
Agricultural Bank of China's "e-Loan for Food and Agriculture" "Loan" for Good "Prosperity" for Food and Agriculture


Food security is the "great thing of the country". ABC has always regarded serving food security as an important task of the bank's "three rural" financial services, and has fully supported the rural households in the whole industry chain such as grain planting, purchase, processing, warehousing, sales, purchase and sale of agricultural materials, and agricultural machinery services. Focusing on food and agriculture groups, we strengthened cooperation with government agencies such as the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, innovated special products and services, and jointly launched the "food and agriculture e-loan" financial product.

The "e-loan for food and agriculture" highlights the empowerment of data, increases the loan amount, implements preferential interest rates, and promotes online loans. Focusing on 13 major grain-producing areas and 800 major grain-producing counties, ABC has increased the amount of loans with the "e-loan for grain and agriculture" as the starting point, actively provided efficient and convenient financial services for grain and agriculture, and strongly supported grain and agriculture to stabilize production and increase income.

Agricultural Bank of China Jilin Branch

"This year, I transferred more than 3,000 acres of land, and there was a gap in funds, thanks to the Agricultural Bank of China's 'food and agriculture e-loan', I got the loan in only two days, which is really helpful!" Pang Baoqiang, village secretary of Liujia Village, Sanyuanpu Town, Tonghua, Jilin Province, said excitedly.

Pang Baoqiang plans to add 2,200 acres of land in circulation in 2024 to plant corn, and there will be a funding gap of 500,000 yuan in machinery leasing, labor costs, fertilizer and pesticide production costs. The customer manager of the Sanyuanpu Branch of the Agricultural Bank of Jilin Tonghua learned about this situation during the visit to the village, and on the day Pang Baoqiang signed the land contract agreement, he went to collect information and establish files, and successfully issued the "food and agriculture e-loan" for him the next day, which solved the financial problem.

Agricultural Bank of China's "e-Loan for Food and Agriculture" "Loan" for Good "Prosperity" for Food and Agriculture

▲The account manager of the Sanyuanpu Branch of the Agricultural Bank of Jilin Tonghua and Pang Baoqiang, the village secretary of Liujiacun, inspected the growth of crops on the spot Photo / Ning Mingyang

Agricultural Bank of China Jilin Branch has carried out the "Rural Deep Cultivation Plan" in depth, created a "six-in-one" mechanism to widely publicize the policy of benefiting farmers, and took the "e-loan for food and agriculture" as an important starting point to meet the capital needs of farmers in a timely and effective manner, and injected an inexhaustible stream of financial water into the "100 billion catties of grain" production capacity construction project.

Heilongjiang Branch of Agricultural Bank of China

Mr. Bai, a large grain grower in Zhengfu Village, Niujia Town, Wuchang City, Harbin, Heilongjiang Province, has been engaged in agricultural planting for more than 30 years. Due to the one-time payment of 3,000 acres of contracted land for one year, and the large cost of purchasing seeds, pesticides, fertilizers, and agricultural machinery this year, Mr. Bai has a large funding gap. After learning about the situation, the Wuchang Branch of the Agricultural Bank of Heilongjiang Harbin went to the village to visit the household, and combined with Mr. Bai's business conditions and capital needs, he handled the "food and agriculture e-loan" and issued a loan of 1 million yuan. "I didn't expect it to arrive in 3 days, the loan procedures are simple, the interest rate is low, there is no collateral, no guarantee, with the financial support of the Agricultural Bank of China, I am more confident in farming!" Mr. Bai said gratefully.

Agricultural Bank of China's "e-Loan for Food and Agriculture" "Loan" for Good "Prosperity" for Food and Agriculture

▲The customer manager of the Harbin Wuchang Branch of the Agricultural Bank of China visited the large grain growers Photography / Sun Hengqing

In order to ensure the stable production of agriculture and abundant grain in the "three summers", the Heilongjiang Branch of the Agricultural Bank of China made early deployment, gave full play to the advantages of low interest rate, high quota and fast loan of "food and agriculture e-loan", and did a good job in batch support for the grain industry chain, so as to contribute to the increase of grain production, agricultural efficiency and farmers' income.

Hubei Branch of Agricultural Bank of China

In a green rice field in Yangtan Village, Buhe Township, Gong'an County, Jingzhou City, Hubei Province, villager Xiong Yang is using his newly purchased drone to spray pesticides on his rice field, his face full of joy. However, five days ago, he still had a sad face.

It turned out that Xiong Yang found that some rice seedlings appeared wormholes not long ago, due to the large planting area and scattered damaged seedlings, it is very difficult to rely solely on manual application of pesticides to the rice field, and experts recommend the use of drones to spray pesticides with full coverage. However, a lot of money has been invested in land leasing, seed procurement and sowing in the early stage, and Xiong Yang cannot afford to buy drones.

The secretary of the village party committee of Yangtan Village told Xiong Yang: "It is recommended that you go to the Agricultural Bank of China to apply for a 'food and agriculture e-loan', which has a low interest rate, fast lending, and can be borrowed and repaid at any time, which is very convenient, and several farmers in the village have just applied for it two days ago." Xiong Yang found the Agricultural Bank of Hubei Gong'an Buhe Branch to apply for a loan, the staff came to the door to carry out an investigation on the same day, and on the third day, he applied for a loan of 270,000 yuan through the mobile banking of the Agricultural Bank of China, purchased a drone, and solved the problem of seedling pests.

Agricultural Bank of China's "e-Loan for Food and Agriculture" "Loan" for Good "Prosperity" for Food and Agriculture

▲The staff of the Hubei Public Security Buhe Branch of the Agricultural Bank of China came to carry out field investigations Photography / Cheng Jie

The Hubei Branch of the Agricultural Bank of China has accelerated the promotion and application of the "e-loan for grain and agriculture" product, actively connected with relevant departments of the local government, supported grain planting farmers in batches to stabilize production and increase income, and provided financial services for the implementation of the food security strategy.

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