
Deceive the upper and lower levels! CCTV exposure: Rural transformation is all fake! It's true to cheat state subsidies! It's infuriating

author:Jiejie said something

: Hello folks! Today, let's talk about a new and hot thing - rural transformation. As we all know, the country has been working hard to promote rural revitalization over the years, wanting to make our farmer brothers live a better life. But I didn't expect that this good rural transformation, why did it cause a scandal of deception and deception of state subsidies? Come on, let's find out the truth behind this together!


When it comes to rural transformation, we are all looking forward to it. Thinking of the wide roads, neat villages, beautiful houses, and those good projects that can make money, which farmer brother is not happy in his heart? But who knows, behind this seemingly beautiful thing, there is such a big cat hidden!

Deceive the upper and lower levels! CCTV exposure: Rural transformation is all fake! It's true to cheat state subsidies! It's infuriating

CCTV recently exposed such a rural transformation fraud incident. It turns out that in some places, in order to defraud the state subsidies, ZF has actually moved crooked thoughts on rural transformation. They do not sincerely seek the welfare of the peasants, but use rural transformation as a tool to make money. Tell me, where is there still a shadow of serving the people?

Deceive the upper and lower levels! CCTV exposure: Rural transformation is all fake! It's true to cheat state subsidies! It's infuriating

What kind of scam is ZF in these places? They first misrepresented the project data and exaggerated the results of the retrofit. Obviously, only a few roads and a few houses have been built, so it has to be said that it is "completely renovated and renewed". Then, they began to falsify materials, fabricate statistics, and talk about achievements that didn't exist in the first place. In this way, when the state sees that the data is so beautiful, the subsidies will naturally flow into their pockets in an uproar.

Deceive the upper and lower levels! CCTV exposure: Rural transformation is all fake! It's true to cheat state subsidies! It's infuriating

But where are these subsidies spent? Hey, don't mention it! Most of them have been squandered by them. And the villages that really need to be renovated are still the same, or even worse. The expectations and trust of the peasant brothers were trampled on by these unscrupulous officials!

Deceive the upper and lower levels! CCTV exposure: Rural transformation is all fake! It's true to cheat state subsidies! It's infuriating

This thing is so infuriating that I stomp my feet! Our peasant brothers have worked hard to support their families, and we hope that the state can give more support and help. But what about these unscrupulous officials? Not only did they not help, but they also tricked us in turn! Isn't this a knife in the hearts of our peasant brothers? As public servants of the people and cadres of the state, they should always remember their duties and missions! They should seek benefits for the farmers and contribute to the revitalization of the countryside! Instead of thinking about how to make money and how to climb up all day long!

Deceive the upper and lower levels! CCTV exposure: Rural transformation is all fake! It's true to cheat state subsidies! It's infuriating

So what should be done about this? We think.

First: these unscrupulous officials must be found out and brought to justice! Let them know what will happen to deceiving the country and the people!

Second, we need to strengthen supervision and improve the assessment mechanism. Let those good officials who really want to work for the welfare of farmers and contribute to rural revitalization have the opportunity to stand out!

Deceive the upper and lower levels! CCTV exposure: Rural transformation is all fake! It's true to cheat state subsidies! It's infuriating

Third, we must also raise the awareness of the rights and the law of the peasant brothers. Let them know that their rights and interests cannot be violated or trampled on!

Deceive the upper and lower levels! CCTV exposure: Rural transformation is all fake! It's true to cheat state subsidies! It's infuriating

We, peasant brothers, are the foundation of the country and the pillar of society. We have to protect ourselves and develop ourselves! We can't be cheated and harmed by those unscrupulous officials! We have to unite and work together! Contribute to rural revitalization!


Deceive the upper and lower levels! CCTV exposure: Rural transformation is all fake! It's true to cheat state subsidies! It's infuriating

Okay, that's all for now. I hope this article can give you a better understanding of the truth behind rural transformation and the expectations of farmers. We've got to work together! Contribute to rural revitalization! Let those unscrupulous officials have nowhere to hide, nowhere to hide! We peasant brothers are the masters of this land! We have to make our lives better and more prosperous! Come on! Folks!

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