
Teary-eyed! The woman tells about the phenomenon of Chaoshan heavy men and women: girls are not expected to be born in this world!

author:At the end of the clouds is the sea

Recently, a woman from Guangdong posted a video saying that she has 9 brothers and sisters in her family, and she is the youngest one. She replied that her mother had given birth to 3 sons and 3 daughters before, but in order to give birth to a fourth son, her mother continued to give birth, and finally she existed, but in the end, her mother did not succeed, because the next 3 were all daughters......

Teary-eyed! The woman tells about the phenomenon of Chaoshan heavy men and women: girls are not expected to be born in this world!
Teary-eyed! The woman tells about the phenomenon of Chaoshan heavy men and women: girls are not expected to be born in this world!
Teary-eyed! The woman tells about the phenomenon of Chaoshan heavy men and women: girls are not expected to be born in this world!
Teary-eyed! The woman tells about the phenomenon of Chaoshan heavy men and women: girls are not expected to be born in this world!
Teary-eyed! The woman tells about the phenomenon of Chaoshan heavy men and women: girls are not expected to be born in this world!

Some people may think that she has so many brothers and sisters, and her life will definitely be very happy, but the woman said: In Chaoshan, the phenomenon of preference for sons is very serious, and she earns money for her mother to spend, but her mother turned her head and gave the money to her brothers, because she felt that raising children could prevent old age, and her son was her dependence, if they didn't give them the money they earned, they would feel that the girls would marry out in the future, and they would take away the money they earned, which was a very disadvantaged thing......

Teary-eyed! The woman tells about the phenomenon of Chaoshan heavy men and women: girls are not expected to be born in this world!
Teary-eyed! The woman tells about the phenomenon of Chaoshan heavy men and women: girls are not expected to be born in this world!

In the phone call with her mother, the woman asked her mother: There are 9 children in the family, but none of them have taken the college entrance examination, will she feel regretful? Mom replied: There is nothing to regret, it is good that you can grow up alive...... Hearing this sentence, it really makes people feel mixed!

Teary-eyed! The woman tells about the phenomenon of Chaoshan heavy men and women: girls are not expected to be born in this world!
Teary-eyed! The woman tells about the phenomenon of Chaoshan heavy men and women: girls are not expected to be born in this world!

In the end, the woman sighed: I have never understood why a family that can't even afford to study has to give birth to so many children? Girls born in Chaoshan have received unfairness from childhood to adulthood, which is unimaginable to others, and in Chaoshan, girls are not even expected to be born in this world......

Teary-eyed! The woman tells about the phenomenon of Chaoshan heavy men and women: girls are not expected to be born in this world!
Teary-eyed! The woman tells about the phenomenon of Chaoshan heavy men and women: girls are not expected to be born in this world!

After reading the woman's self-report, it is hard to believe that there is such a serious patriarchy in our generation, and I can't understand what kind of psychological state it is for parents who keep giving birth to children in order to give birth to their sons!

The original video is as follows↓


Let's take a look at what netizens have to say about this matter!

It was really not easy in those days! I don't know how the grandmothers survived!

Teary-eyed! The woman tells about the phenomenon of Chaoshan heavy men and women: girls are not expected to be born in this world!

Say that you have to have boys over there, and you have to give birth to two or three to stabilize your status?

Teary-eyed! The woman tells about the phenomenon of Chaoshan heavy men and women: girls are not expected to be born in this world!
Teary-eyed! The woman tells about the phenomenon of Chaoshan heavy men and women: girls are not expected to be born in this world!

Is that really the case? Let's talk about a friend from Chaoshan?

Teary-eyed! The woman tells about the phenomenon of Chaoshan heavy men and women: girls are not expected to be born in this world!

We call this an only son, and an only son is the only son in the family, and the others are all girls!

Teary-eyed! The woman tells about the phenomenon of Chaoshan heavy men and women: girls are not expected to be born in this world!

Oh my God, I wouldn't have believed this if I hadn't seen it with my own eyes!

Teary-eyed! The woman tells about the phenomenon of Chaoshan heavy men and women: girls are not expected to be born in this world!

Aren't coffins all carried for money to be carried? In this era, there are still so many sons to carry the coffin [covering their faces]

Teary-eyed! The woman tells about the phenomenon of Chaoshan heavy men and women: girls are not expected to be born in this world!
Teary-eyed! The woman tells about the phenomenon of Chaoshan heavy men and women: girls are not expected to be born in this world!

There are also non-patriarchal families in Guangdong, but relatively speaking, the proportion should be low, right?

Teary-eyed! The woman tells about the phenomenon of Chaoshan heavy men and women: girls are not expected to be born in this world!
Teary-eyed! The woman tells about the phenomenon of Chaoshan heavy men and women: girls are not expected to be born in this world!

It's a pity, because such ignorant parents ruined their future......

Teary-eyed! The woman tells about the phenomenon of Chaoshan heavy men and women: girls are not expected to be born in this world!

Didn't you see her say that nine children haven't taken the college entrance examination, it must be the kind of raising method that doesn't starve to death.

Teary-eyed! The woman tells about the phenomenon of Chaoshan heavy men and women: girls are not expected to be born in this world!
Teary-eyed! The woman tells about the phenomenon of Chaoshan heavy men and women: girls are not expected to be born in this world!

It shouldn't be high, right? They like boys, but it seems that the probability of having a girl is very high, which means that there are many girls, and the bride price will not be very high.

Teary-eyed! The woman tells about the phenomenon of Chaoshan heavy men and women: girls are not expected to be born in this world!
Teary-eyed! The woman tells about the phenomenon of Chaoshan heavy men and women: girls are not expected to be born in this world!

The idea of inheritance is deep-rooted, it is the same whether you have money or not, just give birth!

Teary-eyed! The woman tells about the phenomenon of Chaoshan heavy men and women: girls are not expected to be born in this world!
Teary-eyed! The woman tells about the phenomenon of Chaoshan heavy men and women: girls are not expected to be born in this world!

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