
After watching the Chinese women's basketball team lose to Serbia 82-93, I found that the three indispensable main forces of the Olympic Games were discovered

author:Basketball Storm HY

Unexpectedly, without Li Meng, it would be really difficult for the Chinese women's basketball team to win the overseas warm-up game, what is the problem?

After watching the Chinese women's basketball team lose to Serbia 82-93, I found that the three indispensable main forces of the Olympic Games were discovered

In the early morning of June 30, Beijing time, when everyone was still asleep, the Chinese women's basketball team was in a high-quality warm-up game, and after 40 minutes of competition, the Chinese women's basketball team finally lost to Serbia 82-93 and suffered an embarrassing three-game losing streak in overseas warm-up games. Li Meng continued to be absent, although the inner core Han Xu played well, but the team made 24 mistakes, and finally lost to the opponent by 11 points. Looking back on the process of the game, the following three players played well and performed well, let's see who they are?

After watching the Chinese women's basketball team lose to Serbia 82-93, I found that the three indispensable main forces of the Olympic Games were discovered

First place: Han Xu

Han Xu, 24 years old this year, 2.05 meters tall, can play big forward and center, Li Yueru is not there, Han Xu mainly plays the center position. In this game, Han Xu shot 12 of 15 in the game, efficiently scored 24 points and 6 rebounds, and the shooting rate was as high as 80%. In the face of the opponent's strict defense, Han Xu's ability to read the game is very strong, and he responds with accurate mid-range shots again and again.

After watching the Chinese women's basketball team lose to Serbia 82-93, I found that the three indispensable main forces of the Olympic Games were discovered

As you know, the two main inside lines of the Chinese women's basketball team are Han Xu and Li Yueru, because Li Yueru is still playing in the WNBA, Han Xu's performance in the warm-up games is obvious to all, 12 points and 8 rebounds against Turkey, 12 points and 6 rebounds against Spain, 23 points and 8 rebounds against Belgium, and 24 points and 6 rebounds against Serbia.

After watching the Chinese women's basketball team lose to Serbia 82-93, I found that the three indispensable main forces of the Olympic Games were discovered

Second place: Sun Mengran

Sun Mengran, 32 years old this year, 1.95 meters tall, plays as a center forward, the young Sun Mengran is also the absolute main force of the national team, and his performance is not ambiguous at all. In this game, Sun Mengran started the game for 19 minutes, scored 15 points on 6 of 9 shots, and on the offensive end, there were baskets, free throws, and three-point shots.

After watching the Chinese women's basketball team lose to Serbia 82-93, I found that the three indispensable main forces of the Olympic Games were discovered

I have to say that after Sun Mengran transferred to the Inner Mongolia women's basketball team last season, Sun Mengran's performance throughout the season was very good, and this time she was able to return to the national team, which was also Coach Zheng Wei's trust in her, and Sun Mengran did not live up to it. In the last three games, Sun Mengran scored 9 points, 13 points and 15 points respectively, averaging nearly 13 points per game, which is a stable scoring point for the team. It can be said that Sun Mengran showed the characteristics of the No. 4 position in the space to the fullest, exceeding the expectations of the warm-up game, and is the best veteran of the team.

After watching the Chinese women's basketball team lose to Serbia 82-93, I found that the three indispensable main forces of the Olympic Games were discovered

Third place: Wang Siyu

Wang Siyu, 28 years old this year, 1.75 meters tall, serving as a point guard, as the strongest backcourt commander of the Chinese women's basketball team, her ability is undoubted, this game against Serbia, Wang Siyu did not waste shots, only 4 shots hit 3 balls, efficiently got 7 points, 6 rebounds and 4 assists, and repeatedly hit the basket to tear the opponent's defense.

After watching the Chinese women's basketball team lose to Serbia 82-93, I found that the three indispensable main forces of the Olympic Games were discovered

Everyone knows that the Chinese women's basketball warm-up game is not a big problem inside, mainly in the guard line highlights some problems, such as passing and receiving errors, inaccurate three-point shooting, free throw shooting rate is not high, no one in the five guards in this game shot three-pointers, but Wang Siyu has played several consecutive games, and she is still the best guard player, after all, she has been playing with injuries, her attitude and fighting spirit are worth learning from young players, after all, after she got off the court, Li Yuan and Jin Weina's performance can be called sluggish, right.

After watching the Chinese women's basketball team lose to Serbia 82-93, I found that the three indispensable main forces of the Olympic Games were discovered

To be honest, the current Chinese women's basketball team has exposed a lot of problems, and the players need to make adjustments. With the Paris Olympics approaching, there is not much time left for coaches and players. As fans, we can't blame too much, but we need to give them more confidence, only in this way will there be a virtuous circle, and the Chinese women's basketball team can play better and better!

After watching the Chinese women's basketball team lose to Serbia 82-93, I found that the three indispensable main forces of the Olympic Games were discovered

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