
This low-calorie fruit is just right to eat now!

author:Jishishan County Rong Media Center
This low-calorie fruit is just right to eat now!
This low-calorie fruit is just right to eat now!

Right now, it's the season when apricots are ripe. In addition to being delicious, what is the nutritional value of apricots? How to choose sweet, juicy and soft apricots?

This low-calorie fruit is just right to eat now!

What is the nutritional value of apricots?

This low-calorie fruit is just right to eat now!



Carotene can be metabolized into vitamin A in the body, which can protect vision and improve eye discomfort.

When vitamin A is deficient, the cornea cannot be nourished enough to keep it moisturized, and it is easy to develop dry eyes; When vitamin A is severely deficient, some pigments on the retina that maintain normal visual function cannot be synthesized, resulting in night blindness.


Lutein and zeaxanthin

Lutein and zeaxanthin are essential nutrients for maintaining the health of the macular area of the retina, and lutein and zeaxanthin in yellow apricot can reach about 89 micrograms/100 grams, which is relatively high in fruits, for example, compared with cantaloupe (27 micrograms/100 grams), it is more than 3 times that of it.

It should be noted that most of the β-carotene, lutein, and zeaxanthin in apricots are concentrated in the peel, and the content in the pulp is relatively low.



Apricots are also rich in potassium at 226 mg/100 g, nearly twice as much as carrots (119 mg/100 g) and close to the potassium content of bananas (256 mg/100 g), the often recommended fruit for potassium supplementation.


Share a few tips for picking apricots:

This low-calorie fruit is just right to eat now!

1. Select the place of origin

Xinjiang small white apricot, Xinjiang small red apricot, Shandong Dutch fragrant apricot, Laoshan honey apricot, Gansu Li Guangxing, etc., are all well-known delicious apricots.

2. Choose fresh

The freshness of the fruit directly determines the taste. Apricots with smooth skin, apricot hairs, plump and round, and green stalk color are fresher.

3. Smell the aroma

If the apricots smell strong apricot aroma and subtle sweetness, this is a sign of high ripeness and sweetness, which can be used as a criterion when we choose.

Source: Linxia Rong Media Center

This low-calorie fruit is just right to eat now!
This low-calorie fruit is just right to eat now!
This low-calorie fruit is just right to eat now!

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