
Australia: Lunar soil belongs to all mankind, not to China! The domineering response of netizens is too relieving!

author:Astral Insight

Australian scholars openly declared: "The lunar soil belongs to all mankind, not to China, and the Chinese must hand over the lunar soil!" As soon as this remark came out, Chinese netizens issued a sharp reply with lightning speed, which detonated the discussion boom on social media.

Australia: Lunar soil belongs to all mankind, not to China! The domineering response of netizens is too relieving!

China's hard work and outstanding achievements in the field of aerospace are beyond doubt. From the Shenzhou series to the Chang'e lunar exploration, every step has condensed the hard work and sweat of countless Chinese scientists. When these achievements are confronted with unfair international voices, the Chinese public has reacted violently to understand. They are not only defending their own achievements, but also protecting the interests and dignity of the country.

Australia: Lunar soil belongs to all mankind, not to China! The domineering response of netizens is too relieving!

In the face of international pressure, China's response was firm and clear: it was willing to share the fruits with other countries on the basis of equality and mutual benefit, but would never accept any unfair demands. This position reflects China's posture as a responsible major country, and at the same time demonstrates its resolute defense of independent scientific and technological achievements. As China's position on the global stage of science and technology grows, so does its voice in international policy.

Australia: Lunar soil belongs to all mankind, not to China! The domineering response of netizens is too relieving!

The Chang'e-6 probe, a brave little machine that stepped alone on the far side of the moon, not only successfully landed, but also brought back samples of lunar soil that would make scientists jump with excitement. This feat begs the thought: if the moon is indeed home to ghosts, they must now be looking for a place to complain about "home breaks".

Australia: Lunar soil belongs to all mankind, not to China! The domineering response of netizens is too relieving!

Each of these hard-won lunar soil samples, each containing a wealth of scientific data, is waiting for the wise men on Earth to find out. Scientists may discover that the lunar soil hides the DNA of extraterrestrial creatures, or the secrets of the universe from hundreds of millions of years ago. Of course, it is more likely that the lunar soil is actually an ordinary stone, but in a more remote location.

Australia: Lunar soil belongs to all mankind, not to China! The domineering response of netizens is too relieving!

With the success of Chang'e-6, the international debate about lunar resources has heated up again. Some countries have proposed that lunar soil samples should be shared openly because "the moon belongs to all mankind". It may sound like a righteous statement, but in fact it is reminiscent of the old saying: "There are many fathers who succeed, and orphans who fail." These "relatives", who suddenly showed a keen interest in lunar soil, did not appear to have been involved in any assistance during the launch of Chang'e-6.

Australia: Lunar soil belongs to all mankind, not to China! The domineering response of netizens is too relieving!

Humorously, for this kind of request, Chinese netizens have been prepared with full ammunition to reply. They humorously asked, "If the Moon belongs to all mankind, then whose Mars belongs to?" This witty reply not only demonstrates the sense of humor of Chinese netizens, but also reflects their pride in the country's achievements and sense of protection.

Australia: Lunar soil belongs to all mankind, not to China! The domineering response of netizens is too relieving!

With the arrival of the Chang'e-6 sample, scientists are busy conducting various analyses and studies in the hope of unearthing more secrets about the moon from these mysterious outer space materials. This is not only a great advance for science, but also a great satisfaction for human curiosity. Who knows? Perhaps the next great scientific discovery will be hidden in these particles that are ignored by the Earth's gravity.

Australia: Lunar soil belongs to all mankind, not to China! The domineering response of netizens is too relieving!

The journey of China's aerospace industry can be described as a phoenix nirvana, from the wind and rain to the sea of stars, after countless criticisms and doubts, and finally shine on the world aerospace stage. From the early stage of technological backwardness to today's innovation frontier, China's aerospace industry is unfolding like an epic, and each milestone is a powerful riposte to the disdain of the past.

Australia: Lunar soil belongs to all mankind, not to China! The domineering response of netizens is too relieving!

I especially remember that in those years, when international counterparts were still sneering at China's aerospace dream, Chinese scientists never gave up, they studied day and night, fearless of difficulties, and insisted on independent innovation. When the Dongfanghong-1 satellite was successfully launched, showing the world China's space potential, those once ridicules gradually turned into amazement. This moment marks that China is no longer just a spectator of space, but has become a participant and a competitor.

Australia: Lunar soil belongs to all mankind, not to China! The domineering response of netizens is too relieving!

Time is the best proven. From the manned space project to the lunar exploration project, every successful launch and landing is a demonstration of China's aerospace self-confidence. Chinese astronauts not only walk in space, but also work with international astronauts on the International Space Station, demonstrating China's maturity and professionalism in this field. These achievements are not only a triumph of technology, but also a triumph of national will and collective wisdom.

Australia: Lunar soil belongs to all mankind, not to China! The domineering response of netizens is too relieving!

Now, with the continuous breakthrough and development of China's space technology, the attitude of the international community is gradually changing. What was once a skeptic is now a follower of learning, and more countries are seeking cooperation and exchanges with China, hoping to share China's rich experience in space technology. The success of China's space industry has, to a certain extent, changed the global space landscape.

Australia: Lunar soil belongs to all mankind, not to China! The domineering response of netizens is too relieving!

Behind all this is the indomitable spirit and continuous efforts of the Chinese. This spirit is not only embodied in aerospace, but also a symbol of national progress. With the success of China's aerospace industry again and again, the world has begun to redefine the meaning of "Made in China", which is no longer synonymous with low cost, but a representative of innovation and high technology.

Australia: Lunar soil belongs to all mankind, not to China! The domineering response of netizens is too relieving!

In the future, China's aerospace industry will continue to move forward and explore the mysteries of the universe farther.

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