
A quick look at the week! The Guangming Campus of the Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine was opened, and the national life cycle health management plan was launched......

author:Shenzhen is bright
A quick look at the week! The Guangming Campus of the Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine was opened, and the national life cycle health management plan was launched......

Shenzhen weather

A quick look at the week! The Guangming Campus of the Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine was opened, and the national life cycle health management plan was launched......

(Thunder) showers are expected from Monday to Tuesday, with a localized risk of heavy rain, accompanied by maximum gusts of around 8 when it rains.

Wednesday to Saturday will be cloudy and sunny with isolated short showers, and the weather will tend to be hot; There are showers or thundershowers on Sundays.

There will be many showers in the early part of next week, and attention should be paid to preventing short-term heavy precipitation, short-term strong winds, thunder and lightning and the secondary derivative disasters caused by them.

A quick look at the 219th week

Let's take a look back at this week

Guangming District, Shenzhen, at home and abroad

Something big has happened~

01 Bright things

1. Guangming Campus of Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital

· From June 25, the Guangming Campus of Shenzhen Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine began to provide outpatient medical services, and online appointments can be made for departments and doctors; On June 28, a large-scale free clinic was organized in the medical street on the first floor of the outpatient hall of Guangming Hospital. Details: A large-scale free clinic is coming! Feel the charm of Chinese medicine at your doorstep!



· On June 27, the opening ceremony of the Guangming Campus of Shenzhen Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine was held in the Guangming Campus. Details: Shenzhen Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine Guangming Campus officially opened!


2. On June 26, the opening ceremony of the Guangming City Terminal of Shenzhen Bao'an International Airport and the opening ceremony of the airport express line and shuttle microbus were held in the new Guangming City Terminal. Details: 40 minutes to Shenzhen Airport! Bright City Terminal opens today!


3. On June 26, the 2024 Shenzhen High School Entrance Examination arrived as scheduled, and 7,127 candidates in Guangming District rushed to the examination room full of dreams to fight for youth. Details >>

A quick look at the week! The Guangming Campus of the Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine was opened, and the national life cycle health management plan was launched......

4. On June 26, Guangming District, Shenzhen held a commendation meeting of "two excellent and one first" to commend outstanding Communist Party members, outstanding party workers and advanced grassroots party organizations. Details on the first day of the high school entrance examination, multiple pictures are directly hit!


5. On June 26, the "2024 Young Scientists' Trip to 100 Cities in Shenzhen" and the "Hong Kong and Macao Doctors' Tour to Shenzhen" were held in Guangming Science City. Details: Three new institutions were established! Young scientists, Hong Kong and Macao doctors walked into Guangming Science City!


6. On June 27, the launching ceremony of the "Guangming District National Life Cycle Health Management Plan" was held, and the "Guangming District National Life Cycle Health Management Plan (2024-2026)" was introduced, and the Guangming District National Life Cycle Health Management Comprehensive Service Center and Base were awarded. Details「Link」



7. The smell of coffee wafts through the City of Science

· What a city! So many "treasure" coffee shops are in the bright city! So many "treasure" coffee shops are in the light

A quick look at the week! The Guangming Campus of the Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine was opened, and the national life cycle health management plan was launched......

8. On the afternoon of June 27, the first public lecture of "Rule of Law Escorting Innovation and Entrepreneurship" jointly organized by the Justice Bureau of Guangming District of Shenzhen and the Guangdong Youth Science and Technology Innovation Research Association was held in Shenzhen Bay Laboratory. Details: Legal problems encountered in innovation and entrepreneurship? Bright this lecture is here to help you →

A quick look at the week! The Guangming Campus of the Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine was opened, and the national life cycle health management plan was launched......

9. On June 28, Guangming District, together with the China International Council for the Promotion of Multinational Corporations and the German Federal Federation of Small and Medium-sized Enterprises, jointly held the "2024 German Federal Entrepreneurs Shenzhen Bright Tour". The details are liked again and again! German companies organized a delegation into Guangming Science City!


10. CCTV attention

· CCTV pays attention to Guangming District to create a "500-meter social psychological service circle"! Details: CCTV pays attention to Guangming District to create a "500-meter social psychological service circle"!

A quick look at the week! The Guangming Campus of the Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine was opened, and the national life cycle health management plan was launched......

· Central, provincial and municipal media attention! Bright to create a new highland of national health Details of the central, provincial and municipal media attention! Bright to create a new highland of national health

A quick look at the week! The Guangming Campus of the Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine was opened, and the national life cycle health management plan was launched......

02 Shenzhen affairs

1. Shenzhen officially launched the online payment service for medical insurance prescriptions.

2. Shenzhen Customs seized 6 catties of new drugs "zombie drugs" in household appliances.

3. Xue Qikun, President of Southern University of Science and Technology, won the 2023 National Science and Technology Award.

4. Mutual recognition and interoperability of Shenzhen Zhongshan Provident Fund.

5. The 2024 Shenzhen High School Entrance Examination and the Second Year of Junior High School Academic Proficiency Examination will be held from June 26 to 28.

6. The Shenzhen Municipal Education Bureau requires that training institutions in the city shall not predict the admission score of high school schools.

7. The Guangdong Provincial Department of Culture and Tourism announced: Shenzhen Happy Harbor Tourist Attraction is planned to be rated as a national 4A-level tourist attraction.

8. On June 25, U.S. News released the 2024-2025 World's Best Universities Rankings, and two universities in Shenzhen were ranked in the top 200 in the world, with Southern University of Science and Technology ranked 157th in the world and Shenzhen University ranked 187th in the world.

9. From January to May, the added value of Shenzhen's industrial enterprises above designated size increased by 12.3% year-on-year. The overall economic operation was stable, and the upward trend continued.

10. At 3 p.m. on June 30, the Shenzhen-Zhongshan Corridor was opened for trial operation, and the charging standard was released.

03 The world is in trouble

1. The mainland plans to amend the law on fierce dogs injuring people, and increase the public security administrative penalties for the sale and breeding of dangerous animals such as fierce dogs in violation of laws and regulations, as well as for causing animals to harm others.

2. The Guangdong Provincial Education Examination Institute released a message: On June 25, the Guangdong College Entrance Examination will release the results, and the results will be pushed to the mobile phone number that has been bound to the college entrance examination registration system from 11:30, and from 12:00, candidates can query the results.

3. The 2023 National Science and Technology Award was announced, and 14 projects in Guangdong were listed.

4. From July 1, Foshan will increase the balance of provident fund contribution to 16 times.

5. China has implemented a visa-free policy for New Zealand, Australia and Poland on a trial basis.

6. The 2024 Guangdong College Entrance Examination score line is released. 428 points in history and 442 points in physics. The Guangdong college entrance examination voluntary application will start on June 28.

7. The 2024 summer shipping period is from July 1 to August 31, a total of 62 days. Guangzhou Railway Group is expected to send 127 million passengers in the summer, an increase of 6.043 million passengers year-on-year, a year-on-year increase of 5%, and an average of 2.048 million passengers per day.

8. According to the Guangdong Provincial Bureau of Statistics, the average annual wage of employees in urban units in Guangdong in 2023 will be 131418 yuan, a year-on-year increase of 5.2%.

9. On June 26, the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Emergency Management again allocated 496 million yuan of central natural disaster relief funds.

10. Guangzhou has introduced new subway regulations, lifting the restriction on the number of children who can ride for free, and children who are 1.3 meters tall or below or under the legal age of school entry (with valid identity identification) can ride the subway for free.

Content source: Shenzhen Guangming comprehensive arrangement

Editor: Wu Xiadan

Reviewer: Jin Feng, Chen Yuanyuan, Xie Yanli

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