
He Ziming remarried! Ex-wife He Jie was criticized for her popularity, and netizens hotly discussed the new life of the two

author:Kobayashi said entertainment

He Jie's ex-husband He Ziming remarried and lived a sweet life


He Ziming publicly admitted that he had remarried, revealing a happy life with his current wife. In the latest development, he admitted frankly that he has formed a new family, his wife is an ordinary person, and the relationship between the two is very harmonious. He Ziming said that after the divorce, he had suffered from severe depression, but fortunately, his current wife chose to quit her job and accompany him wholeheartedly and give him meticulous care.

He Ziming remarried! Ex-wife He Jie was criticized for her popularity, and netizens hotly discussed the new life of the two

He Ziming's confession touched countless netizens. With a touch in his eyes, he affectionately calls his current wife a confidant and best friend, and promises to love her with all his heart and run their small family together. These words make people sigh, He Ziming really lives quite transparently, no matter who he is with, the road is chosen by himself, bless them!

He Ziming remarried! Ex-wife He Jie was criticized for her popularity, and netizens hotly discussed the new life of the two

Netizens expressed their opinions on He Ziming's remarriage. Some netizens ridiculed: "He Ziming remarried, He Jie is going to rub his popularity as soon as he forms a group?" I'm afraid that no one will know you without the word He Jie. Don't rub it off and live your own life. This kind of comment immediately sparked a heated discussion, some supported He Ziming, and some were upset.

He Ziming remarried! Ex-wife He Jie was criticized for her popularity, and netizens hotly discussed the new life of the two

He Ziming's depression with the support of his current wife

After the divorce, He Ziming fell into severe depression. This period was undoubtedly the darkest time for him. Depression left him feeling helpless and lonely, and his life became bleak. Luckily, he met his current wife, an ordinary but kind-hearted woman. She chose to quit her job and stay by his side wholeheartedly, giving him meticulous care and support.

He Ziming remarried! Ex-wife He Jie was criticized for her popularity, and netizens hotly discussed the new life of the two

He Ziming affectionately confessed to his current wife, calling her a confidant and best friend. This passage moved many netizens, and some said: "Such a lover who accompanies him wholeheartedly is really a treasure in the world!" Some netizens joked: "He Ziming's confession is directly full marks, it seems that he has really found his true destiny." ”

He Ziming remarried! Ex-wife He Jie was criticized for her popularity, and netizens hotly discussed the new life of the two

He Jie and He Ziming's marriage past

Looking back on He Jie and He Ziming's marriage, the two once showed a sweet side in variety shows. At that time, their relationship looked very good, and they were once considered a model couple in the entertainment industry. However, the marriage did not stand the test of time, and the two officially divorced at the end of 2016. The news of the divorce shocked many fans, and some netizens sighed: "They looked so sweet on variety shows back then, but I didn't expect it to come to the point of divorce in the end." ”

He Ziming remarried! Ex-wife He Jie was criticized for her popularity, and netizens hotly discussed the new life of the two

After the divorce, the two started a new life separately. He Jie was photographed living with her new boyfriend and ushered in a new life in 2019. Regarding her new life, some netizens said: "He Jie's speed is too fast, and she found a new support not long after the divorce." Of course, there are also people who think: "Everyone has the right to choose their own life, and He Jie is also doing this for his own happiness." ”

The discussion sparked by He Ziming's remarriage

As soon as the news of He Ziming's remarriage came out, it immediately sparked heated discussions among a large number of netizens. Some netizens felt: "He Ziming finally got out of the shadow of depression and found happiness again, I'm really happy for him." Some netizens ridiculed: "He Ziming's marriage this time must be managed well, don't repeat the mistakes of the past." ”

He Ziming remarried! Ex-wife He Jie was criticized for her popularity, and netizens hotly discussed the new life of the two

Regarding He Ziming's confession, someone commented: "These words are so emotional, I feel that he has really found a life partner." Some netizens also said: "Although He Ziming and He Jie have found a new life, their story is still worth reflecting on, and marriage needs two people to run together." ”

He Ziming remarried! Ex-wife He Jie was criticized for her popularity, and netizens hotly discussed the new life of the two

The happy life of He Ziming and his current wife is undoubtedly a story full of positive energy. They supported each other and walked through the most difficult moments together, and this feeling is touching. While blessing them, netizens did not forget to ridicule a few words, making the whole topic more interesting.

The marriage lesson of He Jie and He Ziming

From the marriage between He Jie and He Ziming, we can learn a lot. The sweetness of the two in marriage and the pain after divorce tell us that marriage requires not only love, but also understanding and tolerance. He Ziming's depression is also a topic of concern, and mental health is equally important in married life.

He Ziming remarried! Ex-wife He Jie was criticized for her popularity, and netizens hotly discussed the new life of the two

Many netizens believed: "Marriage is not child's play, and divorce has a great impact on children, I hope both of them can live well in the future." Some people also said: "He Ziming's depression is really lucky to be taken care of by his current wife." But marriage requires two people to work together, and I hope they can be happy forever. ”

The story of He Ziming and his current wife shows us the importance of love and companionship. No matter how difficult life is, having loving people by our side can always make us feel warmth and strength.

Controversial summary

The news of He Ziming's remarriage sparked extensive discussions among netizens, with some blessings, some ridiculing, and some reflecting. From He Ziming's depression to his current wife's meticulousness, this story is full of touching and positive energy. But at the same time, He Jie's life was also involved in the turmoil of public opinion.

He Ziming remarried! Ex-wife He Jie was criticized for her popularity, and netizens hotly discussed the new life of the two

After the divorce, the two have found a new life partner, and their story tells us that no matter how difficult life is, as long as you have hope, you can always find your own happiness. However, the failure of this marriage also shows us that marriage needs to be managed by both parties, and understanding and tolerance are indispensable.

He Ziming remarried! Ex-wife He Jie was criticized for her popularity, and netizens hotly discussed the new life of the two

While blessings, netizens did not forget to express their opinions. Some believe: "Everyone has the right to pursue happiness, and no matter what the past may be, we must face the future bravely." Some people also said: "The story of He Ziming and He Jie has given us a lot of reflection, and marriage needs more communication and understanding." ”

He Ziming remarried! Ex-wife He Jie was criticized for her popularity, and netizens hotly discussed the new life of the two

He Ziming's remarriage has sparked countless topics, and netizens have no lack of humor and ridicule in the discussion. This light-hearted and witty atmosphere makes the whole topic more interesting and attracts a lot of attention and participation. In any case, I hope that He Ziming and He Jie can find true happiness in their respective lives.

He Ziming remarried! Ex-wife He Jie was criticized for her popularity, and netizens hotly discussed the new life of the two

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