
She is a national first-class actor, because of the drama, she married a director who was 3 years younger, and was rumored to have cheated on her marriage

author:North of YB

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She is a national first-class actor, because of the drama, she married a director who was 3 years younger, and was rumored to have cheated on her marriage

Do you still remember the pure and lovely Zhao Xiaoyun in "Alien Girl"?

She is Chen Xiaoyi, the "national daughter-in-law" who was all the rage in the 90s.

Gentle and virtuous, knowledgeable and reasonable, these words seem to be tailor-made for her.

However, who would have thought that this good wife and mother on the screen would be a "habitual cheating offender" in private?

From the stage of Sichuan Opera to the big screen, from the peak of his career to the quagmire of marriage, Chen Xiaoyi's life is like a drama with ups and downs.

She is a national first-class actor, because of the drama, she married a director who was 3 years younger, and was rumored to have cheated on her marriage

Today, let's uncover her legendary and controversial life.

Look at how this actress, known as one of the "Four Tsing Yi", lost herself in the labyrinth of love, and how she found an exit in the siege of marriage.

1. The star journey of the Sichuan girl set sail: from Sichuan opera to Chinese opera

In 1968, Chen Xiaoyi was born in an artistic family in Sichuan.

Her father is the deputy head of the repertory troupe, and her mother is a Sichuan opera actor, and this family background is destined for her to form an indissoluble bond with art.

When Chen Xiaoyi was a child, like every lively and lovely Sichuan girl, she was obsessed with Sichuan opera.

She followed her mother to learn the word "tired", and never shouted the word "tired".

She is a national first-class actor, because of the drama, she married a director who was 3 years younger, and was rumored to have cheated on her marriage

But who would have thought that this love would suffer a blow to the head.

When she was a teenager, she and her mother performed on stage together in the Sichuan opera "Sacrifice to the God of the Stove".

The drowsy appearance of the audience made the young Chen Xiaoyi's heart like a knife.

At that moment, she understood: traditional art was declining, and she had to find a different way.

Fate always favors those who are prepared.

In 1980, 12-year-old Chen Xiaoyi was selected by director Zhang Huaxun to star in the movie "The Mysterious Buddha".

This experience gave her a taste of the sweetness of being an actress, and she was determined to be a good performing artist from then on.

She is a national first-class actor, because of the drama, she married a director who was 3 years younger, and was rumored to have cheated on her marriage

In 1987, with an excerpt from Sichuan Opera, 19-year-old Chen Xiaoyi was successfully admitted to the Central Academy of Drama.

Here, she got acquainted with Jiang Shan and Xu Fan, the future "Four Tsing Yi".

And this seemingly ordinary Sichuan girl stood out among many beauties and became the darling of the mentors.

In her sophomore year, Chen Xiaoyi represented Chinese opera at the International Drama Academy Drama Festival.

With her one-man show "Hanging Paintings", she won the "Special Award for One-man Show" in one fell swoop.

She is a national first-class actor, because of the drama, she married a director who was 3 years younger, and was rumored to have cheated on her marriage

Since then, she has become the object of choice for directors.

2. An instant hit: "Alien Girl" opened the era of "national daughter-in-law".

In 1991, 23-year-old Chen Xiaoyi ushered in a turning point in his life.

She was selected to play the heroine of the TV series "Alien Girl" Zhao Xiaoyun.

This role not only made her an instant hit, but also opened her era of "national daughter-in-law".

"Alien Girl" tells the story of Zhao Xiaoyun, a rural girl who came to the city to work.

She is a national first-class actor, because of the drama, she married a director who was 3 years younger, and was rumored to have cheated on her marriage

Chen Xiaoyi vividly interprets Zhao Xiaoyun's simple, kind, strong and independent character.

Her pure and lovely image instantly captured the hearts of audiences across the country.

After the broadcast, the ratings of "Alien Girl" soared, setting a record as the ratings champion.

Chen Xiaoyi also won the first prize of the Feitian Award in one fell swoop and became a hot new star in the circle.

However, the joy of fame has not yet dissipated, but the reality has given Chen Xiaoyi a blow to the head.

At that time, she had no concept of "fire".

She is a national first-class actor, because of the drama, she married a director who was 3 years younger, and was rumored to have cheated on her marriage

It wasn't until waves of young men with bouquets blocked the door of her bachelor dormitory that she realized she was really red.

Immediately afterwards, Chen Xiaoyi played the role of "Ma Shao's Grandma", who is kind and virtuous but is disliked by her husband all the year round, in the movie "Divorce".

Although this character is full of comedy, it also reflects the current situation of marriage and family at that time, which has resonated with countless audiences.

With this movie, Chen Xiaoyi once again won the Hundred Flowers Award for Best Supporting Actress.

Since then, her position in the circle has been completely stable and she has become a well-deserved first-line actress.

However, standing at the pinnacle of her career, Chen Xiaoyi felt unprecedented loneliness.

She is a national first-class actor, because of the drama, she married a director who was 3 years younger, and was rumored to have cheated on her marriage

She longs for a genuine affection, for someone to give her warmth when she is at her most vulnerable.

Perhaps it was this desire that made her throw herself into the arms of love without hesitation when she met Liu Huining.

3. Love is coming: the love between the director and actor of Liu Huining

In 1997, 29-year-old Chen Xiaoyi met the man who changed her life - Liu Huining.

At that time, Liu Huining was still a little-known director.

He cast for the new drama "Old House", and fell in love with Chen Xiaoyi at a glance.

However, Chen Xiaoyi's studio directly rejected the cooperation.

Fate always likes to joke.

She is a national first-class actor, because of the drama, she married a director who was 3 years younger, and was rumored to have cheated on her marriage

With the matchmaking of his friend Zhang Jiayi, Chen Xiaoyi finally took over the play.

Who would have thought that this performance would be a marriage.

At first, Chen Xiaoyi and Liu Huining didn't like each other.

Chen Xiaoyi felt that Liu Huining's script needed to be overhauled, while Liu Huining thought that Chen Xiaoyi was completely denying his creation.

The two competed openly and secretly, and they couldn't wait to fight immediately.

However, over time, love grew.

Chen Xiaoyi slowly discovered that although Liu Huining was not good-looking, he was talented.

She is a national first-class actor, because of the drama, she married a director who was 3 years younger, and was rumored to have cheated on her marriage

And Liu Huining was also moved by Chen Xiaoyi's dedication and sincerity.

In 1998, despite the opposition of relatives and friends, Chen Xiaoyi resolutely married Liu Huining.

In her opinion, although Liu Huining is not famous now, he will definitely surpass herself in the future.

What's more, this man is honestly good to himself.

After getting married, Chen Xiaoyi chose to retire and teach her husband and children wholeheartedly, a decision that made many people in the circle feel sorry for her.

After all, she was at the peak of her career at the time.

She is a national first-class actor, because of the drama, she married a director who was 3 years younger, and was rumored to have cheated on her marriage

However, Chen Xiaoyi does not seem to regret it.

Who would have thought that this seemingly happy marriage would turn into a farce in the future?

4. Married life: from husband and children to career comeback

In 2000, Chen Xiaoyi gave birth to a son.

Originally, she planned to let her mother-in-law and confinement sister-in-law take care of the children, and she made a comeback to return to the film and television industry.

But when she saw the sleeping baby in her arms, she was reluctant to part.

So, she chose to put the comeback opportunity on hold for the time being and concentrate on taking care of her children at home.

She is a national first-class actor, because of the drama, she married a director who was 3 years younger, and was rumored to have cheated on her marriage

Liu Huining is away from home all year round because of work, and the burden of taking care of the children falls on Chen Xiaoyi alone.

In order to take care of the children, she often couldn't sleep all night.

A lot of hair fell out, the skin became dull yellow from staying up late, and the figure was out of shape.

This goddess, who was once radiant on the screen, has completely become an ordinary housewife.

Liu Huining feels sorry for his wife's dedication, but his career is on the rise.

All he can do is make more money and give his wife a better life.

In 2005, Chen Xiaoyi finally waited for the opportunity to make a comeback.

Liu Huining's new drama "Halfway Couple" is about to start filming, and he invited his wife to be the heroine.

She is a national first-class actor, because of the drama, she married a director who was 3 years younger, and was rumored to have cheated on her marriage

This made Chen Xiaoyi overjoyed, as if he saw the hope of returning to the entertainment industry.

However, there are many good things.

In the play, Chen Xiaoyi and Sun Honglei want to play husband and wife.

This made Sun Honglei very embarrassed: "I went to my relatives' daughter-in-law in front of Director Liu, didn't I mess around?" "

He even said to Liu Huining: "Director Liu, can you avoid it when I play with Sister Xiaoyi?" I'm so embarrassed. "

This incident was reported by the media, and rumors spread for a while.

Faced with doubts, Chen Xiaoyi responded confidently: "Because I am very positive." "

Subsequently, she frequently appeared in public with her husband and proved the stability of her marriage with her actions.

However, is it really that rosy?

She is a national first-class actor, because of the drama, she married a director who was 3 years younger, and was rumored to have cheated on her marriage

As time went by, Chen Xiaoyi and Liu Huining collaborated less and less.

Some attentive netizens found that they hadn't appeared in the same frame for a long time.

Could it be that this seemingly happy family has long been detached?

5. Shocking scandals: two "cheating" turmoil and marriage crisis

In 2009, a bombshell was detonated in the entertainment industry.

41-year-old Chen Xiaoyi was photographed on an intimate date with director Xu Ang, who is 9 years younger than him.

In the photo, Chen Xiaoyi is holding flowers, talking and laughing with Xu Ang, and the two are talking about their life ideals in the car, just like a couple in love.

She is a national first-class actor, because of the drama, she married a director who was 3 years younger, and was rumored to have cheated on her marriage

What's even more shocking is that Xu Ang was also a married man at that time.

His wife is Japanese actor Riri Matsumine, who played the role of Section Chief Nantian in "The Pretender".

For a time, both families were turned upside down.

Netizens ridiculed: "I don't know who unspoken whom." "

However, just when everyone was looking forward to a divorce battle, Chen Xiaoyi's husband Liu Huining unexpectedly stood up to support his wife.

He said: "I believe that Xiaoyi will not cheat, I hope that the rumor-mongers will not continue to make trouble, we are very happy, thank you." "

Chen Xiaoyi also hurriedly explained, saying that he and Xu Ang were just good friends, and they were misunderstood by just whispering a few words in the car.

She is a national first-class actor, because of the drama, she married a director who was 3 years younger, and was rumored to have cheated on her marriage

That's the end of the matter.

However, 8 years later, in 2017, Chen Xiaoyi made waves again.

She was photographed shopping hand in hand with a "little fresh meat", and her actions were very intimate.

What's even more staggering is that the man also spent the night at Chen Xiaoyi's house.

In the face of this cheating "habitual offender", netizens have already begun to wait for Liu Huining's declaration of support.

However, this time, Liu Huining remained silent, leaving his wife alone to face the gossip.

She is a national first-class actor, because of the drama, she married a director who was 3 years younger, and was rumored to have cheated on her marriage

An insider broke the news that Chen Xiaoyi and Liu Huining have been separated for many years, and they don't care about each other, and only maintain a superficial harmonious relationship between husband and wife.

So that's the case, netizens suddenly realized.

Write at the end

Chen Xiaoyi's life, from the bright star journey to the marriage puzzle, is like a TV series full of drama.

Some people say that Chen Xiaoyi is a "betrayer" who has betrayed her husband's trust.

There are also people who complain about her, thinking that the long-separated marriage exists in name only, so why blame her for finding new happiness?

In fact, instead of working hard to support a marriage that has long existed in name, it is better to break up in a chic way.

She is a national first-class actor, because of the drama, she married a director who was 3 years younger, and was rumored to have cheated on her marriage

In the big dye vat of the entertainment industry, many people's original intentions will be dyed.

Even husbands and wives have to compete fiercely in Vanity Fair, and in the end, who can say that they are winners except for hurting each other?

Perhaps, as Chen Xiaoyi often deduces in the play, everyone is looking for their own happiness, but the path is different.

No matter what, life always has to go on.

Why don't we let go of our harsh criticism and give her more understanding and tolerance?

What do you think of Chen Xiaoyi's choice?

She is a national first-class actor, because of the drama, she married a director who was 3 years younger, and was rumored to have cheated on her marriage

If it were you, how would you face such a marital dilemma?

Feel free to share your thoughts in the comments section.

Perhaps, we can find our own answers to life from each other's stories.


[It's not easy for the editor to create, all the uncles have seen this, help give me a thumbs up!] ~】

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