
Who is writing such a bumpy novel? The source of my happiness, reading novels really can't bring brains

author:The sky and clouds and shadows hovered together

Tomato stuff is amazing, some things are incomprehensible, some things are incomprehensible, one is expert, one is neurological!

This one... I... I don't know how to describe it... Ordinary people don't look at this kind of thing, but I'm not an ordinary person, I'm a second-class person, this is too heavy hahahahahahaha After reading it, remember to wash your eyes [laugh and cry]

Oh my God, who is this audience? If you like it, you can go and see the original article hahaha, the title of the book is put down and "Can't stand it!" The blackened boss is crazy and sultry"

Who is writing such a bumpy novel? The source of my happiness, reading novels really can't bring brains
Who is writing such a bumpy novel? The source of my happiness, reading novels really can't bring brains

I'm speechless when I see it, the more I look at the black words, the more red I become, and the novels are so realistic! Heart-piercing! …… Thank you for breaking the defense

Who is writing such a bumpy novel? The source of my happiness, reading novels really can't bring brains
Who is writing such a bumpy novel? The source of my happiness, reading novels really can't bring brains

It's a normal text within a normal text, okay? Finally someone sanctioned these epilepsy texts, and finally someone understands the law, it's time to give the president a law [doge] love to see this, after all, they have been attacked by brainless coercive law coffee texts before, and the three views are shocked, I haven't read many books at that time, no wonder I always think some of the texts are weird!

Without the consent of others, it is illegal to start the operation without authorization, and the doctor reminded the boss that the female protagonist is weak, and if the heart is changed, it may lead to the death of the heroine, which can already be regarded as intentional homicide.

This is Tomato's "The Little Crying Bag in Jiang Ye's Arms Blackened After Being Reborn", the heroine Su Yuhuan

Who is writing such a bumpy novel? The source of my happiness, reading novels really can't bring brains

This author directly gave himself a blind date in the text [doge] was forced by his family.,Hahahaha,Writing a novel is just a means.,So smart!! I feel that this way will be better than posting a small advertisement on the side of the road, and the author's name is only known as a god-level mountain runner [covering his face]

Who is writing such a bumpy novel? The source of my happiness, reading novels really can't bring brains

hahaha, Pacific said: I'm not clean anymore. This likes, it's in line with my current state of mind! You can take a look at this called "President Please Seek Medical Attention", there is a line: Without my permission, you dare to get inflamed, you have crossed the line!

Who is writing such a bumpy novel? The source of my happiness, reading novels really can't bring brains

I don't want to talk [doge] The group of students back then have become writers [doge] This is "Tao Zhiyan Peach Butler", there is that flavor [laughing and crying]

Who is writing such a bumpy novel? The source of my happiness, reading novels really can't bring brains

"Son-in-law of Sheep Village: The Big Big Wolf is the Invincible God of War" is not this... [doge] like ash powder means speechless [doge]

Who is writing such a bumpy novel? The source of my happiness, reading novels really can't bring brains

I have never seen such a novel theme and such a unique style!

Who is writing such a bumpy novel? The source of my happiness, reading novels really can't bring brains

These books are all king bombs!

Who is writing such a bumpy novel? The source of my happiness, reading novels really can't bring brains

What kind of plot can carbon-based creatures think of, it's so funny, I feel like the author can't make it up! Maybe it's just driven crazy by life and written to go crazy!

Who is writing such a bumpy novel? The source of my happiness, reading novels really can't bring brains

The students who made up the word count back then are now writers? The number of water words in a different place, the key is that there is no one repeated!

Who is writing such a bumpy novel? The source of my happiness, reading novels really can't bring brains

Woman, you have successfully caught my attention not to want to get away with it, so is this really a popular law?

Who is writing such a bumpy novel? The source of my happiness, reading novels really can't bring brains

This is the same book as the female protagonist who transplanted her uterus to the male protagonist.,The author's name is Butterfly Yu.,Many of her books are very upside down!

Who is writing such a bumpy novel? The source of my happiness, reading novels really can't bring brains
Who is writing such a bumpy novel? The source of my happiness, reading novels really can't bring brains
Who is writing such a bumpy novel? The source of my happiness, reading novels really can't bring brains
Who is writing such a bumpy novel? The source of my happiness, reading novels really can't bring brains
Who is writing such a bumpy novel? The source of my happiness, reading novels really can't bring brains

Oh my God, I really can't read it carefully, otherwise that picture is so beautiful, and I hate my imagination so good for the first time [covering my face]

Who is writing such a bumpy novel? The source of my happiness, reading novels really can't bring brains

The dying sat up in shock, and suddenly realized that I had seen this thing before [laughing and crying]

Who is writing such a bumpy novel? The source of my happiness, reading novels really can't bring brains

Are the authors of these essays in good spirit? The Chinese who mainly fight calamity and literacy are [laughing and crying]

Don't look at it, I love to see it, I don't look at it, I don't look at it, I don't look at it, I don't look at it because I love to see it.

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