
The professor of Peking University suggested that the high school entrance examination should be abolished, the high school should be popularized to relieve the pressure on children, and the 10-year compulsory education should be implemented

author:The land of China has become famous

The implementation of nine-year compulsory education has significantly improved the overall level of education in the country, ensuring that every child has access to basic education. However, as students enter high school, they face an important turning point in their lives – the college entrance examination. The exam was a watershed moment that led students to different paths in life.

At present, the phenomenon of education involution is becoming more and more serious, with high tuition fees, pressure on further education and anxiety of parents. In the context of fierce competition in the job market, the willingness to have children in many childbearing age groups has declined. Primary school students are also under tremendous academic pressure, not only to complete school courses, but also to attend various cram schools, which leads to a tendency for many students to develop psychological depression.

The professor of Peking University suggested that the high school entrance examination should be abolished, the high school should be popularized to relieve the pressure on children, and the 10-year compulsory education should be implemented

Primary and secondary school is a critical stage in children's physical and mental development, and they need adequate rest and sleep. However, long-term sleep deprivation not only affects physical and mental health, but also may induce a variety of chronic diseases. The original intention of the college entrance examination is to select talents, but in recent years, the difficulty of the high school entrance examination has increased, which has made many students feel pressure, which is contrary to the original intention of the "double reduction" policy.

In response to this problem, Professor Yao Yang of Peking University put forward a proposal to abolish the high school entrance examination and the general high school system and implement a ten-year compulsory education. He believes that this can reduce the academic pressure of students and provide them with a wider space for development. Professor Yao Yang is not the first time that he has made such a point, but considering the current educational environment, the abolition of the high school entrance examination may lead to the loss of outstanding students, reduce the gold content of university diplomas, and increase the difficulty of the college entrance examination.

The professor of Peking University suggested that the high school entrance examination should be abolished, the high school should be popularized to relieve the pressure on children, and the 10-year compulsory education should be implemented

Nobel laureate Mo Yan has also called for a shorter school period to reduce the academic burden of high school students. Professor Yao Yang further suggested that the nine-year compulsory education should be extended to 10 years or the 5+3+2 school system should be adopted to shorten the study time of primary and junior secondary schools by one year. In this way, students can complete the original 12 years of education in 10 years and start college two years earlier. This not only reduces the amount of time students spend in school, but also gives them more opportunities to explore the world.

However, there are still many challenges in the practical operation of this solution. How can you ensure that students have enough knowledge in less time? How to balance students' academic load with mental health? These issues need to be studied and explored in depth by the education sector. Professor Yao Yang's suggestion provides us with a new perspective for thinking, which deserves our further attention and discussion.

The professor of Peking University suggested that the high school entrance examination should be abolished, the high school should be popularized to relieve the pressure on children, and the 10-year compulsory education should be implemented

At the same time, in the face of the diversion policy for the high school entrance examination, many parents expressed concern. They are worried that their children will not be able to continue their education due to poor grades, which will affect their future development. This concern is not unfounded, because the high school entrance examination diversion policy does deprive some students of the opportunity to continue their studies. However, we also need to recognize that the policy of diversion for the high school entrance examination is not completely unreasonable. It aims to provide students with a more diverse development path, allowing them to choose the path that suits them according to their interests and strengths.

In order to alleviate the anxiety of parents and students, the education sector needs to take a series of measures. First of all, it is necessary to optimize the allocation of educational resources to ensure that every school can obtain sufficient educational resources and improve the quality of teaching. Second, it is necessary to strengthen psychological counseling and health education to help students and their parents establish a correct concept of education and the concept of becoming talents. In addition, it is also necessary to improve the admission system to provide students with more diversified pathways to further education and reduce the pressure of further education.

The professor of Peking University suggested that the high school entrance examination should be abolished, the high school should be popularized to relieve the pressure on children, and the 10-year compulsory education should be implemented

We need to be cautious about abolishing the high school entrance examination and implementing 10 years of compulsory education. While this approach is attractive, there are still a number of practical challenges. We need to conduct in-depth research and explore the feasibility and impact of this plan to ensure that education reform can truly benefit students and parents.

In short, in the face of current education problems, we need to think and solve them from multiple perspectives. By optimizing the allocation of educational resources, strengthening psychological counseling and health education, and improving the system of higher education, we can create a more relaxed, free and diversified educational environment for students and parents. At the same time, we also need to pay attention to the problems and challenges in education reform, continue to explore and innovate education models, and contribute to the cultivation of more outstanding talents.

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