
In the 1979 self-defense counterattack against Vietnam, only two countries supported China at that time, which two?

author:Pillow Lever

In 1979, Vietnam fought back in self-defense, which attracted global attention and controversy. Surprisingly, in the international situation at that time, most countries in the world chose to oppose or remain neutral. However, in this conflict, there are two countries that openly support China.

Which two countries are supporting China at this critical juncture? Why did they make this choice?

In the 1979 self-defense counterattack against Vietnam, only two countries supported China at that time, which two?

1. Background to the deterioration of Sino-Vietnamese relations

This decision was made against the backdrop of a sharp deterioration in Sino-Vietnamese relations. Since the end of the 70s of the 20th century, Vietnam, with the support of the Soviet Union, has gradually taken hostile actions against China, constantly creating conflicts on the Sino-Vietnamese border. After the unification of the whole country, Vietnam's ambitions began to swell, not only to carry out a large-scale military expansion at home, but also to expand its power externally, trying to control other countries in Indochina.

While expelling overseas Chinese and persecuting ethnic Chinese, Vietnam has also continuously sent troops to invade China's borders in an attempt to seize China's territory. In the face of these provocations, the Chinese government initially resorted to forbearance and diplomacy, hoping for a negotiated solution. However, Vietnam's provocative behavior has not only not been reined in, but has intensified, even openly provoking China's national sovereignty.

At the same time, Vietnam also signed the "Soviet-Vietnamese Treaty of Friendship and Cooperation" with the Soviet Union, which further strengthened its military cooperation with the Soviet Union, and the Soviet Union, with the support of Vietnam, constantly put pressure on China in an attempt to establish a Vietnam-centered sphere of influence in Southeast Asia.

In the 1979 self-defense counterattack against Vietnam, only two countries supported China at that time, which two?

In this case, China had to think about how to effectively respond to Vietnam's provocations. At the end of 1978, after many meetings and discussions, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the State Council finally decided to launch a self-defense counterattack against Vietnam in order to defend national sovereignty and territorial integrity.

On February 17, 1979, China's self-defense counterattack against Vietnam officially began, and the Chinese People's Liberation Army quickly crossed the Sino-Vietnamese border and launched a large-scale military operation against Vietnam. In just one month, the Chinese army achieved several victories in the northern region of Vietnam, destroying Vietnamese military facilities and transportation hubs, and effectively striking a blow to Vietnam's military power.

In the 1979 self-defense counterattack against Vietnam, only two countries supported China at that time, which two?

2. The DPRK firmly supports China

After China decided to launch a self-defense counterattack against Vietnam, North Korea became the first country to openly support China. DPRK leader Kim Il-sung made it clear that Vietnam's expansionist policy threatens regional peace and stability, and that the DPRK supports China's just move. The DPRK and China have deep historical ties, and the friendship between the two countries can be traced back to the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea.

In 1950, the Korean War broke out. In order to prevent the United States from further expanding its power, China decided to send troops to aid North Korea. The Chinese People's Volunteers crossed the Yalu River and fought side by side with the Korean people. The Chinese army fought valiantly on the Korean battlefield, shattering the illusion of the US military of "quick victory".

Under difficult conditions, the Chinese Volunteers won many key victories with their stubborn will and excellent strategy and tactics. In the famous Battle of Changjin Lake, the Chinese army fought fiercely with the well-equipped American army in extremely cold conditions, and finally forced the American army to retreat. The heroic performance of the volunteers not only defended the independence of North Korea, but also raised China's status in the international community.

In the 1979 self-defense counterattack against Vietnam, only two countries supported China at that time, which two?

After the end of the war, China's assistance to the DPRK did not stop. The Korean War brought great devastation to North Korea, and China gave a lot of support to the reconstruction of Korea after the war. China has not only provided economic assistance, but also sent experts to help North Korea rebuild its infrastructure and resume production.

The cooperation between China and the DPRK covers many fields, from industrial construction to agricultural production, from education and medical care to cultural exchanges, and the two sides have established a deep friendship. This kind of long-term cooperation and support has enabled China and the DPRK to support each other in international affairs and have a very close relationship.

Kim Il Sung's statement is not only diplomatic support for China, but also moral solidarity with China. The DPRK's support has played a positive role in China's efforts to gain more understanding and support in the international community.

In the 1979 self-defense counterattack against Vietnam, only two countries supported China at that time, which two?

North Korea's support is not just rhetoric, but also reflects the deep friendship between the two countries in deeds. In March 1979, the DPRK provided a batch of military material assistance to China to help China achieve greater victory in the war. North Korea's assistance includes weapons and equipment, medical supplies and food, which play an important role in complementing China's troops fighting on the front lines.

The military cooperation between China and the DPRK has once again demonstrated the closeness of the relations between the two countries and the strategic mutual trust. At the same time, there has been a pro-China propaganda campaign in North Korea. The DPRK media widely reported on the justice of China's self-defense counterattack against Vietnam and criticized Vietnam's expansionist policy and aggressive behavior.

The DPRK people have expressed their support for China in various ways, thus enhancing the friendship between the two peoples. In this war, the DPRK Government and people proved their firm support for China with concrete actions and further consolidated the friendship between China and the DPRK.

In the 1979 self-defense counterattack against Vietnam, only two countries supported China at that time, which two?

3. Cambodia's support and help

Cambodia is the second country to openly support China. Cambodia has always had good relations with China. Especially during the period of the Khmer Rouge regime, the relationship between the two countries became even closer. Relations between Vietnam and Cambodia have been tense since the Khmer Rouge regime came to power in Cambodia in 1975.

After the reunification of the whole country, Vietnam's confidence swelled and it began to seek a dominant position in Indochina. This has led to growing tensions between Vietnam and its neighbor Cambodia. Soon after reunification, Vietnam began a series of aggressive actions against Cambodia. In 1978, Vietnam invaded Cambodia on a large scale, overthrowing the Khmer Rouge regime and propping up the pro-Vietnamese regime of Han Samlim to power.

This series of actions not only threatens Cambodia's sovereignty, but also arouses widespread concern and condemnation from the international community. In the face of Vietnamese aggression, the Khmer Rouge regime in Cambodia was forced into exile, and its leader, Pol Pot, turned to external assistance.

In the 1979 self-defense counterattack against Vietnam, only two countries supported China at that time, which two?

Speak out for Cambodia in international forums and condemn Vietnam's aggression. China's support for Cambodia has both historical roots and practical strategic considerations. The two countries have had a tradition of friendly exchanges since ancient times, especially after the founding of New China, and the relations between the two countries have been further deepened.

During the Khmer Rouge regime, China's relations with Cambodia were particularly close. China has not only provided a large amount of material assistance, but also sent technicians and experts to assist Cambodia in infrastructure construction and economic recovery. This deep friendship and cooperative relationship laid the foundation for Cambodia to receive China's full support in the face of Vietnamese aggression.

In February 1979, China launched a self-defense counterattack against Vietnam, and Cambodia immediately expressed its support for China's actions. During its exile, the Khmer Rouge regime expressed its gratitude and support for China through various channels. They publicly condemned Vietnam's aggression in international forums and called on the international community to pay attention to Cambodia's plight.

China's counterattack on Vietnam not only effectively dealt a blow to Vietnam's military strength, but also reduced Vietnam's pressure on Cambodia to a certain extent.

In the 1979 self-defense counterattack against Vietnam, only two countries supported China at that time, which two?

Fourth, the attitudes and reactions of other countries

In this conflict, with the exception of North Korea and Cambodia, which openly support China, most countries have chosen to oppose or remain neutral. The Soviet Union, as the main supporter of Vietnam, immediately condemned China's military actions and mobilized the countries of the socialist camp in Eastern Europe to jointly exert diplomatic pressure on China.

These countries include Cuba, Czechoslovakia, East Germany, Bulgaria, Hungary and Poland, among others. Under the leadership of the Soviet Union, they unanimously condemned China's military action and called for China's immediate withdrawal of troops in order to maintain regional peace and stability. The Soviet Union not only put pressure on China diplomatically, but also gave Vietnam strong support militarily.

The Soviet Union provided Vietnam with a large amount of military equipment and material assistance, which strengthened Vietnam's military power. Using advanced weapons supplied by the Soviet Union, the Vietnamese army engaged in fierce battles with the Chinese army. The Soviet Union also sent military advisers and technicians to assist Vietnam in formulating military strategies and tactics to improve the combat effectiveness of the Vietnamese army.

In the 1979 self-defense counterattack against Vietnam, only two countries supported China at that time, which two?

At the same time, the United States and Western countries, while not explicitly supporting China, are not actively opposed. In the context of the Sino-Soviet Cold War, the United States' attitude toward China is rather complicated. Although China and the United States normalized relations in the late 70s of the 20th century, the United States has reservations about China's self-defense counterattack against Vietnam.

The U.S. government called on both sides to exercise restraint and resolve the dispute through diplomatic means to avoid an escalation of the conflict. U.S. allies Japan, the United Kingdom, France, and other countries have taken a similar stance, emphasizing the importance of resolving issues peacefully. In Southeast Asia, many countries are wary of the Sino-Vietnamese war.

ASEAN countries such as Thailand, Malaysia and Singapore have expressed concern about Vietnam's expansion, but they are also uneasy about China's military actions. These countries are worried that the escalation of the Sino-Vietnamese war will adversely affect regional security and economic development. As a result, most of them have chosen to remain neutral, calling on both sides to resolve their disputes through peaceful negotiations.

In the 1979 self-defense counterattack against Vietnam, only two countries supported China at that time, which two?

India, as a neighbor of China, is also closely watching the Sino-Vietnamese war. Relations between India and China have been tense since a border conflict began in 1962. During the Sino-Vietnamese War, the Indian government publicly expressed its concern for regional peace and called on China and Vietnam to resolve the dispute through dialogue.

The progress of the war was widely reported in the Indian media and its impact on South and Southeast Asia was analyzed. Some countries in the Middle East and Africa also have a more complicated attitude towards the Sino-Vietnamese war. Egypt, Iran, Iraq and other countries remained mostly silent in the early stages of the war, but as the war progressed, they gradually issued statements calling on both sides to exercise restraint in order to maintain regional peace.

African countries, such as Nigeria and Kenya, paid less attention to the Sino-Vietnamese war and paid more attention to their own economic development and internal affairs.

In the 1979 self-defense counterattack against Vietnam, only two countries supported China at that time, which two?

5. The results and impact of the counterattack against Vietnam

China's self-defense counterattack against Vietnam ended with China's announcement of its withdrawal after more than a month. The campaign not only dealt a blow to Vietnam's military power and destroyed its northern industrial facilities and transportation hubs, but also demonstrated to the Soviet Union and the international community China's determination to defend its interests.

The Chinese People's Liberation Army (PLA) has successively captured more than 20 important towns and strategic points in Vietnam in a short period of time, effectively weakening Vietnam's military capabilities. After China announced the withdrawal of its troops, the military standoff between the two sides did not completely end. There are still clashes between China and Vietnam in the border areas, especially in the Lao Son area, where the two sides have engaged in prolonged military standoffs and sporadic exchanges of fire.

During this period, Vietnam continued to try to control the border area through various means, while China took defensive measures to hold its ground and ensure the security and stability of the border. Despite the phased military victory, China did not seek to permanently occupy the territory of Vietnam in the war.

In the 1979 self-defense counterattack against Vietnam, only two countries supported China at that time, which two?

On the contrary, China, in line with the principle of a responsible great power, decided to withdraw its troops from Vietnam after achieving its strategic goals. China's decision is not only to avoid the prolongation and expansion of the war, but also to maintain regional peace and stability. During the withdrawal process, the Chinese government stressed that despite the withdrawal of troops, China still retains the ability and determination to combat Vietnam's renewed provocations.

The conflict between China and Vietnam in the border region lasted for several years, and it was not until 1989 that Vietnam withdrew its troops from Cambodia, and bilateral relations began to gradually ease. In 1991, with the collapse of the Soviet Union and changes in the international situation, China and Vietnam officially resumed diplomatic relations. The leaders of the two countries have exchanged high-level visits on a number of occasions, and bilateral cooperation in the political, economic, and cultural fields has gradually resumed and developed.

The war not only had a profound impact on Sino-Vietnamese relations, but also brought important changes to the geopolitical landscape of Southeast Asia. Vietnam suffered heavy military and economic losses in the war, and its domestic economy struggled for a time. Cambodia, on the other hand, with the support of China, has gradually regained some of its sovereignty and regained its foothold in the international arena.

Vietnam eventually had to withdraw its troops from Cambodia and abandon its plans for expansion into Indochina.



From Cast Works. Hub China in 3000 Revised Edition[M]. 2023

In the 1979 self-defense counterattack against Vietnam, only two countries supported China at that time, which two?

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