
Focusing on safety production and strengthening the sense of responsibility------ Changhai Brigade carried out a series of activities of "Safety Production Month".

author:Dalian Fire Fighting

June this year is the 23rd National Safety Production Month, in order to strengthen the popularization of science that the whole people should know, improve the ability of self-help and mutual assistance, and build a solid line of defense for safe production. Recently, the Changhai Brigade has diversified a series of activities for safety production month.

Work Safety Consultation Day

Focusing on safety production and strengthening the sense of responsibility------ Changhai Brigade carried out a series of activities of "Safety Production Month".

At the event site, the brigade carried out extensive publicity to residents on the common sense of safety production and emergency self-rescue and mutual rescue methods in combination with the actual situation of their respective industries, and provided on-site consulting services. The county safety committee office and the United Nations Network Changhai County Power Supply Company held the second session of the "Safety Production Knowledge Prize Quiz" activity, attracting residents to actively participate in the answering activities with exquisite prizes and safety knowledge close to daily life, learning safety knowledge, and improving safety emergency response capabilities.

Focusing on safety production and strengthening the sense of responsibility------ Changhai Brigade carried out a series of activities of "Safety Production Month".
Focusing on safety production and strengthening the sense of responsibility------ Changhai Brigade carried out a series of activities of "Safety Production Month".

In this activity, more than 4,000 books on various safety production knowledge, more than 5,000 leaflets, and more than 2,000 publicity materials such as publicity bags and folding fans were distributed, which further enhanced the safety awareness of the majority of residents, improved the ability to avoid emergencies, and created a strong safety atmosphere with the participation of the whole society.

Carry out inspections

Focusing on safety production and strengthening the sense of responsibility------ Changhai Brigade carried out a series of activities of "Safety Production Month".

The brigade took the "Safety Production Month" activity as an opportunity to enter nine small places in the jurisdiction to set off a new round of summer fire investigation work.

During the period, the inspectors of the brigade went deep into the "nine small places" such as small shops and small restaurants, and carried out "carpet" surveys and rows on whether the safety evacuation channels in the "nine small places" are unblocked, whether the fire-fighting equipment and facilities are complete, whether there is a "three-in-one" phenomenon, and whether the electrical lines are privately connected and aging. And put forward rectification opinions on the inspection of the problem site, requiring it to rectify in place within a time limit, check and plug fire safety loopholes, and ensure that fire safety work is foolproof.

Focusing on safety production and strengthening the sense of responsibility------ Changhai Brigade carried out a series of activities of "Safety Production Month".
Focusing on safety production and strengthening the sense of responsibility------ Changhai Brigade carried out a series of activities of "Safety Production Month".

- Safety Production Month -

Focusing on safety production and strengthening the sense of responsibility------ Changhai Brigade carried out a series of activities of "Safety Production Month".

Drill activities

Focusing on safety production and strengthening the sense of responsibility------ Changhai Brigade carried out a series of activities of "Safety Production Month".

The Office of Changhai County Safety Production Committee organized a number of units such as public security, health, fire protection, emergency response, meteorology, ecological environment, and Dachangshan Island Town to carry out the "2024 Changhai Hazardous Chemical Leakage and Fire Accident Comprehensive Drill" at the Dachangshan Oil Depot, and relevant leaders of Changhai County People's Government and PetroChina Liaoning Dalian Sales Branch attended the drill.

Focusing on safety production and strengthening the sense of responsibility------ Changhai Brigade carried out a series of activities of "Safety Production Month".
Focusing on safety production and strengthening the sense of responsibility------ Changhai Brigade carried out a series of activities of "Safety Production Month".
Focusing on safety production and strengthening the sense of responsibility------ Changhai Brigade carried out a series of activities of "Safety Production Month".
Focusing on safety production and strengthening the sense of responsibility------ Changhai Brigade carried out a series of activities of "Safety Production Month".

The whole exercise closely followed the actual combat requirements, and simulated the emergency scenario of leakage of the valve flange of the TG-02# gasoline tank at the Dachangshan Oil Depot, which caused a fire. After discovering that the flange of the outlet valve of the TG-02 tank was leaking and accompanied by the oil fire, the staff of the oil depot immediately activated the "Emergency Plan for Oil Leakage and Fire Accident", launched the self-rescue action of the enterprise, and sent a rescue request to the relevant departments as soon as possible. After receiving the report, the county emergency bureau immediately coordinated all units to set up an emergency command center, start the plan, carry out emergency rescue, public security, fire protection, health and other departments in accordance with the unified deployment, rapid response, each performing its own duties, decisive measures, scientific and effective completion of the emergency rescue tasks.

In the next step, the brigade will adopt more popular and diverse forms of publicity, continue to promote normalized publicity and education, and strive to create a strong social atmosphere of "everyone stresses safety and everyone will respond to emergencies".

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