
ByteDance has also started horse racing", with Tomato novels continue

author:Eat your fill

ByteDance has also started horse racing", with Tomato novels continue

"The Transformation of the Internet Landscape under the Internet War"

In the rapidly changing Internet industry, the online literature industry has also undergone earth-shaking changes. Since Tencent introduced the "horse racing" mechanism, ByteDance has also begun to actively deploy in this field, launching free online literature platforms such as tomato novels, egg flower novels and frequently read novels. This series of actions is undoubtedly a major reshuffle of the entire online literature industry pattern.

The era of free online articles that you can't put down

In the past two decades, the paid online writing model has become mainstream. Paid reading platforms represented by Qiqi are favored by users, and various IP adaptations have sprung up. However, with the change of times, this payment model has gradually exposed many problems. With millions of words of "water-injected" novels and high subscription fees, many readers have to turn to free online platforms for a better and more affordable content consumption experience.

In this context, ByteDance quickly occupied the position of free online articles by virtue of its strong capital and traffic advantages. The successive launch of Tomato Novels, Egg Flower Novels and Frequently Read Novels not only improves the convenience of users' content acquisition, but also provides creators with better monetization opportunities through diversified profit models such as advertising revenue. This strategy of "winning by volume" has enabled ByteDance to gradually gain a leading edge in the free online literature track.

The Matthew effect is prominent, and the industry pattern is changing

With the rise of free online writing platforms, the paid online writing model is also facing unprecedented challenges. Although the paid reading platform represented by Qiqi has maintained a certain amount of revenue through content IP adaptation, the overall revenue has shown a downward trend. The prominence of this "Matthew effect" has caused the entire online literature industry to fall into an unprecedented reshuffle.

Many paid reading platforms, such as Ice Shell Novels and Xincao Novels, have been removed from the shelves one after another, and they have to abandon the original payment model. In the free online article camp, head platforms such as Tomato Novel and Seven Cats firmly occupy the commanding heights of the industry, showing a trend of one super and many strong. This change in the pattern not only affects the creative motivation and income distribution of online creators, but also profoundly changes the content consumption habits of users.

The homogenization of content is intensifying, and creative norms need to be established urgently

In the face of fierce competition in the industry, free online literature platforms have to rely on numerical advantages to attract users. This has led to an exacerbation of the problem of homogenization of content. In order to get platform recommendations, authors often no longer pay attention to the quality and innovation of content, but blindly pursue hot topics and produce a large number of cookie-cutter works. Although this strategy of "large quantity and full management" can meet the needs of users in the short term, it will definitely affect the sustainable development of the industry in the long run.

ByteDance has also started horse racing", with Tomato novels continue

Therefore, after fully understanding the problems faced by the free online literature industry, we urgently need to establish and improve creative norms and industry standards. On the one hand, it is necessary to guide the author to return to the essence of the content, pay attention to the writing skills and story construction, and improve the originality and literary nature of the work. On the other hand, platforms should also strengthen content moderation to eliminate the circulation of inferior works and provide users with a better reading experience. Only in this way can we be invincible in the fierce competition and truly promote the healthy development of the online literature industry.

IP adaptation and exploration in the field of pan-entertainment

ByteDance's ambitions are clearly not limited to the realm of free online articles. Judging from the recently launched egg flower novels and frequently read novels, it has been involved in short dramas and comic content based on online texts, further enriching the reading and entertainment experience of users. This is undoubtedly exploring Tencent's path in the field of pan-entertainment, hoping to realize the transformation from single content consumption to all-round entertainment through IP adaptation and other means.

Unlike China Literature, which shapes IP through god-level author resources, ByteDance is more inclined to win by "volume". On the basis of the moat of free online articles, it hopes to find IP resources that can be copied and monetized through the screening and adaptation of massive content. This idea of relying on traffic advantages also provides the possibility for its future layout in the pan-entertainment field.

But at the same time, we must also see that on this challenging path, ByteDance still needs to overcome many obstacles. How to dig out works with real IP value in the context of intensifying content homogenization? How to maintain your innovation advantage in the fierce competition? These are all problems that need to be seriously considered and solved by ByteDance. Only by continuously improving its own content ecology can it clear the obstacles for its future pan-entertainment territory and achieve sustainable development.

In general, the current online literature industry is in a critical period of change. The rise of free online literature platforms has not only changed users' content consumption habits, but also profoundly affected the pattern of the entire industry. The strategic layout of ByteDance has undoubtedly added a new dimension of thinking to this change. We look forward to the continuous improvement of the industry itself and the joint efforts of all parties, the online literature industry can move towards a more prosperous and healthy future.

"The Transformation of the Internet Landscape under the Internet War"

The wave of change in the online literature industry is unstoppable

While ByteDance is laying out the free online text market, the entire online text industry is experiencing an unprecedented reshuffle. This trend of change not only affects the mode of content production and consumption, but also profoundly changes the pattern of interests of industry participants.

ByteDance has also started horse racing", with Tomato novels continue

It is not difficult to find that some traditional paid reading platforms are facing an unprecedented impact. Although the old paid platform represented by the starting point Chinese network still maintains a certain user scale and income level, its overall revenue shows a downward trend, and this concentrated embodiment of the "Matthew effect" fully shows the arrival of the era of free online literature.

What's more serious is that in the face of this swept trend of free online articles, many emerging paid platforms such as Ice Shell Novels and New Grass Novels have failed and have been forced to shut down. The main reason behind this is undoubtedly that it is difficult to maintain its own survival space in the face of the strong attraction of free content. It can be said that the paid online article model is gradually declining, and the consumption habits of readers are undergoing unprecedented changes.

At the same time, in the camp of free online articles, there is also an increasingly fierce "Matthew effect". The head platforms represented by Tomato Novels and Seven Cats, with their strong traffic and advertising monetization capabilities, firmly occupy the commanding heights of the industry, showing a pattern of one super and many strong. Other small and medium-sized platforms are struggling to survive and stand out from the competition.

This trend of change not only affects the interest pattern of various platforms, but also profoundly changes the survival status of online creators. Under the business logic of free online literature platforms, the quality of the work is obviously no longer the most important consideration, but more dependent on the exposure and reading time of the work. This inevitably exacerbates the problem of content homogenization, so that many authors have to abandon the pursuit of literary value and instead cater to the recommendation strategy of the platform.

It can be said that the current online literature industry is at a critical turning point. The traditional paid reading model is declining, and free online literature platforms have also fallen into a strange circle of homogenization of content. The entire industry landscape is undergoing profound changes, and the pattern of interests of participants is also changing. This undoubtedly brings many challenges to the future development of the industry.

How to solve the dilemma of content homogenization?

In the face of such a grim situation, the online literature industry urgently needs to find a way out. Among them, how to solve the dilemma of content homogenization is undoubtedly the most critical link.

On the one hand, we need to guide online creators to return to the essence of content and pay attention to the literary and original nature of their works. In the past, although the strategy of "large quantity and full management" could be favored by the platform in the short term, it would inevitably damage the sustainable development of the industry in the long run. Therefore, we should encourage authors to pay attention to their writing skills and story construction, pursue innovation and differentiation of content, and effectively improve the quality of their works.

At the same time, the online text platform itself should also assume more social responsibility. While maximizing their own commercial interests, platforms should also strengthen content moderation and pay more attention to the discovery and promotion of high-quality original works. Only in this way can we provide users with a richer and more valuable reading experience and truly promote the healthy development of the industry.

ByteDance has also started horse racing", with Tomato novels continue

In addition, relevant regulatory authorities and industry organizations should also issue clearer norms and standards to contribute to the healthy development of the online literature industry. For example, a stricter creation tilt and content review system can be formulated to guide platforms and authors to return to the essential attributes of content, and jointly create a good industry ecology.

Only through the joint efforts of all parties can the online literature industry find a breakthrough in the dilemma of content homogenization. We hope that through continuous optimization and improvement, the online literature industry can eventually move towards a more prosperous and healthy future.

An online literature ecology with both market influence and cultural value

However, it is obviously too limited to solve the problem of the online literature industry purely from the perspective of content homogenization. We also need to think about how to build an online literature ecology that not only has strong market influence, but also is full of cultural value from a more macro and comprehensive perspective.

First of all, online text platforms should pay more attention to the construction of their own content ecology while grasping the emerging position of the free online text market. Although the user attraction and monetization ability of free online articles are strong, excessive homogenization and shoddy production still cannot meet the higher-level needs of users. Therefore, platforms should actively cultivate groups of original creators, encourage them to pursue breakthroughs and innovations in content creation, and create high-quality works with more depth and thickness.

At the same time, the platform should also strengthen cooperation and exchanges with literary creators, and guide outstanding writers to enter the field of online literary creation, so as to enhance the literary value of online literary works. We know that although some famous writers intend to enter the online literature market, it is often difficult to adapt to their requirements for content form and creative logic. Therefore, the platform should take the initiative to build a suitable creative platform for them, help them smoothly transform into online texts, and bring readers a more connotative literary experience.

It is worth mentioning that ByteDance's exploration in this field is also worth paying attention to. Its products such as Eggflower Novels and Frequently Read Novels not only enrich users' content consumption choices, but also further expand the entire online literature ecosystem by trying derivative content based on online texts, such as short dramas and comics. Such innovative ideas will undoubtedly help enhance the overall cultural influence of the online literature industry.

We believe that only under the dual drive of strong market influence and profound cultural connotation can the online literature industry truly achieve sustainable development. On the one hand, it is necessary to attract more users with high-quality content and enhance the commercial value of the industry; On the other hand, it is also necessary to pay attention to continuously improving the cultural status of online literature through the creation of top works, so that this emerging cultural form can be more widely recognized and respected.

In general, in the context of the current drastic changes in the online literature industry, we should embrace innovation and change with a more open and inclusive attitude. Only in this way can we promote the transformation of online texts from a single content consumption carrier to a collection of high-quality creation and professional IP operation

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