
As a life show belt, how to create a "sports back garden" here?

author:Shanghai Sports

"Yang Chao" is the "nickname" of football lovers for Yangpu Football Super League. This traditional event in Yangpu is suitable for all ages, whether it is the "post-10s" or the "post-60s", they can have a green field to gallop and learn from each other at the "doorstep". Li Qiang has led the "Shanghai I Come" team to participate in the "Yang Chao" for eight consecutive years, and although he and his teammates are no longer young, they insist on training every week out of their love for football. "The charm of 'Yang Chao' lies in bringing together a group of people who love football." Li Qiang said.

As a life show belt, how to create a "sports back garden" here?

This summer, the European Cup and the approaching Paris Olympics have brought sports, sports, and fitness to a new height. The per capita sports area has increased to about 1.4 square meters, and more than 400 events are held every year, attracting nearly 200,000 participants...... In the new practice of the People's City, Yangpu actively expands new spaces for sports and fitness, creates a "15-minute sports life circle" for residents, and promotes the seamless connection and innovative integration of "sports, business, culture, tourism and learning". Recently, at the national sports and fitness model city and county exchange activities, Yangpu, as the first batch of national national sports and fitness model city and county representatives, shared experience and practices. As a life show belt, how does Yangpu create a "sports back garden"?

Where to go for fitness? "On the doorstep"!

The 5.5-kilometer southern section of Yangpu Binjiang is home to a number of leading enterprise parks, making it one of the areas with the highest innovation concentration and talent density in Shanghai. A few days ago, the innovative talents who are struggling here have a "sports back garden" - Yangpu Riverside Sports Park, located on the riverside at the southern end of Pingding Road, was officially opened.

The park has two standard outdoor tennis courts, a standard outdoor basketball court and a skateboard bowl pool, and the bright colors combined with soap bubble elements echo the surrounding "soap dream space" and integrate into the riverside landscape.

As a life show belt, how to create a "sports back garden" here?

The central urban area is often faced with the problem of scarcity of space resources and insufficient area of sports venues, and Yangpu has achieved leapfrog development of sports and fitness facilities by increasing supply, improving the governance level, and improving the service system. Up to now, diversified sports facilities such as citizen fitness centers, citizen puzzle fitness centers, citizen fitness trails, and citizen sports courts have been built, and the per capita sports area has increased to about 1.4 square meters.

Ms. Xie, a resident, had just retired and heard that a new community fitness center had opened at her "doorstep", which was only a 5-minute walk from home, so she immediately applied for an annual card and went to exercise for one hour every day. "It's a fact, and the gym is open near the community, so I can stick to it."

The "gym" in Ms. Xie's mouth is a well-received fitness center in Siping Community. In the center, there are treadmills for the elderly, constant velocity push-down training machines, rhythm platforms, etc., and social sports instructors provide professional guidance.

As a life show belt, how to create a "sports back garden" here?

Let high-quality sports and fitness venues "bloom everywhere" and professional services "within reach" is the proper meaning of creating a "15-minute sports life circle".

In 2023, the District Sports Bureau will overcomplete the people's projects and practical projects for the people: a total of 50 new (reconstructed) (including 40 at the municipal level and 10 at the district level) citizen puzzle fitness centers, 4 citizen fitness trails, 3 citizen sports courts, 3 citizen fitness centers, 2 citizen fitness stations, and 1 sports and health home for the elderly.

As a life show belt, how to create a "sports back garden" here?

Community (sports) health teachers cross mountains and seas,

How can the "Yangpu Model" benefit more people?

Speaking of community (sports) health therapists, many Yangpu residents are no strangers, because they can work out with these "professional sparring partners" at the community sports and health center at their "doorstep". The Yangpu District Medical Insurance Bureau, the District Health Commission, and the District Sports Bureau, together with Shanghai Sports University, have launched version 3.0 of the Community (Sports) Health Practitioner Project, which has wider coverage and more targeted exercise prescriptions.

Not only that, a while ago, Yangpu's community (sports) health professionals also crossed the mountains and seas and came to Sanming City, becoming an innovative force to promote the development of local health and medical insurance. The "Health and Medical Insurance Innovation Laboratory" in Yangpu and Sanming has landed in Sanming City, which is another fruitful result of the cooperation between Yangpu District Medical Insurance Bureau and Sanming Medical Insurance Bureau, aiming to actively promote the transformation from "disease-centered" to "health-centered", and better meet the needs of local people for higher-level health management and quality of life.

As a life show belt, how to create a "sports back garden" here?

Jointly carrying out the pilot project of community (sports) health practitioners, jointly exploring the reform of medical insurance payment methods, and jointly promoting the integrated development of medical insurance and commercial insurance are the three aspects of theoretical research and practical exploration carried out by the two sides.

The Yangpu Community (Sports) Health Specialist Pilot Project came to Sanming, not to "copy and copy", but to take the opportunity of Sanming's construction of a whole life cycle "six diseases co-management" center, to promote it according to local conditions, focus on cultivating a group of professionals who master the theory and skills of sports and medicine integration, give full play to the positive role of scientific sports in health promotion and chronic disease prevention, promote the health threshold forward, and improve the health level of the masses.

At the same time, we will give full play to the resource advantages of Sanming's first experience promotion base for deepening the reform of the medical and health system in China, explore the pilot reform of the payment method of the Yangpu model and the performance appraisal management, incentive mechanism, theoretical research and talent training of supporting designated medical institutions, so as to realize the sustainable development of the medical insurance fund; Taking the development of "Sanming Inclusive Medical Joint Insurance" and Yangpu as a pilot area for medical insurance data linkage in downtown Shanghai, we will jointly study health and commercial insurance products suitable for the local area, and promote the complementary functions of commercial supplementary medical insurance with basic medical insurance, serious illness insurance, medical assistance and other functions......

This "laboratory" "jointly signed" by the two places will benefit more people with health insurance innovations.

What has been added to "Sports+"?

A few days ago, the Yangpu Football Super League eight-a-side football match was hotly started, with a total of 6 groups: teenagers, college men, college women, communities, enterprises and institutions, and the elderly, with an age span from 8 to 70 years old.

Although the "Shanghai I Come" team lost 0:1 in the first game, captain Li Qiang said, "Victory and defeat are a common thing in soldiers, this is a grand event for our football lovers, we come every year." ”

As a life show belt, how to create a "sports back garden" here?

"Yang Chao" not only attracts senior players to participate in the competition every year, but also attracts many "newcomers" to come. Shao Xinnan scored a key goal in his first competition to help Yang Fa United win the first group stage victory. He told reporters that the football atmosphere in Yangpu is very strong, and he comes to practice with his colleagues every week.

As a life show belt, how to create a "sports back garden" here?

How to become a "sports life destination"? Through a series of innovative measures, Yangpu is building a new pattern of comprehensive development of mass sports, competitive sports, youth sports and sports industry.

Keep an eye on the opponent, wait for the opportunity to move, and defeat the enemy with a fall, and bursts of cheers came from the scene...... In May, the 2024 Shanghai Youth Wrestling Championship was held at Yangpu Binjiang Experimental Primary School affiliated to Shanghai Normal University. 476 young players from all over the city "wrestled". In the end, the Yangpu team won the first place in the total score of the team.

After the game, Zhao Bin, the coach of the Yangpu team, said frankly that a total of 98 players participated in Yangpu this year, although they won the first place in the group, but in the game, there are still young coaches who make command mistakes, do not understand the rules thoroughly enough, athletes win by strength, and the problem of technology and awareness needs to be improved, which are the places to be strengthened in the future. "It's not terrible for a young player to fail, it's important to learn from it, find out where you fall short and improve in the next fight."

As a life show belt, how to create a "sports back garden" here?

In recent years, as more and more parents of the "post-80s" and "post-90s" generations have realized the importance of sports to their children's growth, they are more willing to spend time and energy to cultivate their children's sports expertise.

In September 2023, the Shanghai Yangpu District Youth Sports Training Center was inaugurated at the District Junior Sports School. The Yangpu District Government and Shanghai Sport University have further amplified the spillover effect of talents and resources in sports colleges and universities around the Strategic Cooperation Framework Agreement, and helped the construction of youth training centers. In addition to jointly formulating the construction plan of the youth training center, Shanghai Sports University also takes the athletes of the youth training center as the research object of scientific research and studies new concepts and new methods to scientifically improve the competitive level of young people.

Excellent sports seedlings need "eyes for discovery" and "growth paths". Yangpu has also further improved the "Implementation Measures for the Introduction of Outstanding Student Athletes with Non-Municipal Household Registration in the Compulsory Education Stage", explored the implementation of flexible student status, incentive guarantee and other systems for students with sports specialties, and opened up a "green channel" for the growth and development of outstanding seedlings.

As a life show belt, how to create a "sports back garden" here?

This year's "Yang Chao" set up a youth group for the first time. Yan Liang, the person in charge of the competition, introduced that the scale of this year's competition reached a new high, attracting a total of 50 teams and nearly 1,500 athletes. "This year, for the first time, a youth group was set up, hoping to provide talents for primary and secondary schools and college football teams through the event platform."

From simply seeing and understanding to actively participating, nowadays, sports and fitness have long become a part of many people's lives. In order to further meet the needs of residents and stimulate the vitality of the urban area, Yangpu has not only created a series of national fitness events and activities such as "Rhythm Yangpu Show Out", but also "started to add" in the field of sports. Sports drainage and the integration of business and tourism are the innovative explorations of Yangpu in recent years.

As a life show belt, how to create a "sports back garden" here?

This can be seen in the 2024 Easy Run Forest Cross Country Half Marathon in April. The event attracted more than 4,300 runners from the Yangtze River Delta region.

"Before the start of the competition, we went to Gongqing Forest Park to familiarize ourselves with the venue, and by the way, we went to Wanda to get the event package." Mr. Yu from Nantong, Jiangsu Province, took the opportunity to participate in the competition and traveled to Yangpu with his wife. Mr. Yu said that he spent his college years in Yangpu, returned to his hometown to start a business after graduation, and returned to his "homeland" many years later, marveling at the great changes in the appearance of Yangpu urban area.

The "heat" of the event has contributed to the "cultural tourism fever", and naturally it has also contributed to the "consumption fever". In this event, Hopson Hui in Wujiaochang business district provided 1,000 offline consumption coupons for the participants in the half marathon, and Wanda provided 5,000 offline consumption coupons for all participants.

Ms. Shi ran the marathon in the morning, and dined and consumed at Hopson Hui in the afternoon. ”

As a life show belt, how to create a "sports back garden" here?

As one of the country's first batch of pilot cities for sports consumption, what has Yangpu's "Sports+" added? Obviously, there is no fixed, single answer to this question. In the future, how will the "family of four" of culture, sports, commerce and tourism further release the drainage effect and radiation effect? With the blessing of science and technology, where will "smart sports" go? In the life show belt, we will wait and see.

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