
New energy vehicles, insurance "assassins"


"Why is it so difficult to buy insurance, I already knew not to buy new energy."

This is a friend who recently complained to me that he felt stabbed in the back by new energy when he renewed his policy in the third year, and three insurance companies gave three outrageous offers.

In addition to buying insurance in the store in the first year with 5,000 yuan, his premium for the second year without insurance was regularly reduced to less than 3,000 yuan, but after two insurances last year, the offer given by the insurance company this year was ridiculously expensive.

Only the commercial insurance part, Taiping Insurance gave a quotation of 3,800 yuan, Ping An quoted 6,100 yuan, and Sunshine Auto Insurance was quoted to 8,000 yuan.

New energy vehicles, insurance "assassins"

In the face of such a situation, I can only persuade him to ask more, don't worry, maybe only these few are expensive, but he told me that when he was informing other insurance companies, he was also denied insurance.

Facing the problem of new energy being difficult to get into danger, my friend is not alone. Recently, there have been news reports that a new energy vehicle owner was denied insurance by the insurance company when renewing the insurance, saying that his excessive mileage was judged to be suspected of engaging in business services.

The owner said that he was just a business person who needed to maintain the market, and he drove 25,000 kilometers a year, and there were not so many problems with driving fuel vehicles before.

Searching on the Internet, we can find that in the past two years, there have been more and more problems about the insurance of new energy vehicles, and it has almost become a livelihood issue.

Insurance companies have bitter words

After consulting with an industry insider who is engaged in car insurance training, we found that the problem is not so simple, and the insurance company seems to bear a larger loss.

First of all, let's explain the business logic of the insurance company, the insurance company will quantify a benchmark premium according to a number of indicators of a model, and then according to the use of the car owner, including age, mileage, insurance and other aspects to get a commercial insurance rate, there is a special system in each insurance company, even the salesman is difficult to understand its calculation formula.

At the same time, each model will have a loss ratio, that is, the proportion of the premium charged and the insurance claim, the lower the general loss ratio, the lower the model premium will be more favorable, and the insurance company constantly adjusts the fee in order to keep the loss ratio within 100%.

However, the actual situation is that the loss ratio of new energy vehicle insurance in the entire insurance industry has exceeded 85%, and every new energy vehicle insurance sold is increasing losses.

New energy vehicles, insurance "assassins"

In order to understand the complexity behind it more intuitively, the above-mentioned industry insiders also gave a very representative example, this year's popular XiaomiSU7, the premium for the first year is more than 7000 yuan, which is already the price set by the insurance company after doing a survey, but it still failed to hold the bottom.

One month after the launch of the Xiaomi SU7The accident rate is as high as 20%, and the cost of repairing the car is particularly expensive, because it can only be repaired at the Xiaomi after-sales office, and all the damage assessment is done by Xiaomi officially, and the insurance company can only compensate according to the order.

According to statistics, in 2023, the accident rate of new energy vehicles will be 30%, much higher than the 19% accident rate of fuel vehicles.

In this reality, insurance companies are also taking greater risks, for example, in the first quarter of 2024 development report of Chinese Life, it was mentioned that the comprehensive cost ratio of motor insurance affected by claims has increased compared with the same period last year.

According to the unaudited financial performance report for the first quarter of 2024 released by Cheche Technology, another new auto insurance company, Cheche Technology, a net operating income of 787 million yuan in the first quarter of this year, a year-on-year increase of 1.0%; Adjusted net loss was $12.2 million.

New energy vehicles, insurance "assassins"

The loss of new energy vehicle insurance is already a well-known thing in major insurance companies, and because of the difficulty of profitability, insurance companies have also made internal adjustments, first of all, the commission of the salesman, the commission of the new energy vehicle insurance business is lower than the proportion of traditional fuel vehicles, and a single commission may be less than 100 yuan.

Under such influence, insurance business personnel began to operate various operations, such as the need to purchase additional types of insurance, increase the amount of premiums, etc., to ensure the income of each policy.

It can be said that the explosive growth of new energy vehicles has broken down the traditional auto insurance business model, and the auto insurance industry is also exploring new models with China's auto industry.

New energy that can't be repaired

The essential problem with car insurance being so difficult to buy is that the loss ratio remains high, and the factors that affect the loss ratio are nothing more than the amount of compensation and the amount of premiums.

The amount of premiums mentioned above is mainly an expectation based on various calculations, but it cannot objectively reflect reality.

In addition to the premium amount, what remains is the compensation amount. According to incomplete statistics, the average compensation amount of new energy vehicles in 2023 will be 7,201 yuan, which has been rising in the past two years.

In the traditional automobile industry, the car wearing parts have a complete supply chain system, from the original parts to the analogues, and then to the third-party parts, and the maintenance in addition to the 4S shop there are a variety of regular repair shops.

But to new energy vehicles, these traditional models have become no longer suitable, first of all, accessories, car companies have their own supply chain system, and with the different parts of the product batch are also adjusting, the impact of the Internet mode makes the accessories not so easy to obtain, especially the improvement of vehicle electronic electrification, auto parts urgently need a Huaqiangbei of their own.

New energy vehicles, insurance "assassins"

In addition, in order to pursue efficiency, new energy vehicles use the integrated stamping type in the body structure, which is quite unfriendly for maintenance, and the integration of the body mechanism brings that once there is deformation, the car body needs to be cut, resulting in a sharp increase in maintenance labor and material costs.

In particular, 4S shops even recommend replacing the entire car body for this kind of problem, which is very different from traditional fuel vehicles.

In addition, because new energy vehicles use 400V or 800V high-voltage platform, the qualification requirements for maintenance personnel are more stringent, and electrician certificate or new energy vehicle maintenance certificate is required to work, and it is understood that the investment in the maintenance station of a new energy vehicle is about 200,000 yuan, which is not conducive to the third-party maintenance plant to join, and the most important thing is that the car company does not recognize the operation of the third-party maintenance plant, and it is easy not to be covered by the warranty if you are not careful.

Moreover, due to the high degree of integration of new energy vehicles, diagnosis and analysis rely on professional computers and software, car companies do not open source maintenance software, and third-party repair shops are also difficult to engage in repair work.

New energy vehicles, insurance "assassins"

In this way, new energy vehicles can only be returned to the 4S shop for repair, but because of the price war and market competition factors, it is difficult for dealers to make money by selling cars, which leads to the cost of official maintenance is much higher than the actual value, and even heard a new energy vehicle owner complain, 100,000 yuan of car shop maintenance to more than 1,000 yuan and the same as grabbing money.

Of course, the most serious is that there are few maintenance points, mainly concentrated in the new power brand, the rapid expansion of the new force is often the sales network forward, but the delivery of the maintenance center can not keep up with the current situation.

The insurance salesman also said that if a model does not have a local maintenance outlet, it will generally choose to refuse to issue an insurance policy, and the cost of cross-city maintenance is much greater than that of local maintenance.

There are only marketing outlets, and there are no after-sales outlets, and the status quo is still widespread in the current new power brands, and once the car is to be repaired, the owner may regret it, and even cause problems such as rights protection disputes.

New energy vehicles, insurance "assassins"

It can be said that in addition to the rapid development of new energy production and sales, the entire new energy vehicle aftermarket is still moving forward slowly, far from keeping up, the problem is that our new energy subsidies are only at the front end, and the back-end market has not received new energy subsidies.

The good news is that my friend found out that BYD's official insurance business has been launched locally, and after the online quotation, it is a few hundred yuan cheaper than the cheapest 3,800 yuan, so it is not surprising that he may choose BYD's insurance.

It can be said that BYD's business logic has indeed gone to the forefront of other car companies, realizing the closed loop of new energy vehicles from sales-maintenance-repair, on the one hand, it has brought stable income to dealers, and on the other hand, through its big data platform, it can derive better premium probability calculations and discounts to car owners.

New energy vehicles, insurance "assassins"

The most important thing is that with these maintenance data analysis, BYD can optimize manufacturing, optimize the processing and manufacturing of wearing parts, improve the ease of maintenance, and reduce maintenance costs.

It seems that BYD is coming to grab the insurance company's job, but the result may be that BYD has improved the competitiveness of its products from other aspects.

At the same time, it also inspires the aftermarket of new energy vehicles, and cooperation with car companies may be an important part of the new energy industry chain in the future, and the interests of car companies, maintenance plants, and insurance companies are also common. From the perspective of insurance, the development of the new energy vehicle industry still has a long way to go.

Note: Part of the picture comes from the Internet, if there is any infringement, contact to delete.


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