
The Japanese section chief took the "wine girl" to abscond to Taiwan with a deficit of 2.45 billion yuan, and was repatriated after completing his sentence and then arrested

author:Sing Tao Chronicle

Shoji Nakazawa, former head of the general affairs department of Japan's Sankyo Co., Ltd., married his Taiwanese wife Lu Meizhi, who was 9 years older than him and accompanied by wine in Japan, and the two of them conspired to secretly fund public funds and then absconded to Taiwan, and after laundering money, they bought real estate, cruise ships, handbags, watches and other fine goods. After the two were arrested, a number of luxury products were auctioned, which was a sensation. After being released from prison in Taiwan on the 26th, Shoji Nakazawa was forcibly repatriated to Japan, and was immediately arrested by the Metropolitan Police Department.

The Japanese section chief took the "wine girl" to abscond to Taiwan with a deficit of 2.45 billion yuan, and was repatriated after completing his sentence and then arrested

Shoki Nakazawa (left), the head of the Japanese company, and his Taiwanese wife Lu Meizhi, who is 9 years older than him and a wine accompanier in Japan, have lost a huge amount of money. China Times News Network

Shoki Nakazawa was involved in emptying nearly 550 million yen from the company's account and then absconded to Taiwan. He first faked a divorce from his Taiwanese wife surnamed Lu, and then jointly used the stolen money to buy a large number of brand-name bags and watches for resale and money laundering, and some of the proceeds of crime were purchased in the name of Lu's sister, a woman surnamed Huang, in the name of a woman.

The two were in a hurry to flee Japan, and three of the watches were too late to pick up, and the boutique could not find anyone, so they notified Sankyo Co., Ltd. and caused Nakazawa to embezzle public funds. The Japanese police sought help from the Taiwan police, and the Kaohsiung High Branch Court sentenced three people, including Nakazawa Xiangji, Lu Nu, and Huang Nu, to prison terms ranging from 2 years and 8 months to 3 years and 8 months for money laundering and other crimes, and announced the confiscation of the proceeds of crime.

The Japanese section chief took the "wine girl" to abscond to Taiwan with a deficit of 2.45 billion yuan, and was repatriated after completing his sentence and then arrested

Nakazawa Xiangji and his Taiwanese wife surnamed Lu absconded to Taiwan and were finally arrested. China Times News Network

Nakazawa was arrested in 2018, and 81 of the confiscated pieces were auctioned in 2022, with the prosecutor of the Kaohsiung District Prosecutor's Office serving as the auctioneer, auctioning Hermès, Chanel, LV, BV, GUCCI, Prada, Loewe and other boutiques, as well as a number of famous watches, attracting people to line up to bid.

The Japanese section chief took the "wine girl" to abscond to Taiwan with a deficit of 2.45 billion yuan, and was repatriated after completing his sentence and then arrested

The million-dollar watch confiscated by the Kaohsiung prosecutor was warmly bid by the public. China Times News Network

Japan's Sankei Shimbun reported that the Metropolitan Police Department's Second Search Division said that Nakazawa, 49, was arrested on charges of stealing 550 million yen of public funds, and it is believed that he hollowed out the company for a total of 2.45 billion yen between June 2009 and January 2014.

In January 2014, Nakazawa wrote four cheques in the name of the company, deposited 550 million yen into a bank account managed by himself, and finally absconded to Taiwan after making a large profit. Nakazawa reportedly remained silent during the investigation. The Second Investigation Division said that Nakazawa worked as an accountant at the company, so he could use his seal to write a check without the president's consent.

Nakazawa absconded to Taiwan in 2014 because the company was subject to a tax investigation, and in 2018, he was arrested and prosecuted by the Taiwan police for violating the money laundering law, and was sentenced to 3 years and 8 months in prison.

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