
Li Xinping presided over the second meeting of the Executive Committee of the 22nd Nine Colors Gannan Shambhala Tourism and Art Festival

author:Antelope release
Li Xinping presided over the second meeting of the Executive Committee of the 22nd Nine Colors Gannan Shambhala Tourism and Art Festival
Li Xinping presided over the second meeting of the Executive Committee of the 22nd Nine Colors Gannan Shambhala Tourism and Art Festival

Li Xinping presided over the 22nd Jiuse Gannan

Second Meeting of the Executive Committee of the Shambhala Tourism Arts Festival

On June 28, Li Xinping, Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee, presided over the second meeting of the Executive Committee of the 22nd Jiuse Gannan Shambhala Tourism and Art Festival, Deputy Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee and Mayor Cuobai, Yang Qinghua, Director of the Standing Committee of the Municipal People's Congress, and Gazang Cairang, Chairman of the CPPCC, attended the meeting.

Li Xinping presided over the second meeting of the Executive Committee of the 22nd Nine Colors Gannan Shambhala Tourism and Art Festival

At the meeting, the working groups reported on the progress of the work and arranged the deployment of the next work tasks.

Li Xinping presided over the second meeting of the Executive Committee of the 22nd Nine Colors Gannan Shambhala Tourism and Art Festival

Li Xinping stressed: First, ideological understanding should highlight the "high" and achieve high-level planning and high-level advancement. The whole city should firmly establish the idea of playing a game of chess, and conscientiously unify their thinking and action with the arrangements and arrangements of the municipal party committee and government, and with the intensive preparation of various tasks. With the requirements of "simple, efficient, wonderful and safe", we will refine the work tasks and pay close attention to the progress of the work according to the work responsibilities of the "Plan" to ensure that the work is implemented in detail. Second, preparations should highlight "fast" and achieve quick results. It is necessary to keep an eye on the time node, seize the best construction opportunity for key construction projects, and ensure that the art festival is not affected and blooms wonderfully; It is necessary to do a good job in all aspects of program arrangement, selection of participants, stage layout, etc.; It is necessary to do a good job in site maintenance, infrastructure improvement, public toilet layout, etc.; It is necessary to do a good job in the program design, review and equipment support of activities such as the "Lingcheng Music Festival" and "Nanmute" Tibetan Opera Performances to ensure that all links are seamlessly connected and all work is steadily advanced. Third, the characteristic loop should highlight the "fine", so as to achieve careful management and wonderful blooming. It is necessary to implement the responsibility of territorial management and industry supervision, improve the grade, work hard and strengthen the guarantee of popular scenic spots, tourist routes, environmental sanitation and product sales, show development achievements, stimulate market consumption, and enhance the influence of the city. Fourth, the tourism environment should highlight the "excellent", so as to achieve preferential services and high-quality guarantees. It is necessary to severely crack down on the behavior of maliciously raising housing prices and selling fake and shoddy goods; It is necessary to actively carry out activities such as anti-fraud, anti-theft, anti-pornography, gambling and drugs, and anti-drunk driving, as well as publicity on law popularization and safety precautions; It is necessary to rectify the behavior of long-term road occupation and parking.

Li Xinping presided over the second meeting of the Executive Committee of the 22nd Nine Colors Gannan Shambhala Tourism and Art Festival

Cuobai demanded that we should further rely on our responsibilities and speed up the pace of work. Firmly establish a sense of the overall situation and a sense of responsibility, and follow the requirements of "work project, project responsibility, responsibility concretization, and time limit precision" for each work to ensure that all tasks do not fall short and achieve practical results. It is necessary to further raise the standard and ensure the effectiveness of the work. In accordance with the requirements of "high standards, high quality, and high efficiency", we will do a good job in safety and security, theatrical performances, horse team performances, publicity and reporting, etc., and guide the whole society to pay extensive attention to and participate in the art festival activities to create a good atmosphere. It is necessary to further strengthen scheduling and complete work tasks. Strictly implement the work responsibility system, strengthen the coordination and cooperation between various working groups and departments, ensure that all work is carried out scientifically, holistically and orderly, further refine and quantify the objectives and tasks, wall chart operations, reverse the construction period, and ensure the efficient and successful completion of "zero loopholes" and "zero mistakes" in various activities of the art festival. (Wang Mingyuan)

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