
Commenting on "The Truth of the World" (2)


Editor's note: "To understand today's China, we must understand the Communist Party of China. To this end, it is necessary not only to tell the story of the Communist Party of China at the level of propaganda and interpretation, but also to construct a Chinese discourse system at the level of theoretical innovation. Professor Lin Shangli, a well-known scholar and president of Renmin University of Chinese, systematically explains the "national truth of the world" followed by the success of the Communist Party of China from the grand perspective of the history of the development of human civilization. On the occasion of the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the CPC, this newspaper published three book reviews to further reveal the truths, theories, and philosophies contained in them for the benefit of readers.

Commenting on "The Truth of the World" (2)

Promoting the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation is the great ambition of the Chinese Communists. Over the past 100 years, the party has led the Chinese people to write the most magnificent epic in the history of the Chinese nation for thousands of years with the fearless spirit of "making great sacrifices and daring to teach the sun and the moon to change the sky," and is marching toward great rejuvenation with unstoppable steps. Why can the Chinese Communist Party? First of all, the Chinese Communists are determined to achieve the great cause of the Chinese nation for a thousand years, accurately position and clarify the tasks in the time and space dimensions of interweaving and evolving diachronic and synchronic, formulate strategies, adhere to values, unswervingly move forward towards the established goals, and paint a wonderful chapter on the land of China that lives up to the nation and the people. More than 100 years of party history has fully proved that only by having great ambitions can we build great causes. The main reason why "The Truth of the World and the Country" explores the way to the success of the Communist Party of China from the perspective of "aspiring to a great cause for a thousand years" is precisely this.

Only by having great ambitions can we win the hearts of the people

The report of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China pointed out: "The Communist Party of China is a party that seeks happiness for the Chinese people and rejuvenation for the Chinese nation, as well as a party that seeks progress for mankind and the common good of the world." This is not only an accurate definition of China's mission, but also a high degree of condensation of the lofty aspirations of the Communist Party of China. Because of this great aspiration, the Chinese Communists have always put the well-being of the people, the rejuvenation of the nation, and the progress of mankind in the highest position in their chests, always adhered to the value orientation of putting the people first, focused on the fundamental and long-term interests of the Chinese people in strategic planning, policy formulation and governance practice, and made overall plans to grasp the relations between China and the world, on the one hand, leading the people to devote themselves to building a modern socialist power; On the other hand, it actively advocates and joins hands with the international community to build a community with a shared future for mankind. Ambition will inevitably win the hearts of the people. With its brilliant achievements in the annals of history, the CPC has not only won the heartfelt support of the Chinese people, but also won positive praise and widespread praise from the international community, especially the vast number of developing countries.

Only with great ambition can we have faith

General Secretary Xi Jinping said: "Faith, conviction, and confidence are crucial at all times. As long as there is faith, conviction, and confidence, we will become more and more frustrated and courageous, otherwise we will defeat ourselves without a fight. "Throughout the ages, those who have great ambitions must have firm and persistent beliefs. Whether it is an individual or a group, without great ambitions, there will be no great pursuits and ambitions, and there will be no realistic needs and internal motivation to maintain beliefs. Ambition and belief are an organic and unified whole, ambition needs the support of faith, and belief needs the traction of ambition; Great ambition is the external form of the goal, and belief is the spiritual core of the goal. The Chinese Communists are determined to achieve great causes for a thousand years, and they inevitably need to maintain a strong and firm conviction. Because of their great ambitions, the Chinese Communists can not be afraid of any risks or confused by any interference, and always strengthen their belief in Marxism, their belief in socialism with Chinese characteristics, and their confidence in realizing the Chinese dream of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. This kind of belief, belief, and confidence is a powerful spiritual force that guides and supports the Chinese people from standing up and becoming rich to becoming strong.

Only by having great ambitions can we go the right way

If you want to forge a great cause, you must find the way and take the right path. Only with great ambition can we find the right way and firmly follow the consciousness of the right path. It is inconceivable without a correct path to transform a semi-colonial and semi-feudal society into a modern socialist country and to push the Chinese nation into a state of humiliation to the country, suffering hardships for the people, and being dusted in civilization to great rejuvenation. This kind of path does not exist naturally in China's social development, and it cannot be easily obtained by copying the path of others, let alone seeking the gifts of others at the cost of losing self-esteem, but must be explored and created independently. Because of their great ambitions, once the Chinese Communists identify the direction and road, they will maintain strong determination, perseverance, and indomitable progress; We will always maintain the consciousness of theoretical innovation, and constantly open up a new realm of Sinicization and modernization of Marxism in the "two combinations", so that Marxism will always show its strong vitality on the land of China. Over the past 100 years, in order to realize their great ambitions, the Chinese Communists have successfully gathered the majestic strength and collective wisdom of the people of the Chinese in various historical periods such as revolution, construction and reform, worked hard to forge ahead, dared to be the first in the world, realized the building of a moderately prosperous society in an all-round way as scheduled, successfully explored the path of Chinese-style modernization, and unswervingly promoted the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation with Chinese-style modernization. The Chinese Communists keep in mind their mission and pursuit, and strive to create a new form of human civilization in the direction of building the modern civilization of the Chinese nation.

Only by having great ambitions can we strengthen our bodies

Ambition means doing great things; To do great things, you need to strengthen your body. The Communist Party of China is a Marxist political party that has been in power for a long time, and it has great aspirations; it must not only uphold the party's comprehensive leadership and continuously forge a strong backbone leading the Chinese people, but also have the courage to push forward self-revolution inward, build a strong physique, and unremittingly answer the major questions of the times on what kind of Marxist party to build for a long time and how to build a Marxist party that will be in power for a long time. As early as the period of the New Democratic Revolution, the Chinese Communists were thinking about how to break out of the profound proposition of historical cyclical rate and give the first answer to "people's supervision." In the new era, in the practice of promoting the comprehensive and strict governance of the party, the Chinese communists have successfully explored the second answer of "self-revolution", which jumps out of the historical cycle. The two answers focus on the proposition of the party's self-construction, realize the dialectical unity of self-supervision and people's supervision, contain profound historical, theoretical and practical logic, profoundly answer the successful way to realize the party's self-purification, self-improvement, self-innovation and self-improvement, greatly deepen the understanding of the law of the Communist Party's governance, provide theoretical guidance for the party's great project of promoting self-construction, and provide a fundamental guarantee for the party to forge a great cause for a thousand years.

(The author is the dean and second-level professor of the School of Marxism of the Party School of the Shanghai Municipal Committee of the Communist Party of China; President of Shanghai Marxist Research Association)

Commenting on "The Truth of the World" (2)

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