
Faouzia Fanxia's first Chinese song was praised by the whole network Traveling around China to stimulate cultural resonance

author:Film and television observer

On the stage of the eighth phase of "Singer 2024", Faouzia challenged Chinese songs for the first time, and surprised the four with a widely circulated song "The Devil from Heaven". Faouzia's voice is unique and affectionate, and the layered singing voice seems to have a magic that can penetrate people's hearts, making people feel the complex and deep emotions in the song, injecting a new vitality into this Chinese golden song, and this spirit of courage to challenge not only shows her musical strength, but also wins the warm applause of the audience, #Fanxia Chinese is too standard##凡希亚吃了几个邓紫棋#等相关话题在全网更是引发热议, landing on the first place on the hot search list, More than one million likes. Faouzia also uploaded last night's singing card to her overseas and domestic accounts for the first time, setting a new high in her personal account interaction. Netizens commented: "The silky conversion between Chinese and English is not inconsistent at all, drunk myself on the stage, and also melted the hearts of the audience." ”

Faouzia Fanxia's first Chinese song was praised by the whole network Traveling around China to stimulate cultural resonance
Faouzia Fanxia's first Chinese song was praised by the whole network Traveling around China to stimulate cultural resonance

In order to better learn Chinese songs and understand Chinese culture, Faouzia traveled all over China during the show, she said: "I want to explore as much China as possible, not only because this is my first time in China, but also because there are so many things to see here, so many long-standing cultures." During her time in Changsha, Hunan, she visited the Hunan Provincial Museum, Pozi Street, Chaozong Street and other places with Huxiang regional characteristics to explore embroidery culture and tea culture. She also went to Beijing and Hong Kong, looking at the 21,000 kilometers of the Great Wall and the glittering of Victoria Harbour, and constantly appreciating the magic and magnificence of the land of China, these experiences gave her a deeper understanding of China and made her love this land even more.

Faouzia Fanxia's first Chinese song was praised by the whole network Traveling around China to stimulate cultural resonance

Recently, she also went to Zhangjiajie, a natural scenic spot in Hunan. Zhangjiajie is famous for its peculiar mountain shapes and landforms, and the natural scenery and cultural landscapes here make people forget to return. During her trip to Zhangjiajie, Faouzia had an in-depth experience of the local culture and life, and she visited scenic spots such as Golden Whip Creek and Baofeng Lake, which once appeared in film and television dramas such as "Journey to the West", which made her feel the profound heritage of traditional Chinese culture. At the same time, she also interacted with the local people and gained an in-depth understanding of China's customs and folk culture.

Faouzia Fanxia's first Chinese song was praised by the whole network Traveling around China to stimulate cultural resonance

Checking in all over the country and recommending China's delicious scenery, Faouzia's series of trips to China were evaluated by netizens: "Yaya is the 'image ambassador' of recommending China to the world." Some netizens commented that more and more international friends have crossed the mountains and seas to come to China to appreciate the beauty of China, learn Chinese culture, and let China's style shine all over the world.

Faouzia is very grateful to have made a lot of friends in China, Chinese friends are very caring and kind, and she also received gifts with Chinese characteristics such as giant panda dolls, eight fairy fruits, horse face skirts, etc., which are full of care and love in her eyes, Yaya said that she was very moved.

Faouzia Fanxia's first Chinese song was praised by the whole network Traveling around China to stimulate cultural resonance

Since participating in "Singer 2024", Faouzia has won unanimous praise from the audience and netizens with her outstanding musical talent and exquisite artistic presentation. This Moroccan-born "post-00s" new generation singer shined on the stage of "Singer", she sang a number of popular songs, told her story with music, and touched the heartstrings of countless audiences. What is even more striking is that she confessed affectionately on social media, expressing her love and gratitude for China many times.

Faouzia Fanxia's first Chinese song was praised by the whole network Traveling around China to stimulate cultural resonance

Faouzia's musical journey continues, and she said that she will continue to strive to create more excellent music works and use music to convey love and culture. At the same time, she also looks forward to coming to China often in the future to interact with more Chinese friends and share the charm of music.

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