
The desperate scene of the moment of death of 22 animals, the iron law of despair

author:Foreign French

01, the bison's eyes are desperate

The desperate scene of the moment of death of 22 animals, the iron law of despair

02. The killer whale has a whole humpback whale in its mouth

The desperate scene of the moment of death of 22 animals, the iron law of despair

03. Open your eyes and see how big the "King of Pigs" is.

The desperate scene of the moment of death of 22 animals, the iron law of despair

04. There are too many varieties, and I want to taste everything.

The desperate scene of the moment of death of 22 animals, the iron law of despair

05. Take a look at how the hoopoe, the national bird of Israel, nurses its young:

The desperate scene of the moment of death of 22 animals, the iron law of despair

06. Two entangled rattlesnakes seem to be dancing.

The desperate scene of the moment of death of 22 animals, the iron law of despair

07. This strange-looking frog is called the helmet frog. It has a long, pointed mouth and secretes venom from its body, and it will often apply venom to its claws, using its sharp claws to defend itself.

The desperate scene of the moment of death of 22 animals, the iron law of despair

08, frogs? It looks like it crawled out of a horror movie.

The desperate scene of the moment of death of 22 animals, the iron law of despair

09, the South American king vulture with such a strange appearance, I don't know why the name is crowned with a king character

The desperate scene of the moment of death of 22 animals, the iron law of despair

10. What the hell is this? This is a Southeast Asian shield-headed toad that lives in underground caves.

The desperate scene of the moment of death of 22 animals, the iron law of despair

11. The horns of rhinoceros are made up of hair

The desperate scene of the moment of death of 22 animals, the iron law of despair

12. In the middle of the night in Australia, a snake devoured a toad, and the locals were not disgusted by this snake, because the sea toad it devoured was a terrible invasive species for the locals, and the most incredible thing was that the toad's head was much bigger than the snake's head.

The desperate scene of the moment of death of 22 animals, the iron law of despair

13. "Think quietly about life." ”

The desperate scene of the moment of death of 22 animals, the iron law of despair

14. The more than 400 crooked pine trees in the crooked forests of Poland are due to the influence of the natural environment and climate, which makes these pine trees take on a peculiar shape during their growth.

The desperate scene of the moment of death of 22 animals, the iron law of despair

15. The snake opened its bloody mouth and bit the mouse, and the mouse's expression was loveless, and he accepted his fate in despair. Nature is like this, some people are born hunters, and some people are born prey.

The desperate scene of the moment of death of 22 animals, the iron law of despair

16. Everyone knows that warthogs are ugly, but different breeds of warthogs are not the same, in fact, warthogs are generally divided into two kinds, one is called desert warthog, which lives in central Africa, and the other is the common warthog, which lives in southern Africa, and their main difference is the bulge on the face.

The desperate scene of the moment of death of 22 animals, the iron law of despair

17. Beluga whale seems to be a person in a leather suit.

The desperate scene of the moment of death of 22 animals, the iron law of despair

18. A snake opened its bloody mouth and swallowed a lizard, and before that, the lizard had lost its tail from being tortured by the snake.

The desperate scene of the moment of death of 22 animals, the iron law of despair

19. Rabbits have soft fur and long ears, and can be good companions for humans.

The desperate scene of the moment of death of 22 animals, the iron law of despair

20. This beetle is so strange that there is a human face behind its head.

The desperate scene of the moment of death of 22 animals, the iron law of despair

21. Mastodon:

The desperate scene of the moment of death of 22 animals, the iron law of despair

22. There are very few black foxes in nature. Silver black foxes are generally individuals whose fur color changes due to genetic mutations.

The desperate scene of the moment of death of 22 animals, the iron law of despair

23. African giant snail.

The desperate scene of the moment of death of 22 animals, the iron law of despair

24. A hippopotamus is opening its mouth and smiling at you with a friendly smile, so wave to it.

The desperate scene of the moment of death of 22 animals, the iron law of despair

25. This whale is covered with barnacles. Can humans help it?

The desperate scene of the moment of death of 22 animals, the iron law of despair

26, the alpaca will also smile, this is selling cuteness

The desperate scene of the moment of death of 22 animals, the iron law of despair

27. Glass shrimp

The desperate scene of the moment of death of 22 animals, the iron law of despair

28. Can you see the animals in the photo? That's right, two frogs lying on their stomachs, and the camouflage on them is amazing! Even in mating, they maintain their camouflage.

The desperate scene of the moment of death of 22 animals, the iron law of despair

29. Have you ever seen so many horned sheep?

The desperate scene of the moment of death of 22 animals, the iron law of despair

30. Did the bear say to take a look at the car?

The desperate scene of the moment of death of 22 animals, the iron law of despair

31. This strange fungus is called the British army lichen, and the reason for this name is that they are the same as the British sergeants in the ancient wars, wearing red hats and white uniforms, and striding forward with guns.

The desperate scene of the moment of death of 22 animals, the iron law of despair

32. What is involution? Perhaps, the appearance of this cow can explain this word very well.

The desperate scene of the moment of death of 22 animals, the iron law of despair

33. The top comes out first, can the bottom win?!!!!

The desperate scene of the moment of death of 22 animals, the iron law of despair

34. What kind of flower is this? Why does it look like a grinning monkey? This is an orchid.

The desperate scene of the moment of death of 22 animals, the iron law of despair

35. Around 1940, a taxi in Jakarta, Indonesia.

The desperate scene of the moment of death of 22 animals, the iron law of despair

36. Is this a beehive? I'm not sure, the red and black bees look a little weird......

The desperate scene of the moment of death of 22 animals, the iron law of despair

37. The hippopotamus is huge, has a fierce personality, and has a strong sense of territory. As soon as another animal intrudes into their territory by mistake, they will not hesitate to open their mouths and attack wildly. Although they are not carnivores, their large bloody mouths and long fangs do absolutely no less damage than crocodiles.

The desperate scene of the moment of death of 22 animals, the iron law of despair

38. Fish that greedily eats hairtail fish that breaks their stomachs

The desperate scene of the moment of death of 22 animals, the iron law of despair

39. Look at this round and chubby little guy, it is the cub of the emperor penguin, and its fluff can help it withstand the most violent snowstorm in Antarctica for a short time after birth. When it grows a little more, the yellow fluff will fade and it will wear a black suit and white shirt just like Mom and Dad.

The desperate scene of the moment of death of 22 animals, the iron law of despair

40, look at the picture to guess the idiom ?!!

The desperate scene of the moment of death of 22 animals, the iron law of despair

41. Vulture bees are a disgusting bee, they collect honey to make honey like ordinary bees, but at the same time, they are very interested in carrion. They will put pollen and carrion together to create a strange "sweet meat", and when you open the hive with vulture bees, you will see strange clumps of fibrous "sweet meat".

The desperate scene of the moment of death of 22 animals, the iron law of despair

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The desperate scene of the moment of death of 22 animals, the iron law of despair

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