
Na Ying participated in the live broadcast of "Singer" with illness, and was infected with shingles and still sang "The Night of a Star"

author:Renja Wilderness Q4

On the evening of June 28, the high-profile music competition program "Singer" once again ignited the enthusiasm of the audience. However, in this fierce music showdown, a special scene has attracted widespread attention from netizens - "Na Ying cried". This superstar in the Chinese music scene shed tears on the stage at the live broadcast scene, which was moving. But what is even more surprising is that in her makeup, the eyes are cleverly covered by a veil, which has aroused curiosity and speculation among netizens.

Na Ying participated in the live broadcast of "Singer" with illness, and was infected with shingles and still sang "The Night of a Star"

That night, Na Ying appeared on stage in an elegant outfit, but what was unusual was that her eyes were partially covered by a light veil. This special makeup immediately attracted the attention and discussion of netizens. Some speculate that it is the unique design of the stylist, while others speculate that it is the need for stage effects. However, as the show progresses, the mystery is finally revealed.

Na Ying participated in the live broadcast of "Singer" with illness, and was infected with shingles and still sang "The Night of a Star"

In between the shows, the host He Jiong revealed the truth behind it. It turned out that Na Ying was sick to participate in the live broadcast of "Singer" this time. According to He Jiong, Na Ying was unfortunately infected with shingles, a common viral skin disease that usually forms band-like blisters and erythema on one side of the body, accompanied by pain and itching, two days ago. For a singer, such a condition is undoubtedly a huge challenge.

Na Ying participated in the live broadcast of "Singer" with illness, and was infected with shingles and still sang "The Night of a Star"

However, Na Ying did not back down because of her illness. She stood firmly on the stage and used her singing voice to interpret her love for life and dedication to music. That night, she sang the song "Night of a Star", and her soulful melody and touching lyrics touched the hearts of countless audiences. Although the discomfort around her eyes made her struggle during the singing process, she still performed steadily and well, and finally managed to win third place.

Na Ying participated in the live broadcast of "Singer" with illness, and was infected with shingles and still sang "The Night of a Star"

As soon as this news was exposed, it immediately aroused heated discussions among netizens. Many people praised Na Ying for her strength and courage, believing that she is a true musical warrior. Some netizens said: "Sister Naying is really amazing! It's really admirable that you can play so well while you're sick! Another netizen left a message: "Seeing the veil on her eyes, I guessed that she might be uncomfortable." But I didn't expect it to be such a serious illness. She is really dedicated! ”

Na Ying participated in the live broadcast of "Singer" with illness, and was infected with shingles and still sang "The Night of a Star"

In addition to the heated discussions among netizens, many industry insiders also spoke highly of Na Ying's performance. They believe that Na Ying, as a senior singer, not only has excellent musical talent and singing skills, but also has firm beliefs and professionalism. Her performance is not only a challenge and breakthrough for herself, but also an encouragement and motivation for the entire music industry.

Na Ying participated in the live broadcast of "Singer" with illness, and was infected with shingles and still sang "The Night of a Star"

Looking back on the whole incident, Na Ying's strength and courage undoubtedly brought us profound enlightenment. In life and work, we will inevitably encounter various difficulties and challenges. But as long as we maintain firm belief and dedication, we will be able to overcome all difficulties and realize our dreams. At the same time, Na Ying's performance once again proved the power and charm of music. It not only conveys emotion and warmth, but also inspires courage and strength. Let's look forward to Na Ying continuing to shine on the road of music in the future and bringing us more wonderful music works!

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