
Breaking common sense, Harvard University researchers say that aliens have long been on Earth?

author:Scientific ideas

Earth is not the only planet in the universe where life exists. With the deepening of astronomy and biological research, we have discovered many planets that may support life. The environment of these planets is similar to that of our Earth, with conditions suitable for life, such as liquid water, suitable temperatures, and atmospheres. They may be very different from us, with unique biological structures, ways of survival, and levels of intelligence. Therefore, in the process of exploring extraterrestrial life, we need to jump beyond the limitations of the earth and look at the universe from a broader perspective.

Breaking common sense, Harvard University researchers say that aliens have long been on Earth?

A new study by social science researchers at Harvard University suggests that aliens may have been living on Earth for some time, and the unreviewed research paper suggests that extraterrestrial civilizations may have existed on Earth for some time, as evidenced by the UFO phenomenon.

UFOs, or Unidentified Flying Objects, generally refer to flying objects that appear in the sky and cannot be identified or interpreted. These objects sometimes take on a bizarre sheen and shape, and sometimes they exhibit the ability to fly beyond the level of human technology. Due to their mysterious and unpredictable nature, UFOs have become a common element in science fiction, movies, and TV series, as well as a hot topic in real life.

Breaking common sense, Harvard University researchers say that aliens have long been on Earth?

In ancient civilizations, UFO sightings were often closely linked to myths, legends, and religious ceremonies. For example, ancient Egyptian frescoes often depict mysterious objects that look like flying machines, which are interpreted as mounts of gods or tools to heaven. There are also descriptions of flying objects in ancient Greek and Roman texts, but they are often regarded as myths or fantasies.

In China, there is a record in Sun Sheng's "Jin Yang Qiu" of the Eastern Jin Dynasty: "There are stars red and mangjiao, flowing from the northeast and southwest, cast in Liangying, three throws and then returned, to the big and small, and the Russian and bright pawn." It means that there are stars glowing red from the northeast to the southwest, and the light here refers to Zhuge Liang, which is estimated to have fallen into Zhuge Liang's military camp, and Zhuge Liang died the next day.

Breaking common sense, Harvard University researchers say that aliens have long been on Earth?

"The Seventh Year of Zhuang Gong": "In the summer and April, the stars are gone. In the night, the stars rained like rain. "In the seventh year of the Spring and Autumn Period (687 BC) in the middle of the night on the fifth day of the fourth month, the stars fell and there was the following rain, which is estimated to be a meteor shower, but there is a description, the stars are missing, why the stars are missing before the meteor shower, it is estimated that the moon is too high, like a clear sky.

In ancient times, literati often used strange natural phenomena to allude to the rise and fall of the state and the turmoil of the imperial court, or to describe the death of important people, which could not be regarded as eyewitnesses.

From a scientific point of view, it is not easy to prove the existence of aliens. First, we need to find conclusive physical evidence, such as alien remains, spaceship wreckage, etc. To date, however, we have not found any such evidence. Second, we need to explain how aliens came to Earth, which involves many complex scientific issues, such as interstellar travel, extraterrestrial life forms, etc.

Breaking common sense, Harvard University researchers say that aliens have long been on Earth?

As for the paper of social science researchers at Harvard University, which suggests that aliens may have been living on Earth for some time, such statements can only be hypothetical until strong evidence is obtained.

However, this does not mean that we can easily deny the existence of extraterrestrials. The universe is so vast that the possibility of other life forms existing. At the same time, we should also admit that the level of human science and technology is still limited, and there are many unknown areas waiting for us to explore.

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