
She used a needle to embroider the galaxy universe, and NASA bought it with a lot of money, and she only belonged to China

author:Perfect Dream 9

The flowers in front of the sunset hall are delicate, and they are fighting for a small pen to go to bed. Embroidered into the spring garden, attracting the yellow warbler under the wicker.

As an ancient civilization with a history of thousands of years, China has accumulated and bred countless brilliant artistic pearls through the accumulation and breeding of thousands of civilizations, which together constitute a rich and colorful Chinese culture.

Among the many Chinese arts, embroidery is a kind of oriental characteristics, embroiderers use a needle and a variety of different colors of silk thread, you can embroider what you have seen on the canvas, lifelike, amazing.

She used a needle to embroider the galaxy universe, and NASA bought it with a lot of money, and she only belonged to China

Many regions of the mainland have their own unique embroidery needles, the most prestigious of which is the Suzhou embroidery in Suzhou, Suzhou embroidery has been highly respected by royal celebrities since ancient times, and is also listed as one of the four famous embroideries in China, and has been rated as a national intangible cultural heritage after entering the modern era.

Suzhou embroidery is exquisite, the stitching method is complex, the creation is extremely difficult, and it has high artistic value and historical value, so it has also become a key inheritance and protection object.

Among the inheritors of Suzhou embroidery today, there is an embroiderer named Chen Yinghua, who embroidered the starry sky universe with a needle, and was once bought by NASA at a high price, but she said that her works only belong to China.

She used a needle to embroider the galaxy universe, and NASA bought it with a lot of money, and she only belonged to China

The value of Suzhou embroidery

Suzhou embroidery has begun to appear as early as the Spring and Autumn Period more than 2,000 years ago, has experienced thousands of years of development and evolution, and entered its heyday in the Qing Dynasty, with strong local characteristics.

Suzhou embroidery originated from the gentle water town of the south of the Yangtze River, so it also shows the characteristics of exquisite and beautiful scenery like the south of the Yangtze River, with a strong breath of life, which can reflect the customs and folk customs of the south of the Yangtze River.

A good Suzhou embroidery work is a work of art, which condenses the superb skills of the craftsman and excellent artistry, which can bring people a kind of beauty enjoyment, so good Suzhou embroidery works have high artistic value.

She used a needle to embroider the galaxy universe, and NASA bought it with a lot of money, and she only belonged to China

The reason why Suzhou embroidery is precious is that its stitches are not very complicated, so a Suzhou embroidery artist has to go through many years of study and training to be able to fully master the embroidery technique, and it also needs to have a high artistic accomplishment, so Suzhou embroidery is often also an art master.

Even now has entered the era of intelligence, all kinds of machines and even computers have begun to gradually replace labor, but can be called a treasure of Suzhou embroidery must be created by people one by one, even if the machine is accurate, can not replace the texture of the hand, so to make a good Suzhou embroidery works, it takes a lot of time and energy for highly skilled embroidery masters, which is one of the reasons why Suzhou embroidery is generally expensive.

Suzhou's embroidery is famous in the world, but its inheritance and development is not easy, and now there are very few formal Suzhou embroidery inheritors in China, Chen Yinghua is one of the most famous.

She used a needle to embroider the galaxy universe, and NASA bought it with a lot of money, and she only belonged to China

Passed down from generation to generation

Chen Yinghua was born in a family of embroiderers in Zhenhu, Suzhou, and has been engaged in embroidery since her great-grandfathers, and each generation has become a famous Suzhou embroiderer, creating many embroidery treasures.

After she was born, she naturally had high hopes that she could pass on the family's techniques, so she began to contact embroidery since she was a child, and has been following her elders to observe and learn various knowledge related to Suzhou embroidery techniques.

Chen Yinghua began to formally learn embroidery techniques at the age of 14, she began to practice from the most basic stitches under the guidance of her elders, and practiced for a long time every day, this kind of mechanical repetitive training is still very boring for a 14-year-old girl, but she has never complained, and has always taken it seriously.

She used a needle to embroider the galaxy universe, and NASA bought it with a lot of money, and she only belonged to China

Chen Yinghua invests a lot of time in embroidery practice every day, and many times her limbs are stiff because she practices too hard, especially the hand holding the needle is often tired to the point of soreness and numbness, but it is gratifying that her embroidery skills are also maturing.

In 2013, Chen Yinghua entered the School of Arts and Crafts of Tsinghua University for further study, hoping to combine the traditional skills inherited from generation to generation in her family with modern technology, so that the traditional art of Suzhou embroidery can radiate new vitality in the new era.

Since then, Chen Yinghua has been constantly thinking and exploring the innovation of Suzhou embroidery, and after countless attempts, she finally found a feasible path, and her works have become more and more refined, more three-dimensional than traditional Suzhou embroidery, and the use of color is much more flexible.

She used a needle to embroider the galaxy universe, and NASA bought it with a lot of money, and she only belonged to China

Precious works

Generally speaking, the content of Suzhou embroidery works is the landscape, flowers and birds that can be seen in daily life, because only the things that the embroiderer has seen with his own eyes can form a specific image in their minds, and then reproduce it on the embroidery cloth through needle and thread.

But Chen Yinghua has always had a very wonderful idea, she wants to embroider the vast universe on the embroidery cloth, so that the galaxy in the sky shines brightly on the embroidery cloth, at first the people around her felt that this is an impossible idea, after all, Chen Yinghua has not seen the real appearance of the universe, if only by imagination, how can you create a real three-dimensional embroidery?

She used a needle to embroider the galaxy universe, and NASA bought it with a lot of money, and she only belonged to China

But Chen Yinghua is a stubborn person, she has listened to her grandfather talk about the vastness of the starry sky and the vastness of the universe since she was a child, so she has buried this dream in her heart since then, so no matter what, she has to use her own hands to show the vast starry sky universe on the limited embroidery cloth.

Once she had the idea, she began to consult various sources and pictures, and continued to practice embroidery every day, choosing the right color among the dazzling silk threads, and preparing for her dream.

She used a needle to embroider the galaxy universe, and NASA bought it with a lot of money, and she only belonged to China

After she really started to create, she will also use the technique of three-dimensional embroidery to give new vitality to the traditional Suzhou embroidery, and slowly move the vast universe to the embroidery cloth in front of her eyes.

This set of embroidery, Chen Yinghua took more than ten years to complete, and finally this set of embroidery was displayed in front of the world, no one was not amazed, she really used a needle to embroider the bright starry universe.

After the exhibition of this set of works, it quickly attracted the attention of NASA, and they approached Chen Yinghua and offered to buy it at a high price, but Chen Yinghua said that he would not sell the set because they belonged to China.

She used a needle to embroider the galaxy universe, and NASA bought it with a lot of money, and she only belonged to China

Brief summary:

In modern society, people like Chen Yinghua who are willing to spend decades concentrating on traditional arts and techniques have become less and less, and modern technology has brought a lot of convenience to our society and life, but at the same time, it is also constantly squeezing the living space of traditional crafts such as Suzhou embroidery.

While modern people are becoming more and more impetuous, there are still a group of people like Chen Yinghua who uphold the spirit of craftsmanship, inherit the traditional art that has been passed down since ancient times, protect the blood of Chinese art, and let the traditional skills be passed on forever.

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