
is full of lies, and the hypocrisy of the entertainment industry is vividly reflected in Ji Ke Junyi

author:Unheard of the Workshop
is full of lies, and the hypocrisy of the entertainment industry is vividly reflected in Ji Ke Junyi
Please use your golden finger to make a fortune, like and take a walk, get rich forever, pay attention to the like, it is difficult to get rich if you don't want to
is full of lies, and the hypocrisy of the entertainment industry is vividly reflected in Ji Ke Junyi

On the stage of "The Voice of China", a singer from the Yi nationality in Sichuan, Ji Ke Junyi made a stunning appearance. Her melodious singing voice and touching coming-of-age story quickly captured the hearts of the audience.

The four mentors scrambled to turn around, and the audience applauded. Ji Ke Junyi's mother was invited to take the stage, and the mother and daughter sang on the same stage, pushing the atmosphere of the show to a climax.

However, behind this seemingly perfect story of fame, there is an unknown secret. When the spotlight goes out and behind the gorgeous stage, an elaborate scam is unfolding.

Everything that Ji Ke Junyi shows, from her talent to her background, has been carefully packaged. This enviable process of rise is actually full of falsehood and deception.

is full of lies, and the hypocrisy of the entertainment industry is vividly reflected in Ji Ke Junyi

When the truth gradually emerges, the image that Jike Junyi has carefully crafted will be in danger of collapsing.

Jike Junyi's path to fame is not accidental, but the result of a series of carefully orchestrated events. Before becoming the star contestant of "The Voice of China", she was just an unknown bar singer.

The turning point of fate came when she met Liu Shijian, the rich second generation. Liu Shijian was attracted by Ji Ke Junyi's talent and seemingly simple image, and decided to fully support her music career.

Liu Shijian came from a wealthy family and has extensive contacts and abundant resources. He was impressed by Ji Ke Junyi's perseverance and was determined to help the talented singer achieve his dreams.

is full of lies, and the hypocrisy of the entertainment industry is vividly reflected in Ji Ke Junyi

Under the operation of Liu Shijian, Ji Ke Junyi got a valuable opportunity to participate in "The Voice of China".

In the show, Ji Ke Junyi successfully attracted the attention of the four mentors with a moving singing voice. She skillfully used her minority identity and "hard" upbringing to create a strong and talented image.

She claims that she is fluent in English songs because her mother is an English teacher, and this story adds a bit of unique charm to her.

However, behind this seemingly perfect rise story, there is an unknown operation. In fact, Ji Ke Junyi had previously participated in Mango TV's draft competition, but did not achieve significant results.

is full of lies, and the hypocrisy of the entertainment industry is vividly reflected in Ji Ke Junyi

Her success on "The Voice of China" is largely due to the careful arrangement of the program team and Liu Shijian's behind-the-scenes operation.

The success of Jike Junyi has raised a lot of questions. How can a singer with a mediocre performance in other TV talent shows become famous overnight on Blue Channel? This can't help but make people doubt her strength.

However, in the public opinion environment at the time, these doubts were quickly drowned out by warm applause.

This experience fully embodies the unspoken rule of "knowing three things and being three" in the entertainment industry. In order to become famous, Ji Ke Junyi does not hesitate to package himself as a "poor man" to be saved.

is full of lies, and the hypocrisy of the entertainment industry is vividly reflected in Ji Ke Junyi

The rustic image of her and her family, as well as the so-called hard life, are likely to be carefully created illusions.

The rise of Jike Junyi shows the prevalence of false packaging in the entertainment industry. It reminds us that behind the glossy façade, there may be hidden manoeuvres and disinformation.

This phenomenon not only damages the trust of the public, but also has a negative impact on the healthy development of the entire entertainment industry.

With his outstanding performance on "The Voice of China", Ji Ke Junyi quickly became a high-profile new star. Commercial endorsements and performance invitations flew like snowflakes, and her income skyrocketed, easily stepping into the ranks of millionaires.

is full of lies, and the hypocrisy of the entertainment industry is vividly reflected in Ji Ke Junyi

However, behind this seemingly brilliant achievement, it is Liu Shijian's silent dedication as an agent. He takes care of all the tedious things, allowing Ji Ke Junyi to focus on singing and performing.

Fame brings not only wealth, but also the stress and confusion that comes with it. In order to maintain his popularity, Ji Ke Junyi began to frequently appear in various variety shows. She is constantly shaping her personal image and trying to attract more shots.

It is ironic that she has used her skin color as a hype topic, repeatedly mentioning her special skin color, and even claiming that it is the result of a deliberate sun bath, when in fact it is just her natural skin color.

In terms of music creation, Ji Ke Junyi also shows the characteristics of inconsistency between words and deeds. She claims to create her own Chinese-style songs and create a unique style. However, her works are all English lyrics, and it is difficult to find a true oriental charm.

is full of lies, and the hypocrisy of the entertainment industry is vividly reflected in Ji Ke Junyi

This practice has aroused doubts from netizens, who believe that she is just hyping up in the name of "Chinese style".

As his fame grew, Ji Ke Junyi's words and deeds also began to cause controversy. She often presents herself with a tired posture, complaining about the hardships of life as an artist, claiming that she has to endure great pressure and have multiple skills.

However, this behavior seems very contrived in the eyes of netizens. They believe that as a high-income artist, it is natural to put in more effort.

At the same time, Ji Ke Junyi's emotional attitude towards Liu Shijian has also become ambiguous. Although Liu Shijian has paid a lot for her, she doesn't seem to cherish this feeling.

is full of lies, and the hypocrisy of the entertainment industry is vividly reflected in Ji Ke Junyi

She indulges in the benefits of fame, but ignores the people who have always supported her. This behavior fully reflects her hypocrisy and selfishness, and also lays the groundwork for future emotional entanglements.

Over time, Jike's music received a mediocre response, and her attempts to attract attention in other ways have failed. She constantly changes her personal label, as if her entire energy is focused on maintaining her image rather than focusing on making music.

She complained about the difficult market environment and fewer opportunities, but never reflected on whether her music standards had improved.

This series of behaviors exposes Ji Ke Junyi's loss after becoming famous. On the one hand, she wants to enjoy the benefits of fame, but on the other hand, she is unwilling to take the corresponding responsibilities.

is full of lies, and the hypocrisy of the entertainment industry is vividly reflected in Ji Ke Junyi

Her words and deeds are full of contradictions, both wanting to maintain the image of a noble artist, and keen on low-grade hype. This contradiction not only damages her public image, but also makes people question her true strength and professional ethics as an artist.

With the passage of time, the relationship between Ji Ke Junyi and Liu Shijian gradually underwent subtle changes. When Liu Shijian expressed his desire to marry with great expectations, Ji Ke Junyi politely refused on the grounds that he did not want to enter marriage too early.

She claimed to be eager to continue pursuing a life of freedom, a decision that left Liu Shijian confused and hurt. Despite this, Liu Shijian still chooses to respect Ji Ke Junyi's decision and continues to silently support her career development.

However, things didn't end there. After the breakup, Ji Ke Junyi's words and deeds are even more puzzling. She has publicly claimed that she values career development more, suggesting that Liu Shijian has restricted her freedom.

is full of lies, and the hypocrisy of the entertainment industry is vividly reflected in Ji Ke Junyi

This kind of remarks not only hurt Liu Shijian, who has always supported her, but also aroused public doubts. People began to wonder if this once simple and lovely minority singer was just a well-crafted false image.

The truth of the matter soon came to light. Liu Shi couldn't bear it anymore and made public the evidence to prove that the breakup was proposed by Ji Ke Junyi. This move completely punctured the web of lies carefully woven by Ji Ke Junyi.

The innocent and lovely image she had worked so hard to manage collapsed in an instant, and her former supporters changed their attitudes and expressed disappointment and anger at her actions.

What's even more shocking is that even after Liu Shijian got married, Ji Ke Junyi still tried to interfere with his life. She frequently harassed Liu Shijian through phone calls and text messages, which not only violated the privacy of others, but also seriously damaged her own public image.

is full of lies, and the hypocrisy of the entertainment industry is vividly reflected in Ji Ke Junyi

When Liu Shijian's wife made the relevant evidence public, Ji Ke Junyi fell into an even more embarrassing situation. Her behavior was interpreted by the public as wanting to use her ex's influence while not wanting to give up her own interests, which fully exposed her hypocritical and selfish nature.

This series of events fully demonstrates the contradictions and hypocrisy of Ji Ke Junyi's feelings. On the one hand, she enjoys the resources and support brought by Liu Shijian, but on the other hand, she is unwilling to take the corresponding responsibility.

After the breakup, she tried to exonerate herself by denigrating her ex, but unexpectedly self-defeating, she exposed her true colors instead.

The truth of this emotional entanglement reveals the distortion of Ji Ke Junyi's values after becoming famous. She seems to think that it is possible to use other people's feelings to achieve her own goals without having to give her heart.

is full of lies, and the hypocrisy of the entertainment industry is vividly reflected in Ji Ke Junyi

This selfish behavior is in stark contrast to the simple image she portrays in front of the public.

In the end, Ji Ke Junyi's actions not only ruined her image, but also made her lose many hard-won opportunities. Her music career is at a low ebb, and her public image continues to deteriorate.

This story, which could have been an inspirational model, ended up being a typical case of the hypocritical nature of the entertainment industry. Jike Junyi's experience reminds us that honesty and gratitude are equally important in the pursuit of success.

Any success based on deception and exploitation of others will eventually collapse.

is full of lies, and the hypocrisy of the entertainment industry is vividly reflected in Ji Ke Junyi

As more and more facts are revealed, the image of Jike Junyi has been carefully crafted collapses like dominoes. Netizens began to dig deeper into her past, questioning her previous claims of hardship.

Many have pointed out that Ji Ke Junyi has been using "miserable sales" to gain sympathy and gain attention and support. The difficult childhood she once told in tears was probably just a fictional story to attract attention.

At the same time, Ji Ke Junyi's musical works have also been questioned. Although she constantly tries to create new works, the response has been mediocre. Her attempts to get attention through other means have also been repeatedly unsuccessful.

This circumstance is further proof of her limited strength in music, with previous success largely relying on packaging and hype.

is full of lies, and the hypocrisy of the entertainment industry is vividly reflected in Ji Ke Junyi

In the face of overwhelming doubts and criticism, Ji Ke Junyi's response paled in comparison. Far from quelling the controversy, her justification further exposed her hypocritical nature.

Former supporters have expressed disappointment, believing that they have been deceived in their feelings.

This series of events completely destroyed Ji Ke Junyi's public image. She went from being a much-loved rising star to being synonymous with hypocrisy and deception. This case makes people have to rethink the truth and falsehood in the entertainment industry, as well as the truth behind the image creation of artists.

Jike Junyi's experience serves as a warning that any success based on lies and deception will eventually come out.

is full of lies, and the hypocrisy of the entertainment industry is vividly reflected in Ji Ke Junyi

Ji Ke Junyi's story undoubtedly provokes people's deep thinking about the authenticity of the entertainment industry. It reveals the phenomenon of some entertainers who do not hesitate to fabricate false experiences and exploit public sympathy in order to become famous.

This behavior not only damages the trust of the public, but also has a negative impact on the entertainment industry as a whole.

Jike Junyi's experience reminds us that the cost of fame can sometimes be much higher than you think. False images will eventually be exposed, and true talent and personality are the foundation of long-term development.

For the audience, we should also maintain rational and critical thinking, and not be easily confused by the image of the packaging.

is full of lies, and the hypocrisy of the entertainment industry is vividly reflected in Ji Ke Junyi

This case also reminds industry insiders that the entertainment industry needs more authenticity and integrity. Only by returning to the essence of art and respecting the audience can we promote the development of the industry in a healthier and more authentic direction.

In the pursuit of success, artists should remember that authenticity and integrity are the most valuable assets.

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