
The Jews succeeded in "controlling" the United States? Will there be a "Jewish" American president in the future?

author:Shi Jixing said
The Jews succeeded in "controlling" the United States? Will there be a "Jewish" American president in the future?

Will the future president of the United States be Jewish? What is the relationship between the United States and the Jews?

After the outbreak of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, such problems resurfaced in front of everyone's eyes, and a saying circulated on the Internet in Shanghai that "it is the United States that controls the world, and it is the Jews who control the United States." Are the Jews in control of America?

The Jews succeeded in "controlling" the United States? Will there be a "Jewish" American president in the future?

Wandering "populations"

Before the outbreak of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, Jews were the object of international sympathy, and they lived in a permanent home, and were murdered by the German Nazis, killing nearly 6 million Jews.

Throughout Jewish history, they established the United Kingdom of Israel, a monarchy in 1028 BC, but it was soon divided, and by 586 BC the kingdom ceased to exist.

The Jews began a life of "wandering", and after the Middle Ages, the Jews were dispersed from the Middle East to the rest of the world, and they entered Europe, but they were not welcomed.

The Jews succeeded in "controlling" the United States? Will there be a "Jewish" American president in the future?

For example, in 700 C.E., Spain officially declared a policy of "enslaving the Jews," and there was a burning of the Jews in France. In 1026, the British expelled all the Jews from the country and brutally slaughtered some Jews.

The Jews traveled abroad for a hundred years, and it was not until the 16th century that they returned to the Middle East, the Mediterranean, and Eastern Europe, but they were still not accepted, and the massacres and deportations were repeated.

After the 18th century, the Jews, who had been excluded for thousands of years, had a national consciousness of restoration, and a large number of Jews came to the Palestinian areas and demanded that the Palestinians return their Jewish homeland with the Bible.

The Jews succeeded in "controlling" the United States? Will there be a "Jewish" American president in the future?

After World War II, the United States strongly supported the Jews and helped them successfully build their country, and also gave a large amount of financial and military aid.

During the Middle East war, the United States helped Israel sweep through the Middle East, giving Israel the title of "Little Overlord of the Middle East", and the United States was therefore considered Israel's strongest backer.

It is no exaggeration to say that the United States has given the Jews a "home." The United States has even turned its homeland into a second "homeland" for the Jews.

The Jews succeeded in "controlling" the United States? Will there be a "Jewish" American president in the future?

With the global Jewish population rising to 15.7 million in 2022, 6.3 million of whom live in the United States, it makes sense to say that the United States is a second "homeland" for Jews.

How did America become the "homeland" of the Jews? And how do Jews control America?

"Control" the United States in three steps

In the cabinet of today's U.S. President Joe Biden administration, there are 24 senior officials of Jewish descent, such as Treasury Secretary Yellen, Secretary of Homeland Security Mayorkas, and CIA Deputy Director Cohen.

The Jews succeeded in "controlling" the United States? Will there be a "Jewish" American president in the future?

Biden's youngest daughter is married to husbands who are both Jewish doctors, and his second son is married to a wife who is also Jewish. Jews have appeared in the U.S. president and senior officials, and it is likely that the relationship between ordinary Americans and Jews is more prevalent.

This was the first step for Jews to "take control" of the United States—to move to the United States, where Jews would first have to arrive in order to "put down roots" and expand their influence.

However, it is not realistic to rely on numerical superiority to "control" the United States, after all, there are many Jews who have gone to live in Europe and other places before, but they are still driven out by the locals.

The Jews succeeded in "controlling" the United States? Will there be a "Jewish" American president in the future?

So, the Jews launched their second and third step plan – to infiltrate the economy and politics of the United States, how to put it?

Jews are considered the "smartest race" and the "most profitable race."

Mark Twain once said that "Jews make up only one percent of the world's population, and under normal circumstances, Jews should be unknown, but Jews have a great reputation."

During their time in Germany, Jews controlled 85% of Germany's money-making large enterprises and controlled the German economy, which was one of the reasons for the mass murder of Jews by the German Nazis.

The Jews succeeded in "controlling" the United States? Will there be a "Jewish" American president in the future?

The Jews reproduced this method in the United States, they first did some small business in the United States, and gradually occupied the American market, and they entered the United States in a very short period of time in the fields of finance, media, science and technology, and occupied a core position.

Most of the founders of major investment and fund companies in the United States are Jews, such as BlackRock, Goldman Sachs, and so on. The "Federal Reserve," which appears frequently in the news, was also founded at the initiative of Jewish banker Paul Warburg, who also produced a number of Jewish chairmen.

Jews who gained prestige would invest some of their money in American warfare and technological development, and these funds would establish the status of Jews in the United States.

The Jews succeeded in "controlling" the United States? Will there be a "Jewish" American president in the future?

As the Jews had more and more money in their hands, so did the industries they invested in in the United States.

Jewish tycoons would make donations to the boards of well-known schools such as Yale University and Harvard University.

Since the outbreak of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict this year, anti-Semitic incidents have occurred in many colleges and universities in the United States. The Jewish tycoons, who control the economic lifeblood of many schools, are furious and have threatened to stop donations and get the school and the U.S. government to take action.

In addition to education, finance, and other fields, Jews can also be found in the aerospace, science and technology, energy, tourism, health care and other fields in the United States. All things considered, it seems plausible to say that the Jews controlled the United States.

The Jews succeeded in "controlling" the United States? Will there be a "Jewish" American president in the future?

So, will there be Jews in the future president of the United States?

In both 2016 and 2020, a name appeared among the candidates for the US presidential election - "Sanders".

When Sanders first appeared as a U.S. presidential candidate, U.S. media reported that "if Sanders succeeds, history could be rewritten." What's going on?

Sanders is regarded as an "outlier" by American officials because of his "socialist" policies. Regardless of his policies, Sanders alone can be a hot topic because he is Jewish.

The Jews succeeded in "controlling" the United States? Will there be a "Jewish" American president in the future?

Is it possible for a Jew to be president of the United States?

Although Jews live in the United States in large numbers, they do not have an advantage in American elections for three main reasons.

The first reason is that the Jews have a small population base, and even though they have a lot of celebrities and rich people, these people only have one vote and cannot vote more.

The second reason is history, even though the United States strongly supports the Jews, the Jews are ultimately "outsiders." And there is a part of the population that is resistant to the Jews, and the president of the United States needs to unite the American people, and it is very difficult for a Jewish president to accomplish this.

The Jews succeeded in "controlling" the United States? Will there be a "Jewish" American president in the future?

The third reason is religiousness. The more mainstream "Christianity" in the United States has a feud with Jewish Judaism, which limits Jewish Americans from becoming presidents of the United States.

And Jews prefer to influence the president and senior officials of the United States behind the scenes rather than become the president of the United States.

High-ranking officials and presidents of the United States have been involved in Jewish interest groups to a greater or lesser extent, and Jewish billionaires have also funded and supported the president of the United States to make them available to Jewish interest groups. This is one of the reasons why the United States supports Israel despite all the arguments.

The Jews succeeded in "controlling" the United States? Will there be a "Jewish" American president in the future?

The United States is deeply involved with Jews, and there is no doubt that there will be a Jewish-American president in the future.


[1] Global Times, "Jews "Take Control of America"? 》 20231102

[2] Xinhuanet, "Why has the United States never had a Jewish president?" 》 20160327

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