
The Guanzhuang community of the avant-garde street carried out a series of activities of "Seven Ones".

author:Kunming Xishan released

Recalling the past beacon years, and celebrating the prosperity of the present dynasty. In order to solemnly celebrate the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, review the glorious history of the party, eulogize the great achievements of the party, further enhance the cohesion and combat effectiveness of the party organization, give play to the leading role of party building and joint construction, and at the same time enhance the sense of honor and mission of party members in the jurisdiction, guide the majority of party members to love and support the party more, and stimulate the patriotism and love of the party belief of the majority of party members and cadres, on June 26, 2024, Guanzhuang Community joined the Qianwei Street Party Working Committee, office, party building joint units, co-resident units and "service to the community" Party members, all party members and cadres in the community, residents and friends gathered together to carry out a series of activities of "Red Heart to the Party to Welcome July 1st, Don't Forget the Original Intention to Write a New Chapter" July 1st Party Founding Day.

The Guanzhuang community of the avant-garde street carried out a series of activities of "Seven Ones".

Revisit the oath of joining the party once and always keep the original mission

Under the leadership of Comrade Chen Yongxian of the community party committee, all party members and cadres raised their right hands under the bright red party flag, solemnly swore an oath, recalled the original intention of joining the party, and demonstrated the political nature of the communists to adhere to the original mission with a solemn oath.

The Guanzhuang community of the avant-garde street carried out a series of activities of "Seven Ones".

Organize a theatrical performance and carve an ode to the party

Sing a mountain song to the party, the red star song, and the eternal faith...... The loud red songs, beautiful dances, and sonorous recitations express their loyalty and love for the party, praise the great achievements of the party, bring everyone back to the revolutionary era, feel the soul of the tenacious and unyielding nation, and take everyone back to the eventful years.

The Guanzhuang community of the avant-garde street carried out a series of activities of "Seven Ones".

Commend a group of advanced, and the torch will be passed on forever

Commemorative medals were issued to veteran party members in the 50th anniversary of the party, and medals and honorary certificates were issued to advanced collectives and individuals such as "advanced units", "advanced party branches" and "outstanding party members". Encourage advanced collectives and outstanding individuals to cherish honor, make persistent efforts, and make new contributions.

Carry out a volunteer service activity to do practical things for the masses

Integrate the resources of the jurisdiction and carry out convenient and beneficial services. Combei Dental Co., Postal Savings Bank, Preh Ophthalmology and other caring units carried out ophthalmology and oral free clinics for residents on the spot, and carried out anti-telecom fraud, illegal fund-raising and other legal popularization publicity, practicing the original intention of serving the people.

Organize an intangible cultural heritage show to continue the historical context

They use the dream of embroidery to achieve the business card of the official village; They keep up with the trend of the times and show different intangible cultural heritage with dancing, so that the "charm of intangible cultural heritage" continues to heat up in the dance.

The Guanzhuang community of the avant-garde street carried out a series of activities of "Seven Ones".

Sharing a piece of cake, we celebrate the party's birthday

The red cake was used to celebrate the red birthday, and a special blessing ceremony was held for the "birthday celebration for the party", where children, residents and friends gathered around the birthday cake and sang the song "Today is Your Birthday, My Motherland" to send the most sincere blessings to our great party. Finally, the leader distributed the cake to all the friends present to share this sweet moment.

Organize a condolence and pass on red care

At the end of the activity, the old party members, old cadres, and party members in difficulty in the jurisdiction were condoled and visited, and holiday greetings and blessings were expressed to them, and the care and warmth of the organization were sent to them.

The Guanzhuang community of the avant-garde street carried out a series of activities of "Seven Ones".

The party and the masses jointly build vitality, and the highlights are full of highlights to welcome "July 1st"

Through the development of the "Seven Ones" series of party building activities, the feelings of the people of Guanzhuang who love the motherland and the party have been expressed, the noble, beautiful and positive demeanor of the residents of Guanzhuang has been demonstrated, and their heartfelt voices have been expressed to the party and the motherland. At the same time, we call on all our party members, cadres and residents to "not forget the original intention, work hard" and work hard to build a happy Guanzhuang.

The Guanzhuang community of the avant-garde street carried out a series of activities of "Seven Ones".

Kunming Xishan released

Source: Avant-garde streets

Editor: Zhang Man, Liu Yihan

Editor: Hu Tao, Yan Yijing

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