
Looking back on the 100-year history of the film and imagining the glorious development of the country

author:Abundant spring and autumn

Looking back at the 100-year history of film

Imagine the glorious development of the country

Written by Li Fang

On the morning of June 16, the retired second and tenth party branches of Beijing Forestry University organized some old party members to lead the students of the "Sunshine Excellent Materials" project of the College of Humanities and the College of Forestry to visit the China Film Museum together to understand the development history of Chinese film culture, feel the charm of film technology and art, and receive patriotic education again.

Looking back on the 100-year history of the film and imagining the glorious development of the country

(China Film Museum)

According to relevant information, the China Film Museum is a large-scale public cultural facility approved by the State Council and jointly built by the former State Administration of Radio, Film and Television and the Beijing Municipal People's Government.

Looking back on the 100-year history of the film and imagining the glorious development of the country

(Come to the Temple of Film Art)

The China Film Museum is not only an art palace that displays the history of Chinese film development, exposes film science and technology, disseminates film culture and art, and conducts film academic research and exchanges. It is also a national patriotism education demonstration base, a youth film cultural activity base and a popular science education base.

The China Film Museum is divided into four floors and has 20 exhibition halls. The first floor is the theme exhibition hall and round hall of the new era, and the second to fourth floors are the exhibition of "Centennial History, Century Glory". The entire exhibition hall uses a large number of images, pictures, texts, equipment, objects, scenes and other materials to comprehensively and systematically display the development process of Chinese films in the past century, show the creation of films in different historical periods and social stages, and the important artistic achievements of film artists and film workers, and reveal the process and mystery of film production.

Among the 20 permanent exhibition halls, 1~10 exhibition halls are film art exhibition halls, which mainly display the centennial history of Chinese films and the artistic achievements of film artists; Exhibition halls 11~20 are the film technology exhibition area, which mainly displays film production technology and film knowledge, and reveals the mystery of film production.

Looking back on the 100-year history of the film and imagining the glorious development of the country

(Fantastic rotunda)

China Film Museum, the scale is large, the architectural style is unique, the shape of the exhibition hall is unique, especially the round screen of the round hall, the design is novel, unique, constantly scrolling to play a variety of video materials, the whole round hall light and shadow flickering, brilliance. Stepping into the rotunda, it is as if people are in a colorful dream situation, immersed in the colorful world of light and shadow.

People are no strangers to movies, but they lack in-depth study and research on the scientific knowledge related to movies. During the visit to the Expo Film Museum, people have a preliminary understanding of the development history of films, the filming, editing, art, dubbing, soundtrack, stunts, printing and other production processes.

Cinema is the art of light and shadow. It uses light to project images from film onto the screen, creating a virtual "real" world. The vivid artistic images that people see on the screen are created by light and shadow.

The birth and advent of film is the crystallization of the progress of human civilization and the development of modern science and technology. From the initial understanding of the relationship between light and shadow by ancient human beings, to the continuous image in painting art, from the marquee and shadow puppet play that originated in the mainland folk in the 10th ~ 16th centuries, to the picture installations of various performance activities that were popular in Europe afterwards, and the long history of film development, it is not difficult for us to see the germination and prototype of film.

The invention of cinema is inseparable from the development of modern science and technology. The Western Industrial Revolution brought electricity and new lighting to humanity. Since the 19th century, the advent of photography, the invention of film, and the progress of machinery and equipment have provided indispensable conditions for the invention and creation of films.

From the birth of film to the introduction of film to China, it has gone through a long historical process.

In 1896, after the introduction of film to China, a large number of people of insight paid great attention to this new art form and cultural industry, and began to try it. In 1905, the mainland filmed and produced the first domestic film "Dingjun Mountain" on its own, which opened the prelude to Chinese film creation.

Looking back on the 100-year history of the film and imagining the glorious development of the country

(Please see this one)

From the visit, we further learned that the early film pioneers in the mainland tried various major film genres such as opera documentaries, feature films, news documentaries, science and education films, and art films. By the end of the 20s, China's film production industry had a certain amount of creative production capacity. In 1930, China began to produce sound films on a trial basis, and gradually entered the era of sound films.

From the 30s to the end of the 40s of the 20th century, Chinese society experienced a series of major historical events, such as the domestic revolutionary war, the War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression and the War of Liberation. In this historical stage, the Chinese film industry has gone through left-wing progressive films, anti-Japanese war films and post-war progressive films, established the development process of the people's film industry, and struggled to find its own unique film development path in the smoke of war. He has created a large number of well-known excellent film works such as "Tunnel Warfare", "Mine Warfare", "Railway Guerrillas", "Crossing the River Reconnaissance", "Advancing to Dabie Mountain", "Towering Kunlun Mountain", "The Great Battle" and so on.

These excellent films, especially red films, are the memory of the times and interpret the spirit of the times. These excellent films, in an art form that the people like to see, restore the history of the Chinese Revolutionary War, witness that special historical stage and the changes of the times, praise the heroic and fearless dedication of the revolutionary martyrs, highlight the noble qualities of the Chinese revolutionary soldiers, arouse the people's memories of the revolutionary years, and let generation after generation of Chinese people receive revolutionary traditional education and patriotism education.

Film is an important carrier of propaganda, ideological and cultural work, and excellent film art, as a superstructure, can better serve the economic foundation. Film art, especially red films with revolutionary themes, has a strong political, ideological, artistic, and educational nature, which can carry forward the main theme and revolutionary spirit, disseminate advanced socialist culture, meet people's spiritual needs, enrich people's cultural life, and inspire and motivate the people to strive for the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

Whether it is in the period of the democratic revolution or in the various historical periods of socialist revolution and construction, the excellent films created can vigorously carry forward the excellent traditional Chinese culture, and bring forth the new and let a hundred flowers bloom, so that Chinese films can learn from others' strengths, achieve gratifying development, and build an unprecedented glory of Chinese films.

Looking back on the 100-year history of the film and imagining the glorious development of the country

(New China's first film)

After the founding of the People's Republic of China, the first feature film of New China, "The Bridge", was produced and distributed by the Northeast Film Studio, and since then Chinese films have entered a new era and become an important part of the socialist cultural undertaking.

Over the past 70 years since the founding of the People's Republic of China, especially since the reform and opening up, under the leadership of the party, the vast number of film artists and film workers have kept up with the pace of the times, worked hard to explore and innovate, adopted new science and technology, and created a large number of excellent films with rich themes, diverse film types, strong national style and strong characteristics of the times, reflecting the happy life of the people, sketching a vivid picture of the times, and writing a brilliant chapter in the history of Chinese film.

Looking back on the 100-year history of the film and imagining the glorious development of the country

(Walk into the exhibition hall)

Towards noon, the tour ended, and the teachers and students reluctantly left the museum. On the way home, everyone was full of excitement and emotion, reminiscing about the wonderful pictures and vivid scenes. Back at school, some old comrades made small videos with photos and forwarded them in relevant groups. Some veteran party members improvised poems to express their feelings for Chinese films. Some students wrote short essays about their impressions and experiences. One student said, "When I stepped into the film museum, it was like entering the fantasy world of film. Every old photograph and every classic film makes my heart surging and exciting, so that I have received a profound patriotic education and feel the power and charm of film art." Another student said, "Chinese films, from the earliest silent black-and-white films to sound color films, from early film films to modern digital films, each one is a witness to history." I have seen the development of film art and film technology, and appreciated the richness and depth of Chinese film culture. A large number of classic works, vivid artistic images, realistic prop scenes, and artistic pictures seem to have brought me to various historical eras."

The teachers and students not only learned about the development process of Chinese films, appreciated the great achievements of film artists, but also felt the power and charm of film art, were deeply influenced by film art, and received patriotic education again.

(Beijing, June 20, 2024)

Looking back on the 100-year history of the film and imagining the glorious development of the country

About author:Li Fang, male, born in May 1951, is from Gulang County, Gansu Province. In September 1975, he entered Yunnan Forestry College (formerly Beijing Forestry College moved to Yunnan) and graduated in July 1978 to teach. Associate professor of Beijing Forestry University, lifelong engaged in forestry higher education and party affairs. He retired in June 2011. In his spare time, he reads and writes, and occasionally publishes articles in the media.

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