting and other symptoms, leave the poisoned environment and inhale fresh air, the symptoms disappear quickly
  • Moderate poisoning, the patient has impaired consciousness or even coma, difficulty breathing, and can wake up quickly after inhaling air and oxygen
  • Severe poisoning, the patient is in a deep coma, and complications such as cerebral edema and shock can occur if treatment is not timely, and the mortality rate is high

When someone is found to have carbon monoxide poisoning, don't go in blindly, the rescuer can do this:

  • Open doors and windows for ventilation, and do not touch indoor household appliances to prevent explosion
  • Cut off the source of carbon monoxide
  • Take the patient away from the scene and move to a well-ventilated place, untie the patient's collar and belt while keeping warm and keep breathing smooth; Call 120 quickly and seek medical attention as soon as possible

How to prevent carbon monoxide poisoning:

  • Regularly ask professionals to check and maintain gas pipelines, stoves and other appliances to prevent gas leakage
  • Do not alter or modify gas pipelines, stoves and other facilities without authorization
  • When cooking and boiling water, someone should take care of it to avoid the fire and air leakage caused by boiling water
  • Do not eat charcoal hot pot or light charcoal brazier in a confined space
  • Do not sleep in a closed compartment, especially if the engine is constantly burning
  • When driving (taking) an air-conditioned car, if you feel dizzy, heavi, or weak limbs, you should open the window in time to breathe fresh air

Source: Hecheng release

Copyright belongs to the author Tribute to the original

Editors: Qu Weiming, Gao Yuan, Wang Xinxin

Supervisor: Sun Fengqi

Planning review: Li Huijuan

Summer is high! Urgent Doctor's Warning: Danger
Summer is high! Urgent Doctor's Warning: Danger
Summer is high! Urgent Doctor's Warning: Danger
Summer is high! Urgent Doctor's Warning: Danger
Summer is high! Urgent Doctor's Warning: Danger

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Summer is high! Urgent Doctor's Warning: Danger

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