
The BL plot makes fans break the defense! The "positive" energy of the United States has made the drama fall off the altar?

author:Humorous white clouds

The prologue of the fourth season of "Black Robe Pickets" kicks off in the desperation of Butler Butler. After the intense conflict of the third season, Butch suffered a great deal of physical and mental devastation due to his prolonged use of the V24 compound. His muscles began to harden, his heart began to fail, and every heartbeat felt like a race against death. However, Butch did not give up, he knew that he was short on time and must act as soon as possible, not only to get rid of Superman, but also to save his son Huey.

Butch's plan of action is fraught with danger and uncertainty, and he begins to secretly collect the weaknesses and crimes of Superman Protector, hoping to find a way to destroy this invincible superpower without putting his team members in unnecessary danger. He is well aware that the power of the superman is overwhelming, but Butch believes that even the most powerful enemies will always have weaknesses.

The BL plot makes fans break the defense! The "positive" energy of the United States has made the drama fall off the altar?

At the same time, the crisis of confidence within the black-robed pickets is gradually intensifying. At the end of the third season, the team members have disagreements over their respective choices and actions, which are further exacerbated in the fourth season. Huey and Anne's relationship is strained by Huey's loyalty to Butch, while Anne is more inclined to adopt a more cautious and calculative strategy. The other members, such as the Frenchman and the Blonde, are also struggling with their own moral dilemmas, and they begin to question whether they can really stand up to the almost invincible superpowers.

The image of Superman also shifts in Season 4. Instead of trying to maintain his image as a national hero, he began to show his power and desire for control more openly. As the political struggle intensifies, Superman begins to use his influence to manipulate political events, even at the cost of innocent lives to achieve his own goals. His actions caused panic and unease among the public, and many began to question whether the superpowered were really protectors or a new threat.

The BL plot makes fans break the defense! The "positive" energy of the United States has made the drama fall off the altar?

In this season, we've also seen the addition of some new characters who bring new perspectives and challenges. Some of these characters are superpowers, with varying powers and motivations, ranging from those who wish to join the superman who protects the kingdom and others who seek to uncover the secrets of the superpowers. The addition of these new characters adds more complexity and uncertainty to the plot.

As the plot progresses, the Black-robed Pickets find themselves facing not only the Superman who protects the country, but also other superpowers and political forces. They must find a way to both unite against a common enemy and resolve internal divisions and crises of confidence. This season is full of conflicts and battles, with every action fraught with risks and every choice that could change their fate.

The BL plot makes fans break the defense! The "positive" energy of the United States has made the drama fall off the altar?

In this season, we see more confrontations between superpowers, as well as contradictions and conflicts between them and ordinary people. These confrontations are not only physical, but also moral and philosophical. The Black-robed Pickets begin to realize that they are not just facing a formidable enemy, but an entrenched system that uses superpowers to maintain their power and control.

As the plot progresses, Butch's health deteriorates and he has less and less time. He must find a way to save both his own life and his son and his team in the limited time he has. The Black-robed Pickets must face their own fears and uncertainties, and they need to find a way to overcome their internal divisions and unite against those forces that seek to control the world.

The BL plot makes fans break the defense! The "positive" energy of the United States has made the drama fall off the altar?

The plot of the fourth season is full of tension and uncertainty, and each character is fighting for their beliefs and goals. Their story is not just about the struggles of superpowers, but also about the exploration of human nature, morality, and choice. As the plot progresses, viewers will see more conflict, betrayal, and sacrifice, as well as how the Black-robed Pickets find hope and strength in the face of adversity.

Butler Butler, the once fearless captain of the black-robed pickets, is now facing an unprecedented life crisis. Although the use of the V24 compound once gave him strength beyond ordinary people, the side effects that followed were like a double-edged sword, constantly eroding his life force. Over time, Butch's body began to show various abnormalities, with muscle hardening, heart failure, and even symptoms of hallucinations and emotional out-of-control. He knew that if he didn't find a solution soon, he would die soon.

The BL plot makes fans break the defense! The "positive" energy of the United States has made the drama fall off the altar?

However, Butch did not choose to give up, his heart was filled with hatred for Superman who protected the country and worry about his son Huey. Superman, a superpowered man who was once regarded as a national hero, has become an unforgivable demon in Butch's eyes. Not only did he cause great harm to Butch, but he also posed a potential threat to Huey. Butch is determined to get rid of the threat, even if it means costing him his life.

In Butch's mind, Superman is not only an individual enemy, but also a representative of the entire group of superpowers. They have superhuman strength, but they lack the moral and sense of responsibility they deserve. Butch believes that only by completely destroying the superman can the world regain its balance and make the superpowers re-examine their status and role.

The BL plot makes fans break the defense! The "positive" energy of the United States has made the drama fall off the altar?

In order to achieve this goal, Butch begins to secretly collect information on Superman Protector in an attempt to find his weaknesses. He knew that although the power of the superman who protected the country was strong, it was not invulnerable. Butch began to study Superman's fighting style, psychological state, and even his personal life. He hopes to find a way to deliver a fatal blow to Superman at a critical moment.

At the same time, Butch is also struggling to establish contact with his son, Huey. He knows that he doesn't have much time and wants to be able to mend the rift with Huey as much as he can in the limited time he has. Butch began to try to communicate with Huey, sharing his experiences and feelings, hoping to gain his son's understanding and support. However, Huey has always been suspicious of his father's actions and choices, and he is not sure whether he should trust the father who once disappointed him.

The BL plot makes fans break the defense! The "positive" energy of the United States has made the drama fall off the altar?

In the process, Butch not only has to face the decay of his own body, but also the pressure and challenges from the outside world. The other members of the Black-robed Pickets, such as the Frenchman, the Blonde, Annie, and others, had a different opinion about Butch's plan. They fear that Butch's actions will put the entire team at greater risk and may even trigger a full-blown conflict with the superpowered community.

Butch's actions also attract the attention of Superman. As the best of the superpowers, Superman Protector has a powerful perception and intelligence network. He begins to perceive Butch's actions and tries to stop Butch's plans through various means. Superman also began to use his influence to suppress and threaten the Black-robed Pickets, trying to get them to give up their support for Butch.

The BL plot makes fans break the defense! The "positive" energy of the United States has made the drama fall off the altar?

In this struggle, Butch will not only have to face the formidable power of Superman, but also the disagreements within the team and external pressures. He had to find a way to balance these contradictions and conflicts in the limited time he had, while also making sure that his plans could run smoothly.

As the plot progresses, Butch's physical condition deteriorates, and his time becomes more and more pressed. He began to act more radically, doing whatever it took to achieve his goals. He began to establish contact with some marginal figures, and even did not hesitate to cooperate with some dangerous forces, just to be able to find a way to deal with the superman who protected the country.

In the process, Butch's actions gradually attracted more attention. Some people who were originally skeptical of superpowers began to pay attention to Butch's actions, and they began to realize that maybe Butch's plan could really change the world. At the same time, some people have begun to express concern about Butch's actions, fearing that Butch's aggressive actions will lead to an even greater catastrophe.

The BL plot makes fans break the defense! The "positive" energy of the United States has made the drama fall off the altar?

Butch's actions also complicate his relationship with Huey. Huey begins to realize that his father may really be fighting for a bigger goal, but he also fears that Butch's actions will put both of them in greater danger. Huey begins to torn between supporting his father and protecting himself, and he doesn't know what choice he should make.

As the plot progresses, Butch's plans gradually emerge and his actions become more and more daring. He began to organize some covert operations in an attempt to launch an attack at the most vulnerable moment of Superman. However, these actions also put him at increasing risk, and he had to choose between protecting himself and achieving his goals.

In the process, Butch not only has to face the counterattack of Superman, but also has to face doubts within the team and external pressure. He must find his ground in this struggle, while also ensuring that his plan succeeds. Butch's actions are fraught with uncertainty and risk, but his determination and courage also give people hope.

As the plot develops, Butch's plan gradually enters the climax stage. He began to act more aggressively, trying to strike a fatal blow at the most undefended moment of the Protector Superman. However, these actions also put him at increasing risk, and he had to choose between protecting himself and achieving his goals. Butch's actions are fraught with uncertainty and risk, but his determination and courage also give people hope.

In the fourth season of "Black Robe Pickets", the crisis of trust among the members of the Black Robe Pickets became the biggest dilemma faced by the team. As the plot progresses, cracks begin to appear in this team of people with different backgrounds and motivations.

Butch's personal actions were the trigger for a crisis of confidence. He did not hesitate to use the V24 compound in order to fight against the superman of the protector, a decision that caused quite a bit of controversy within the team. Some members, such as Huey, expressed support for Butch's decision, arguing that it was a necessary sacrifice; However, members like Anne are disappointed and worried about Butch's decision, believing that his actions are too reckless and may pose a greater danger to the team.

This disagreement led to tensions within the team. Members began to question each other's loyalty and judgment, and even disagreed on some key decisions. For example, when the team needs to decide whether or not to intervene in one of the actions of the Protector Superman, the opinions of the members are no longer unanimous, which directly affects the efficiency and effectiveness of the team's actions.

The exacerbation of the crisis of confidence is also reflected in the personal relationships of the members. The relationship between Huey and Anne is strained by Butch's problems, and the two disagree on how to deal with issues within the team. Huey believes that Butch should be unconditionally supported, while Anne believes that the situation needs to be analyzed more rationally. This disagreement not only affected their work, but also took a toll on their personal relationships.

In addition to internal disagreements, the team also faced external pressures. As the suppression of the black-robed pickets by the superman of the country became more and more intense, the team's living space became smaller and smaller. They need to be more united in order to stand up to a powerful threat from superpowers. However, the existence of a crisis of confidence makes this solidarity difficult.

In the midst of this predicament, Butch, the leader of the team, felt unprecedented pressure. Not only does he have to deal with his own physical crisis, but he also has to work hard to maintain the unity of his team. Butch begins to try to communicate with each member, hoping to ease the tension between them. However, this effort did not have the desired effect, and the split of the team seemed inevitable.

At the same time, a number of new characters begin to join the story, and their arrival adds new variables to the team's crisis of confidence. These new characters are superpowered and normal, each with different goals and motivations. Their addition complicates the internal relationships of the team and exposes the team to more uncertainty.

Against this background, the black-robed pickets began to look for new allies and resources. They realize that in order to fight against the superman of the protector, the strength of the team alone is not enough. They began to engage with other groups that opposed the superpowers, hoping to form a wider coalition. However, the process was not easy, and the team needed to overcome internal divisions and show enough sincerity and determination.

As the plot develops, the crisis of confidence in the black-robed pickets gradually evolves into a full-blown internal conflict. The members began to take more aggressive action to try to solve problems within the team. Some members are even starting to think about leaving the team and looking for a new path. This internal conflict not only affects the stability of the team, but also puts them at a disadvantage in the battle against the superman who protects the country.

In the process, each member faces their own choices and challenges. They need to choose between trust and betrayal, while also considering their beliefs and goals. The crisis of confidence in the black-robed pickets is not only an internal struggle, but also a test of the humanity of each member.

As the plot progresses, the Black-robed Pickets' crisis of confidence begins to affect their every decision and action. They need to find their ground in this crisis, while also trying to maintain team unity. This crisis is not just a test for the team, but also for every member. They need to find their way in this struggle, while also contributing to the future of the team.

In the fourth season of "Black Robe Pickets", the image of Superman who protects the country has changed dramatically. He is no longer just the superhero who upholds justice and protects the people in public, but gradually reveals his dark side hidden under the mask. As the plot progresses, Superman's ambitions and desire for power begin to swell, and he is no longer satisfied with his role as a mere leader of superpowers, but begins to get involved in the political realm, trying to consolidate and expand his influence by manipulating political events.

The transformation of Superman did not happen overnight, but was gradually revealed under the impetus of a series of events. He began to use his superpowers to exert pressure on political opponents who dared to oppose him, even resorting to violence and intimidation. His actions caused widespread panic in society, and people began to question whether the former hero really stood for justice and goodness.

As Superman became active in the political arena, the world plunged into a deeper crisis. Political struggles became more intense and brutal, and intrigue and betrayal became the norm. The Protector uses his influence to manipulate election results and even secretly support some extremist groups in order to consolidate his power. His actions not only destabilized the political system, but also exacerbated the division and antagonism in society.

In the process, the personal image of Superman also changed. He began to become more ruthless and cruel, no longer caring about those innocent lives. His superpowers became a tool for him to achieve his personal goals, rather than to protect the people. This change in him has disappointed and betrayed those who once supported him, and it has also strengthened the determination of those who oppose him to resist.

At the same time, the actions of the superman who protected the country also aroused the alarm of other superpowers. Some superpowers are beginning to realize that the ambitions of the superman who protect the country can pose a threat to them. They began to look for ways to fight against Superman, and even began to establish contact with opposition forces such as the Black Robe Pickets. The presence of these superpowers adds new variables to the plot and challenges the domination of the superman who protects the country.

The political struggle of the Protector Superman also affected the actions of the Black-robed Pickets. They began to pay more attention to the actions of Superman in the political sphere, trying to expose his machinations and crimes. The black-robed pickets began to gather evidence in an attempt to use the law and public opinion against Superman. However, this process is full of difficulties and dangers, and the forces of the supermen who protect the country are everywhere, and their actions can be attacked at any time.

In this political struggle, the opponent of the Protector Superman is not only the black-robed pickets, but also those who are his enemies in the political arena. These politicians and powers became aware of the threat of the Protector Superman, and they began to look for ways to confront him, even cooperating with opposition forces such as the Black-robed Pickets. The formation of this political alliance adds new complexity to the plot and makes the rule of the Protector Superman more challenging.

As the plot develops, the political struggle of Superman becomes more and more intense. He began to resort to more extreme measures to assert his power, even at the cost of innocent lives. His actions have attracted widespread attention from the international community, and some countries have begun to condemn and oppose the actions of the superman who protects the country. This international pressure has made it more difficult for Superman to rule, and it has complicated his political struggles.

In the process, the image of Superman gradually changed from a hero to a dictator. His lust for power and ambition dehumanized him and made him go further and further on the path of power. However, it was this shift that gave hope to the Black Pickets and other opposition forces. They began to look more aggressively for ways to fight against Superman, the protector, in the hope of ending his reign and restoring peace and justice to the world.

As the plot deepens, the political struggles and conspiracies of Superman begin to surface. His actions have not only provoked revolt at home, but also alarmed the international community. The Black-robed Pickets and other opposition forces began to unite against the rule of the Protector Superman. This struggle is fraught with danger and uncertainty, but it is also the only way to restore justice and order. As the plot progresses, how the image and behavior of Superman will affect the whole world has become the focus of the audience's attention.

The first three seasons of "Black Robe Pickets" have won praise from audiences and critics alike for their unique perspectives, deep themes, and excellent character development. However, the broadcast of the fourth season has triggered polarization in the evaluation of domestic and foreign audiences. On the one hand, some viewers criticized the plot direction and character development of the fourth season, believing that it deviated from previous seasons; On the other hand, many foreign media and professional critics still gave the fourth season a high evaluation, believing that it had made a breakthrough in artistry and depth.

The controversy in the fourth season mainly focused on the bold twist of the plot and the extreme behavior of some characters. Some domestic viewers felt that some of the plot choices in the fourth season were too radical and even some deviated from the original tone, which disappointed them. In particular, the political struggle of the superman of the protector and the crisis of confidence within the black-robed pickets unfolded into these plots that some viewers found difficult to accept. They felt that these changes were too abrupt and lacked proper foreshadowing and explanation, making the characters' actions seem unreasonable.

However, in stark contrast to the critical voices of some viewers in China, many foreign media still have a high evaluation of the fourth season. They think that the fourth season does a very good job of exploring the relationship between superpowers and society and politics, showing more complex and profound themes. Some critics have noted that the fourth season, through the transformation of the image of Superman, has succeeded in revealing how power corrupts human nature and the delicate line between heroes and dictators.

On rating platforms such as Douban and Rotten Tomatoes, although the score of the fourth season has been subject to some controversy, it still shows that it has received a certain degree of recognition. The ratings on Douban reflect the complex emotions of domestic audiences about the fourth season, with some viewers giving high scores, praising the series' attempts at depth and innovation; While others gave lower ratings because of their dissatisfaction with the plot. This differentiation of ratings reflects the audience's different expectations and acceptance of the fourth season.

Ratings and reviews on Rotten Tomatoes are more representative of international audiences and professional critics. Many critics felt that while the fourth season was controversial in some ways, it was a commendable attempt to break through in terms of artistic expression, plot depth, and character development. They appreciate the show's courage in daring to challenge traditional superhero narratives, as well as its deep reflections on real-life social issues.

The polarizing reviews of the fourth season actually reflect the audience's different expectations and interpretations of the superhero theme. Some viewers are more inclined to see the traditional confrontation between good and evil, and the fourth season offers a more complex and grey perspective. It forces the viewer to think about the problems that superpowers can pose in the real world, as well as the moral dilemmas behind heroism.

In addition, the controversy of the fourth season has also sparked discussions about the freedom of artistic creation and audience acceptance. Some critics believe that a work of art should be explored and challenged, even if it means facing controversy and criticism. Others argue that TV dramas, as a mass culture product, need to take into account the tastes and acceptance of a wider audience.

Overall, the reviews of the fourth season are polarized, not only because of its bold attempts in plot and theme, but also because of the audience's different expectations and interpretations of the superhero theme. This kind of differentiated ratings and reviews actually provides a broader space for discussion and thinking about the series, and also allows people to have a deeper understanding and reflection on superhero culture.

The first three seasons of "Black Robe Pickets" have earned widespread acclaim for their dark humor, sharp social satire, and subversion of the traditional image of superheroes. Audiences are captivated by its complex character relationships, in-depth thematic discussions, and tense plot, which has made the series receive high scores on major rating platforms. However, the launch of the fourth season has encountered criticism from some viewers because of some controversial changes in the plot.

The plot of the fourth season has been boldly expanded on the original basis, introducing more political and social issues, making the plot more complex and multi-layered. This season, Superman's political ambitions, a crisis of confidence within the Black-robed Pickets, and the addition of new characters have added a new dimension to the series. However, these changes are not acceptable to all viewers. Some viewers felt that some of the plot developments in the fourth season were too abrupt and deviated from the style of the previous three seasons, causing them to evaluate this season as well as the previous seasons.

Despite this, the fourth season still received high praise in the evaluation of foreign media. Many international critics and viewers have praised the depth and innovation of the fourth season. They believe that the fourth season does an excellent job of exploring the relationship between superpowers and society and politics, showing more complex and profound themes. Some critics have noted that the fourth season, through the transformation of the image of Superman, has succeeded in revealing how power corrupts human nature and the delicate line between heroes and dictators.

On rating platforms such as Douban, the ratings of the fourth season show obvious polarization. Some viewers praised the fourth season's innovative attempt, arguing that the series dared to challenge the framework of traditional superhero narratives, providing a richer and more three-dimensional perspective. However, there are also viewers who give lower ratings because of their dissatisfaction with the plot, they believe that the fourth season lacks rationality in the handling of some plots, and the characters' actions are not coherent enough.

The controversy and divergence of reviews in the fourth season also prompted viewers and critics to think more deeply about the superhero genre. It is not just an entertaining TV series, but also a mirror that reflects the various problems and contradictions in society. The launch of the fourth season has undoubtedly added more discussion value and thinking space to the work "Black Robe Pickets", making it a complex narrative not only about superpowers, but also about human nature, power and morality.

Since its broadcast, the fourth season of "Black Robe Pickets" has generated a lot of discussion among viewers and critics alike. Although this season's plot and character development have caused a lot of controversy, the ratings of Douban and Rotten Tomatoes show that it still has a certain degree of recognition and support.

On Douban, the scores of the fourth season show obvious differentiation. Some viewers praised the show's innovative attempts, believing that the fourth season had a significant improvement in both plot depth and character development. These viewers believe that the fourth season dares to challenge the framework of traditional superhero narratives, providing a richer and more three-dimensional perspective. They appreciate the show's deep exploration of power, morality, and human nature, as well as its keen insight into real-life social issues.

However, another part of the audience expressed dissatisfaction with some of the plot developments in the fourth season. They felt that the fourth season lacked rationality in the handling of some plots, and the characters' actions were not coherent enough. These viewers have reservations about the show's innovative attempts, believing that it deviates from the style and tone of the first three seasons in some ways. This dissatisfaction is reflected in the ratings on Douban, with some viewers giving lower ratings.

At the same time, ratings and reviews on Rotten Tomatoes are more representative of the views of international audiences and professional critics. Many critics spoke highly of the fourth season's artistic presentation and plot depth. They believe that the fourth season does an excellent job of exploring the relationship between superpowers and society and politics, showing more complex and profound themes. Some critics have noted that the fourth season, through the transformation of the image of Superman, has succeeded in revealing how power corrupts human nature and the delicate line between heroes and dictators.

The ratings on Rotten Tomatoes also reflect the popularity of the fourth season among international viewers. Many international viewers praised the series' innovative attempts, believing that the fourth season had a significant improvement in both artistic expression and plot depth. These viewers appreciated the show's courage to challenge traditional superhero narratives, as well as its deep reflections on real-life social issues.

The launch of the fourth season has undoubtedly added more discussion value and thinking space to the work "Black Robe Pickets". It is not just an entertaining TV series, but also a mirror that reflects the various problems and contradictions in society. The controversy and divergence of reviews in Season 4 prompted viewers and critics to think more deeply about the superhero genre, making it a complex narrative not just about superpowers, but about humanity, power, and morality.

Since its first season, "Black Robe Pickets" has been known for its bold narrative and strong visual impact. Season 4 continues this style and even goes a step further in some ways, bringing even more shocking scenes of gore and brutality to viewers. This large-scale and heavy-tasting element not only challenges the audience's sensory limits, but also deepens the subversion and reflection of the superhero theme in the series.

In Season 4, the bloody and brutal scenes are more frequent and detailed, not only to create visual impact, but also to show the inner struggles and conflicts of the characters. For example, in the pursuit of power, Superman does not hesitate to resort to extreme means, and the cruelty of these methods makes the audience deeply doubt his humanity. At the same time, the black-robed pickets also had to take some extreme measures in the process of fighting against the superpowers, and the cruelty of these measures also made the audience think about their moral stance.

In the fourth season, viewers can see more detailed and realistic gore scenes, which are brought to life through high-quality special effects and makeup techniques. From the characters' wounds to the destruction of the combat, every detail has been carefully designed to ensure that the audience can feel the realism and urgency of the scene. This meticulous depiction of bloody and brutal scenes not only adds to the tension and drama of the series, but also gives the audience a deeper sympathy and understanding for the fate and choices of the characters.

In addition to the bloody and brutal scenes, the fourth season also invited big-name actors such as Will Ferrell to make cameos, adding new highlights to the plot. The addition of these actors not only improves the popularity and attractiveness of the series, but also brings new possibilities for the shaping of characters and the development of the plot. The performances of actors such as Will Ferrell add more layers and depth to the series, allowing the audience to have a deeper understanding of the inner world and motivations of the characters.

The cameos of these big-name actors also brought some unexpected twists and surprises to the series. Their appearance broke the audience's expectations of the plot and added some fresh and interesting elements to the series. At the same time, the performances of these actors also provide a guarantee for the quality and reputation of the series, making the audience full of expectations for the future development of the series.

The large-scale and heavy-tasting elements in the fourth season, as well as the cameos of big-name actors, all reflect the innovation and breakthrough of "Black Robe Pickets" in artistic expression and narrative techniques. These elements not only bring a strong visual impact and emotional experience to the audience, but also deepen the reflection and criticism of the superhero theme in the series. Through these bold attempts, the fourth season successfully continued the style and spirit of "Black Robe Pickets", while also opening up new possibilities for the future development of the series.

Overall, the large-scale and heavy-tasting elements of the fourth season, as well as the cameos of big-name actors, have added new highlights and depth to "Black Robe Pickets". These elements not only challenge the audience's sensory limits, but also deepen the theme and connotation of the series. Through these innovations and breakthroughs, Season 4 successfully continues the style and spirit of "Black Robe Pickets", while also providing new direction and inspiration for the future development of the series.

With its unique style and bold narrative approach, "Black Robe Pickets" has managed to shape a worldview that is very different from the regular superhero story in the first three seasons. The fourth season continues this tradition with a series of bloody and brutal scenes that give viewers an unprecedented visual impact.

In the fourth season, the scenes of gore and brutality become more detailed and realistic. The special effects team used advanced technology to create incredible visuals, with every detail meticulously designed and presented, from the wounds of the characters to the destruction of the combat. These scenes are not only meant to create a visual impact, but also to show the inner struggles and conflicts of the characters, as well as their choices on the edge of morality.

For example, in some episodes of the fourth season, viewers can see superpowered people using their powers in battle, with consequences far beyond what the average person can imagine. These scenes are played back through high-speed cinematography and slow-motion replay, allowing viewers to clearly see the destructive power of every blow and every explosion. This direct depiction of violence not only makes the audience feel the danger and despair faced by the characters, but also provokes thinking about the problems that superpowers can pose in the real world.

In addition, the bloody and brutal scenes in the fourth season also pay more attention to the psychological depiction. In some key episodes, the characters face not only physical injuries but also psychological torture. These scenes show the pain, fear, and anger of the characters through their expressions, body language, and inner monologues. This in-depth digging into the psychological state of the characters gives the audience a deeper understanding of their motivations and choices.

The bloody and brutal scenes in Season 4 are also closely tied to the show's theme and narrative. These scenes are not just about creating drama, but also about driving the development of the plot and the growth of the characters. At some key turning points, the gory and brutal scenes serve as a catalyst for the characters to make important decisions and also provide the impetus for their growth and transformation.

At the same time, the bloody and brutal scenes in the fourth season also reflect the show's deep insight into the real world. In real society, violence and conflict are often inevitable, and "Black Robe Pickets" allows the audience to have a more intuitive feeling of these issues through these scenes. These scenes make the audience realize that even in the world of superheroes, violence and conflict can have serious consequences, and these problems need to be seriously thought about and solved.

Overall, the bloody and brutal scenes in the fourth season not only continue the style and spirit of "Black Robe Pickets", but also add new depth and layers to the narrative and themes of the series. These scenes bring a strong visual impact and emotional experience to the audience through high-quality special effects and makeup techniques, as well as in-depth depictions of the psychological states of the characters. At the same time, these scenes also provoke the audience to think about violence, conflict, and the problems that superpowers can bring in the real world, making "Black Robe Pickets" not only an entertaining TV series, but also a work with profound social significance.

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