
In order to work with peace of mind, some young people sent their dogs to "kindergarten".

author:Southern Weekly

A somewhat outrageous and very reasonable thing, recently young people have started to send dogs to kindergarten.

After sending the puppy to daycare, the blogger Tuina Xiong breathed a sigh of relief, and finally he didn't have to worry about the dog dismantling the house and could work with peace of mind. However, when she received the teacher's message, she was still in a trance for a moment, what is the difference between this and raising a child?

In order to work with peace of mind, some young people sent their dogs to "kindergarten".

Weibo @推拿熊

In 2023, the number of pet families in China will exceed 100 million, and the pet economy will become a new blue ocean. Hairy children have become important members of society, and many young people who have pets said: "What pet, this is my own!" ”

When I went to school, the puppy sent 800 "dog friend circles"

In the past, dogs were at home waiting for their parents to get off work, but now dogs are at school with good friends. When the most suitable group of children to be parents grows up, pets live the life we all once longed for.

"Your world is colorful, but the puppy's world is only you", an ancient declaration of pet care has moistened many people's eyes, but now this kind of mother/father filial piety may no longer apply. Because the most anticipated thing for puppies may have turned into a happy day when they go to kindergarten.

In order to work with peace of mind, some young people sent their dogs to "kindergarten".

I have to say that the degree of evolution of pet sitting is a bit staggering.

Most daycare classes today have open lawns for the puppies to roam freely and have a pet butler for safety. Even the high-end daycare class has swimming pools, slides and other entertainment facilities, which can be said to be better than many people have fun when they were children.

In order to work with peace of mind, some young people sent their dogs to "kindergarten".

When it comes to the lunch break, the puppies will also go back to the house to sleep obediently, they will have their own small beds or private rooms, and some worried parents will also put the puppies' favorite toys and food bowls in the dormitory.

Like human children, no puppy can resist the temptation of treats. In addition to the meals provided by the school, parents can also order snacks online to add meals to their children. I don't know if the children who haven't eaten snacks will be upset when they go home.

In order to work with peace of mind, some young people sent their dogs to "kindergarten".
In order to work with peace of mind, some young people sent their dogs to "kindergarten".

Little Red Book@Dog Day Dog Holiday

Before school, the puppies will be cleaned and groomed and then returned to their owners with a fragrant fragrance. After a day of playing, you can still go home cleanly, and many parents of bear children have to call out envy, right?

Many daycare consumers said that the most important thing is that their furry children are happy. "I don't want its whole life to revolve around people, and the puppy should have its own happy life."

Raising a pet is to raise yourself again when you were a child

Many people say that raising a pet is to raise yourself again when you were a child. In addition to sending dogs to kindergarten, contemporary young people also project this desire on all aspects of pet raising.

In order to work with peace of mind, some young people sent their dogs to "kindergarten".

Little Red Book @ 121 & Waterproof Pineapple

The blogger "121 & Waterproof Pineapple" has a dachshund named 121. When 121 first arrived home, Ah Shui did a lot of homework on "scientific dog raising" and had high hopes for the puppy to become a model student. But as with raising children, things don't always go as expected.

After two months of toilet training, the sofa that had been bitten was pierced by 121 urine, and Ah Shui's emotions were completely out of control. "When I picked it up, it was a violent beating, and when I came to my senses, I felt frustrated, angry, lost, and anxious."

After venting, Ah Shui looked at the frightened 121, and his heart seemed to be twisted. He felt like he had become a mother, and the dog was his own child. "It's just learning a little bit slower, so why should it be beaten like this?"

In order to work with peace of mind, some young people sent their dogs to "kindergarten".

The puppy doesn't remember the overnight feud

After serious reflection, Ah Shui decided to accept 121 as it was. The stupid puppy has become his inner child, and to raise the puppy is to raise the painful self. "I said to it, I'm sorry, you've done a great job."

After listening to Ah Shui's sharing, many people feel the same way.

"We all seem to see our childhood selves through puppies, but we are surprised to find that we have become parents like our parents." "I beat up the puppy for the first time, and after asking for help online, I started holding him and crying in the middle of the night. He licked my face, and I said then we'll be reconciled. ”

"I've never hit my puppy, just pee, just wash it for someone my age, she's always been my good dog."

"I'm the kid who was called stupid since I was a child, and I never dared to let myself rest, but when we grow up, we can finally treat ourselves well."

In the process of getting along with pets, contemporary young people have finally found a way to heal themselves. It may be difficult to heal the wounds that have already been scratched, but we can fill it up with the pet's fluff.

Young people raise pets, which is more involuted than going to work

In case you didn't know, Shanghai Pet Fashion Week is ready for its third season. Many people haven't walked the runway yet, but the cats and dogs are already in the spotlight.

"Pet clothing" is not new to us, but the concept of "pet fashion" is indeed a newcomer in the industry. In addition to luxury brands such as Gucci, Prada, and MiuMiu, which have begun to make pet clothing with a rigorous degree, pet design brands have also sprung up in the market.

In order to work with peace of mind, some young people sent their dogs to "kindergarten".
In order to work with peace of mind, some young people sent their dogs to "kindergarten".

GASU Vautrering/ AOAWOW 1966

There is AOAWOW, which applies "haute couture" techniques such as bead embroidery and jewelry inlay to pet clothing; There is GASU, which focuses on designing clothes for thin and average-sized dogs; There's also "Lululemon in the Dog World", Lovewell, which provides outdoor sports support for pets......

In addition to pet clothing, the petless crowd is often shocked by the drastic changes in pet life, exclaiming that "I don't live as well as a dog/cat".

In order to work with peace of mind, some young people sent their dogs to "kindergarten".
In order to work with peace of mind, some young people sent their dogs to "kindergarten".

Riikyu is designed for every family member / OUpethome advocates pet home aesthetics

In many families, furry children already have their own rooms, with tasteful solid wood furniture and household items that meet the dog/cat ergonomics. Parents are happy to match their pets with exquisite fresh food, or carefully choose rations that are suitable for individual health conditions, and there is often a joke in the pet circle: "Don't look at me poor and sour, my children can eat royal." "Young people who are always hard to carry when they are sick go to the pet hospital regularly with kittens and puppies to report, and maintenance, physical examination, and insurance are all right.

According to the "23-24 China Pet Industry White Paper", the size of China's urban pet (dog and cat) consumer market has reached 279.3 billion in 2023. According to Tianyancha data, there are currently 4.107 million pet-related enterprises in the mainland, of which 543,000 will be added from January to April 2024.

Chinese young people who love to toss have raised pets to a new height, and pets are getting rid of the species barrier and becoming the next promising new consumption track.

Drop, kitten puppy citizen card

Unlike their parents, young people nowadays seem to be less and less social. Although it is often said that "distant relatives are not as good as close neighbors", many people may not realize that "neighborly" relationships are disappearing from our lives.

In order to work with peace of mind, some young people sent their dogs to "kindergarten".

Ann, a white-collar worker in Shanghai, said that she has not known the names of her neighbors for four years since she moved into her current house.

But when Ann came home two months ago after buying a little corgi, the neighbor finally accosted her for the first time: "You have a dog, what's its name?" The puppies pounced on each other lively, wagging their tails frantically, and suddenly narrowed the distance between the two girls. Now that the two of them always say a few words and tease the dog when they meet again, Ann feels that the rented house has a human touch for the first time.

Not only Ann's puppy, but pets are becoming a new kind of bridge of communication, connecting young people who are too lazy to socialize, while giving birth to a large urban pet community. In almost every area, there will be a mysterious dog walking organization. People go out of their homes and make friends purely as they did when they were kids.

In order to work with peace of mind, some young people sent their dogs to "kindergarten".

No matter how powerful you are in the workplace, after work, everyone will get together to pick up shit while walking. Under this strong connection, workplace elites and full-time children can also take off social symbols and become friends who see each other every day. Someone quipped, "My dog's social circle is much wider than mine, and I will count on him for future errands." ”

When kittens and puppies become an important part of human life, more and more cities are giving the green light to these furry residents.

In Chengdu, a pioneer region in the country, most restaurants are open to pets, and the animals can not only be served openly, but some restaurants will also provide exclusive menus for these small diners; In the international city of Shanghai, hairy children have exclusive pet supplies shopping malls that are no different from humans, and even pet parks are divided into I dog and E dog zones; Shenzhen, which is far ahead in the concept of animal protection, implemented China's first ban on the consumption of cats and dogs as early as 2020, and has been called "pet paradise" by countless young people.

Although it started late, the pet-friendly society is gradually improving in the mainland.

As a benchmark in the pet industry, Royal Pet Food, a subsidiary of Mars, adheres to the concept of "dogs and cats first" and promotes the construction of a pet-friendly society with practical actions.

In order to work with peace of mind, some young people sent their dogs to "kindergarten".

Shanghai's first pet-friendly park built with royal support - Shanghai Binjiang Forest Park

In order to work with peace of mind, some young people sent their dogs to "kindergarten".

Royal participated in the Shanghai government's TNR (Trap Neuter Release) activities

If you are a Shanghai citizen with hairy children, you may have participated in the "Take your pet to the hospital" public welfare project and received a free pet physical examination coupon (there is also a pet at the end of the article); You may also have experienced the first free clinic of famous pet doctors in Shanghai, and received free popular science books such as "Civilized Pet Raising Guidebook" and "Stray Dog and Cat Knowledge Reader...... Countless human pet public welfare activities, all of which contain the royal care and love for small animals.

A little fluorescence, eventually into a sea of stars, the happy life of pets is inseparable from the joint efforts of every pet lover and relevant departments and enterprises.

Kittens and puppies know that they are different from humans, they have touched their wet noses and paws with meat pads, but they still learn human etiquette and try to blend into the steel forest of the city.

As "two-legged beasts" that are much taller than them, we have the responsibility to hold up a small sky for them in a fast-moving society and create a more life-friendly world.


Nowadays, pets in many cities can sit in strollers to accompany their parents shopping

What's the pet-friendly measure you'd most like to promote?

Akira Ichimaru

Editor-in-charge: Wu Yaofeng

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