
It's finally here? The Federal Reserve is also forced to be helpless, and the US currency war can be declared a failure


Recently, the Federal Reserve finally announced an interest rate cut in September, injecting a "shot in the arm" for the sluggish market. The news caused quite a stir in the market, but the response was mixed, and there was no expected jubilation.

It's finally here? The Federal Reserve is also forced to be helpless, and the US currency war can be declared a failure

In fact, as the world's largest economy, every sneeze of the United States can cause an "earthquake" in the global market. The various "farces" staged in the US financial market not only reflect the structural problems of its own economy, but also reflect the difficulties and challenges facing the global economy.

It's finally here? The Federal Reserve is also forced to be helpless, and the US currency war can be declared a failure

Experts from all walks of life are also debating whether the Fed's interest rate cut can effectively boost the U.S. economy. Optimists believe that interest rate cuts can reduce the cost of financing for companies and stimulate investment and consumption, thereby boosting economic growth.

It's finally here? The Federal Reserve is also forced to be helpless, and the US currency war can be declared a failure

Pessimists, however, worry that a rate cut could exacerbate inflationary pressures and trigger an asset bubble, which would be detrimental to the long-term health of the U.S. economy.

It's finally here? The Federal Reserve is also forced to be helpless, and the US currency war can be declared a failure

In fact, the Fed's interest rate cut is only a small episode in the great changes in the global economy, and its influence is still relatively limited. In a future full of challenges and uncertainties, the sustainable development of the global economy will depend on the cooperation of all countries to jointly address a series of challenges such as trade frictions, geopolitical conflicts, and climate change.

It's finally here? The Federal Reserve is also forced to be helpless, and the US currency war can be declared a failure

For the majority of investors, it is important to remain calm and rational in this volatile market environment. Only by objectively analyzing market risks and making prudent investment decisions can we move forward steadily, seize opportunities and avoid risks under the turbulent economic situation.

It's finally here? The Federal Reserve is also forced to be helpless, and the US currency war can be declared a failure

The global economy is mired in a quagmire and the outlook is uncertain, and it may not be possible to turn the tide with the Fed cutting interest rates alone. Only by working together and working hand in hand can all countries find a broad way out of the predicament.

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