
"People's Automobile" and "Intelligent Electric Transformation" are ripe, and GAC Toyota has more scientific and technological models

"People's Automobile" and "Intelligent Electric Transformation" are ripe, and GAC Toyota has more scientific and technological models

Author: Wang Shanshan

Transforming from a traditional automobile company to a technology travel company, the 20-year-old GAC Toyota presented a "coming-of-age ceremony" for himself.

On June 28, GAC Toyota opened the "strongest brain" and joined hands with Huawei, Tencent, Momenta, and other technology circles to display the whole family bucket of intelligent electric technology in the joint venture 2.0 era.

Including the fifth-generation intelligent electric hybrid dual engine, all-solid-state battery, performance lithium battery, new generation of electrified engine, intelligent car and other core technology technology, it reflects GAC Toyota's profound electrification technology accumulation, but also demonstrates the determination to promote the rapid upgrade of intelligent level.

"People's Automobile" and "Intelligent Electric Transformation" are ripe, and GAC Toyota has more scientific and technological models

Different from the science and technology days of some new forces, GAC Toyota should not only let users enjoy the "excitement" brought by pioneer technology, but also feel the "reliability" brought by quality technology.

"Inner quality is always more important than superficial experience. Lack of respect for life, the coolest features, and no sense of technology. ”

Wen Dali, executive deputy general manager of GAC Toyota, said that GAC Toyota has always treated car manufacturing with awe, and still adheres to the belief of high-quality technology in the era of intelligent electricity, creating high-quality products that are usable and easy to use by everyone, so that users can enjoy the relaxation brought by technology.

"People's Automobile" and "Intelligent Electric Transformation" are ripe, and GAC Toyota has more scientific and technological models

▲ GAC Toyota Executive Deputy General Manager Wen Dali

"In 20 years, Guangfeng, the power is fully turned on, and the wisdom is bound to be obtained."

Electrification, intelligent electric hybrid dual engine "say the same"

If you want to ask GAC Toyota's most hardcore technology, it must be the fifth-generation intelligent electric hybrid dual engine.

"With the advantages of extreme balance and the deep satisfaction of user experience, the intelligent electric hybrid dual engine leads the mainstream route of electrification and has become the best choice in the hybrid era." Peng Baolin, deputy general manager of GAC Toyota, is full of confidence.

"People's Automobile" and "Intelligent Electric Transformation" are ripe, and GAC Toyota has more scientific and technological models

▲ Peng Baolin, deputy general manager of GAC Toyota

Under the wave of new energy, the rapid rise of self-owned brand hybrid technology has given birth to many technical schools.

For example, in order to promote plug-in hybrid models, some car companies improve the endurance of the vehicle by increasing the fuel tank capacity or increasing the battery capacity.

Some car companies take plug-in hybrid as the mainstream solution, and output power to the motor through a large battery to achieve pure electric driving, but there are certain requirements for the amount of vehicle power, and it takes up a lot of space in the car.

None of this is clearly the ideal state of the industry.

What is the real meaning of hybrid? It is not a so-called refreshment of a certain record, it is not a simple increase in the fuel tank battery, and it is not a simple competition for low fuel consumption and long battery life.

"The essence of hybrid is the deep integration of oil and electricity." Peng Baolin broke through the mystery in one sentence. It is not a simple combination of electricity and oil, or electricity and oil, but to give full play to the advantages of fuel and electricity, and to achieve impeccable in all dimensions of power, economy, comfort, reliability and safety.

"People's Automobile" and "Intelligent Electric Transformation" are ripe, and GAC Toyota has more scientific and technological models

Thanks to the world's original planetary gear structure, the fifth-generation intelligent electric hybrid engine of GAC Toyota has been able to achieve the ultimate balance between oil and electricity, power and fuel consumption, performance and safety.

It achieves high energy efficiency with a small battery, and gets rid of the dependence on large batteries, large motors, and large fuel tanks; It has no high-speed power delay, and no trouble with higher fuel consumption at higher speeds; It achieves low fuel consumption in the full-speed range, strong acceleration in the full-speed range, long endurance in the full-temperature range, and zero anxiety in all scenarios.

"People's Automobile" and "Intelligent Electric Transformation" are ripe, and GAC Toyota has more scientific and technological models

The proof is in the numbers. According to media measurements, under the same environmental conditions, the intelligent electric hybrid dual engine is better than the plug-in hybrid models of the same level in terms of fuel consumption, energy consumption, performance, and safety. It can be seen that "electric hybrid vehicles are stronger than plug-in hybrid vehicles" is not groundless.

In particular, the 2.5-liter hybrid has a thermal efficiency of 41%, covering the usual speed range from 1400 to 3200 rpm, the torque range from 120 to 180 Nm, and more than 40% of the operating conditions.

"This is currently the widest range of thermal efficiency operating ranges in the industry; Behind this is the culmination of a series of innovative technologies. Toyota's profound skills will continue to come in handy in the new energy era. Peng Baolin said.

"People's Automobile" and "Intelligent Electric Transformation" are ripe, and GAC Toyota has more scientific and technological models

Nowadays, although there is no name for new energy, the intelligent electric hybrid dual engine has the reality of new energy. In Guangzhou, now buy Toyota intelligent electric hybrid dual engine directly on the Guangdong A brand, and new energy has the same rights as hybrid electricity. The policy balance will inevitably return to truly energy-saving and low-carbon technologies.

Intelligent, integrating China's "strongest brain"

If electrification is the first half and intelligence is the second half, then GAC Toyota not only did a good job in the first half, but also won in the second half.

In the field of intelligence, through the integration of the local development ecology, it not only integrates into the R&D system of shareholders, but also efficiently absorbs China's scientific and technological resources to reshape the smart electric experience.

From "produced in China" to "researched in China", GAC Toyota has the ability to upgrade the new generation models in China, quickly and flexibly strengthen the annual model products, and fully develop the new joint venture vehicles. Today, behind every GAC Toyota model on the market is the optimal solution provided by the local development team based on the needs of Chinese users.

In terms of intelligent driving, GAC Toyota and Momenta, a leading autonomous driving technology company, have jointly created the TOYOTA PILOT end-to-end high-end intelligent driving, which will be installed on the Bozhi 3X model for the first time. At the same time, the commercial operation of L4 driverless taxis in cooperation with has further promoted the large-scale mass production of high-level autonomous driving technology.

"People's Automobile" and "Intelligent Electric Transformation" are ripe, and GAC Toyota has more scientific and technological models

In terms of intelligent cockpit, GAC Toyota relies on the empowerment of Huawei, Tencent and other technology manufacturers to upgrade the Chinese cabin for global cars, bring intelligent new technologies to Chinese users that are ahead of the rest of the world, and build a smart cockpit that best understands Chinese consumers with Chinese wisdom.

Since the beginning of this year, GAC Toyota has successively released the ninth-generation Camry, the 2024 Senna and the Highlander three flagship models, their common feature is that they integrate Huawei's AI voice assistant, Hi-link car-home interconnection ecology, and also integrate rich Tencent ecological services to achieve a significant advancement in intelligent experience.

Imagine being able to play your favorite music, watch trending videos, and even get the latest news in real time with just a single command while driving. This driving experience not only makes driving more relaxed and enjoyable, but also makes every trip full of technology.

"People's Automobile" and "Intelligent Electric Transformation" are ripe, and GAC Toyota has more scientific and technological models

According to the plan, GAC Toyota will carry out more comprehensive cooperation with Huawei in the intelligent cockpit of the C-class pure electric sedan launched in 2025; The mid-size EV 3X, equipped with Momenta's end-to-end high-end intelligent driving solution, has already started road testing.

These two locally developed joint venture platform pure electric vehicles uphold Toyota's global standards and integrate China's smart technology, representing the acceleration of the arrival of a new era of "Guangfeng Creation".

"People's Automobile" and "Intelligent Electric Transformation" are ripe, and GAC Toyota has more scientific and technological models

Proceed cautiously on the road of science and technology

"On the road of science and technology, GAC Toyota continues to iterate without sticking to conventions, moving forward bravely but not blindly aggressive." Wen Dali said.

Science and technology come from innovation, and it is inseparable from the accumulation of sophistication. China is a fertile ground for innovation, injecting new vitality into the automotive industry. GAC Toyota is a manufacturing company, and it should actively learn and explore.

Toyota talks a lot about improvement and rarely about change, because innovation is not achieved overnight, and continuous improvement is needed to achieve it. Based on the continuous iterative upgrading of digital products, Toyota has always been the leading player in the field of electrification, and the intelligent electric hybrid dual engine has become more advanced and mature after 5 generations of evolution.

In addition, there are a series of more hardcore technologies, including super engines in the electronic era, cutting-edge all-solid-state batteries, etc., which are the crystallization of continuous research and development. On the basis of the intelligent electric hybrid dual engine, GAC Toyota has built a comprehensive electrification technology route covering the four major tracks of "electric hybrid, plug-in hybrid, pure electric and hydrogen electric".

"People's Automobile" and "Intelligent Electric Transformation" are ripe, and GAC Toyota has more scientific and technological models

Technology is not a one-man show, but a team competition with full cooperation. Science and technology have injected new vitality into century-old enterprises, and also made open cooperation more important than ever. As a joint venture, GAC Toyota itself is a product of reform and opening up, and has a natural sensitivity and perception of what cooperation is and how to cooperate.

In the field of intelligence, where the joint venture brand is relatively weak, GAC Toyota actively expands the circle of friends, showing the form of gathering resources vertically and horizontally, with the aim of creating a "new joint venture car" that understands Chinese users better and becoming a "Chinese" intelligent travel partner.

"People's Automobile" and "Intelligent Electric Transformation" are ripe, and GAC Toyota has more scientific and technological models

Wen Dali firmly believes that "technology needs to anchor safety and quality, and solve problems in a real way, rather than pursuing superficial coolness." "In the final analysis, science and technology are to serve nature and improve the quality of life, so GAC Toyota will never play with concepts and gimmicks, but solve the problems that users are concerned about, constantly optimize the experience of using the car, and make every lightweight configuration and function mature and reliable, so that the time of travel is more pleasant and reassuring.

It is foreseeable that with the high trust and strong support of both shareholders, GAC Toyota will anchor the new coordinates, integrate the technical resources of Toyota Motor and GAC Group in an all-round way, make full use of the powerful "arsenal" and "toolbox" of both shareholders, generate new chemical reactions, form a stronger synergy, and build a new joint venture relationship that is more trusting and open.

"People's Automobile" and "Intelligent Electric Transformation" are ripe, and GAC Toyota has more scientific and technological models

In the science and technology day, the hardcore technology launched by Hepan is by no means to show off skills, let alone draw a pie. GAC Toyota talked about three visions, looking for the poetry of landing.

I have a wish to travel the world with the strongest Highlander on the surface without mileage anxiety and with guaranteed safety;

I have a wish, to have an unmanned Senna, in addition to picking me up and down to work, I can also automatically take orders to pay off the car loan at other times;

I have a wish to own a Mirai that only spits water and does not exhaust gas, and contributes a small force to a clean, green and diverse future.

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