
Is the Indian army really number one in the world? Indian netizens are full of confidence, foreigners: the gap is not a little bit!

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Incredible! Perhaps except for Indian netizens, no one dares to boast of such a Haikou.

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The confidence of Indian netizens in the ranking of military power

After the release of the World Military Power Report rankings, Indian netizens showed great confidence in their rankings.

Is the Indian army really number one in the world? Indian netizens are full of confidence, foreigners: the gap is not a little bit!

They questioned the ranking, arguing that the Indian army was grossly underestimated.

Is the Indian army really number one in the world? Indian netizens are full of confidence, foreigners: the gap is not a little bit!

In their eyes, the Indian army should rank first in the world in terms of soldiers' will to fight, the degree of modernization of equipment, and the use of strategy and tactics.

Is the Indian army really number one in the world? Indian netizens are full of confidence, foreigners: the gap is not a little bit!

This confidence may come from India's long-standing military tradition, as well as its investment and achievements in national defense construction in recent years.

Is the Indian army really number one in the world? Indian netizens are full of confidence, foreigners: the gap is not a little bit!

This self-confidence among Indian netizens has sparked heated discussions around the world.

Is the Indian army really number one in the world? Indian netizens are full of confidence, foreigners: the gap is not a little bit!

Some people have suggested that the United States has a global positioning system (GPS) and China has a "Beidou" navigation system, so what military technology does India have at its disposal?

Is the Indian army really number one in the world? Indian netizens are full of confidence, foreigners: the gap is not a little bit!

In this regard, Vietnamese netizens gave their own evaluations, believing that India still has a lot of room for improvement in military strength.

However, some foreigners directly exposed the bottom line, pointing out that there is a clear gap between the Indian army and China, the United States, and Russia and other military powers in terms of actual combat experience, equipment performance, and training level.

Is the Indian army really number one in the world? Indian netizens are full of confidence, foreigners: the gap is not a little bit!

Such a direct response has challenged the self-confidence of Indian netizens.

The "performance" of the Indian Air Force

Every move of the Indian Air Force on the international stage always attracts a lot of attention. In the international evaluation, its actual combat power has been praised and depreciated.

Is the Indian army really number one in the world? Indian netizens are full of confidence, foreigners: the gap is not a little bit!

On the one hand, the Indian Air Force has many advanced fighters, such as the Su-30MKI, Mirage-2000, etc., and its combat effectiveness should not be underestimated.

Is the Indian army really number one in the world? Indian netizens are full of confidence, foreigners: the gap is not a little bit!

On the other hand, there is still a certain gap between the Indian Air Force and the air forces of China, the United States, Russia, and other countries in terms of training, maintenance, and combat capabilities.

Is the Indian army really number one in the world? Indian netizens are full of confidence, foreigners: the gap is not a little bit!

These gaps do not seem to exist in the eyes of Indian netizens, who are confident in the strength of their air force.

Indian netizens' exaggerated descriptions of the strength of the army remind people of the sentence "If you are confident in your life for 200 years, you will be hit by water for 3,000 miles."

Is the Indian army really number one in the world? Indian netizens are full of confidence, foreigners: the gap is not a little bit!

Not only do they consider the Indian Air Force to be the strongest in the world, but they also often compare India's military power with that of other countries in an attempt to prove the strength of the Indian army.

Is the Indian army really number one in the world? Indian netizens are full of confidence, foreigners: the gap is not a little bit!

In the comparison with South Korean netizens, Indian netizens behaved more urgently and directly threw out the "king bomb". They firmly believed that the Indian army was strong enough to make any adversary intimidating.

Is the Indian army really number one in the world? Indian netizens are full of confidence, foreigners: the gap is not a little bit!

The imagination of Indian netizens is also breathtaking. They are not only concerned about India's military development, but also keen to discuss the future international status of the Indian army.

Driven by this imagination, Indian netizens have become more and more confident in the country's military strength, even feeling a little incredible.

This overconfident mentality also makes them seem a little difficult to cope with in debates.

Foreigners' counterattack on the views of Indian netizens

In the face of the confident remarks of Indian netizens, American netizens showed a rational and calm attitude.

Is the Indian army really number one in the world? Indian netizens are full of confidence, foreigners: the gap is not a little bit!

They pointed out that although India has improved its military strength, there is still a clear gap between it and the world's top three countries, China, the United States and Russia.

American netizens stressed that the ranking of military strength does not only depend on the number of people and weapons and equipment, but also includes many factors such as strategic deployment, tactical literacy, and logistics support.

Is the Indian army really number one in the world? Indian netizens are full of confidence, foreigners: the gap is not a little bit!

In this case, Indian netizens regard the Indian army as the number one in the world, which is clearly overly optimistic.

Vietnamese netizens have adopted a clever way to get South Korean netizens and Indian netizens to engage in a heated debate.

At the forum, they asked: "The United States has GPS, China has 'Beidou', so what does India have?" ”

The issue immediately caught the attention of South Korean netizens, who followed the thread, saying that India's military strength is not as exaggerated as Indian netizens.

Vietnamese netizens took the opportunity to add fuel to the fire, allowing South Korean and Indian netizens to fight each other, and they themselves reaped the benefits of the fisherman.

In this debate, the objective analysis of the strength of the Indian army by foreigners has made it difficult for Indian netizens to parry.

They pointed out that the performance of the Indian army in reality does not support the self-confidence of Indian netizens.

For example, the Indian Air Force, despite its size, has not performed as well as it could have in many military exercises and international competitions.

In addition, the Indian army also has many problems in terms of equipment renewal, logistics support, and soldier quality.

A true portrayal of the combat effectiveness of the Indian army

In the ranking of world military strength, India is undoubtedly a force to be reckoned with, but compared with China, the United States, and Russia, there is still a certain gap in the combat effectiveness of the Indian army.

First of all, in terms of military technology, China, the United States, and Russia have advanced weapons and equipment and research and development capabilities, while India relies heavily on imports.

Second, in terms of military training and combat experience, there is also a certain gap between the Indian army and these three countries.

The performance of the Indian army in reality has also exposed some problems, such as bureaucracy, corruption, etc., which have affected the improvement of its combat effectiveness.

The relationship between Indian netizens' self-confidence and the country's image:

The controversy over India's military power reflects the importance of the national mindset on the country's image. Although the self-confidence of Indian netizens reflects their love and support for the country, overconfidence can lead to misunderstanding of India's military strength.

The image of a country not only needs to be maintained by the self-confidence of the people, but also needs to be viewed rationally and objectively at the strength of the country in order to achieve the real rise of the country.

Rationally look at the country's strength and enhance the country's image:

For India, a rational view of its military strength is the key to improving the country's image. Acknowledging the gap and working hard to improve one's own strength is the only way to win respect on the international stage.

At the same time, the change in the national mentality will also help India to participate in international affairs in a more mature and stable manner.

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