
10g poisoning, 50g fatal! This kind of food, no matter how much you like it, you should touch it less

author:Wonderful materia medica

In this era of life and death, even the catering industry has reached a new height.

Click on the shopping software, you can search casually, and you can find that today's takeaway restaurants have a strong "marketing flavor" even in order to solicit customers.

10g poisoning, 50g fatal! This kind of food, no matter how much you like it, you should touch it less

Some businesses are breaking the routine and innovating, while others are frantically trying on the verge of breaking the law.

Recently, a seafood restaurant in Shanghai launched a new product called "Spicy Sea Melon Seeds". Mr. Yu, a citizen who loves food, placed an order and wanted to try it, but after looking closely at the food map, he suddenly found that something was wrong with this dish!

10g poisoning, 50g fatal! This kind of food, no matter how much you like it, you should touch it less

Source: Guangzhou Daily

This sea melon seed is actually a whelk that the state prohibits the sale! If you eat it, you will be poisoned!

10g poisoning, 50g fatal! This kind of food, no matter how much you like it, you should touch it less

After that, Mr. Yu's backhand was a report, and the regulatory authorities immediately launched an investigation and ordered the store to remove the dishes from the shelves.

10g poisoning, 50g fatal! This kind of food, no matter how much you like it, you should touch it less
10g poisoning, 50g fatal! This kind of food, no matter how much you like it, you should touch it less

There are many other names for woven snails: snails, sea snails, sea snails, and white snails, which are mainly distributed in coastal areas such as Zhejiang, Fujian, and Guangdong. Its snail body is as slender as a cone, and its volume is not large, only the size of a "fingernail", about 1 cm long and 0.5 cm wide.

10g poisoning, 50g fatal! This kind of food, no matter how much you like it, you should touch it less

Although the snail is small, the toxicity is amazing, only 10g can poison people, and 50g can kill people.

10g poisoning, 50g fatal! This kind of food, no matter how much you like it, you should touch it less

Because of the delicious taste of the whelk, every summer when the snail is high-yielding, many gourmets will still take the risk to go to the beach to try it, but they will either be hospitalized in a coma or die with a whimper.

10g poisoning, 50g fatal! This kind of food, no matter how much you like it, you should touch it less

There are also neighbors who do not believe in evil spirits, who feel that the snails touched in their fish ponds must be safe and clean, and heating them for a few more minutes will definitely eliminate the toxicity.

10g poisoning, 50g fatal! This kind of food, no matter how much you like it, you should touch it less
10g poisoning, 50g fatal! This kind of food, no matter how much you like it, you should touch it less
10g poisoning, 50g fatal! This kind of food, no matter how much you like it, you should touch it less

That must be sent to the hospital, the sooner the better!!

At present, there is no specific drug on the market for the treatment of snail poisoning, and the routine operation of hospital emergency is to first carry out measures such as vomiting, excretion, gastric lavage to speed up metabolism, and then treat the symptoms according to different symptoms.

The sooner the treatment is done, the less the toxin is absorbed and the better the results.

10g poisoning, 50g fatal! This kind of food, no matter how much you like it, you should touch it less

Since 2012, the relevant state departments have expressly prohibited any food production and business operation units from purchasing, processing and selling snails. If you find that someone is still selling snails, you can call and report it immediately.

10g poisoning, 50g fatal! This kind of food, no matter how much you like it, you should touch it less

In addition, the kind of large, round Fushou snails cannot be eaten indiscriminately.

Fushou snails contain a large number of Angiostrongyloides cantonensis, which will damage the central nervous system after they invade the human body, resulting in severe headaches, stiff necks, and in severe cases, meningitis and paralysis.

10g poisoning, 50g fatal! This kind of food, no matter how much you like it, you should touch it less
10g poisoning, 50g fatal! This kind of food, no matter how much you like it, you should touch it less

Let's start with the answer: it's better not to eat it.

Looking at the structure of the snail, you can know that the tail of the snail is not the feces that everyone thinks, but the internal organs, including the heart, kidneys, digestive glands and reproductive gonads and other organs, which are important parts of excretion and digestion.

10g poisoning, 50g fatal! This kind of food, no matter how much you like it, you should touch it less

The reason why it is not recommended for everyone to eat snail tails is indeed dirty. Although most of the stool has passed through the anus to the shell opening, it is inevitable that there will be poop residue, which may also be mixed with mud, semi-digestibles, and small snails that have not developed successfully......

In short, it's better to eat less tails!

At the same time, if you don't want to eat snails and enter the hospital, you must keep in mind 2 points:

10g poisoning, 50g fatal! This kind of food, no matter how much you like it, you should touch it less
10g poisoning, 50g fatal! This kind of food, no matter how much you like it, you should touch it less

In addition to snails, there are also foods that seem normal and harmless, but in fact they are the embodiment of poison.

10g poisoning, 50g fatal! This kind of food, no matter how much you like it, you should touch it less

If the nuts are bitter, they must be mildew! The aflatoxins it contains are dozens of times more toxic than arsenic, and frequent ingestion in large quantities may increase the risk of liver cancer. Therefore, if you eat a bitter nut, you should quickly spit it out and rinse your mouth.

10g poisoning, 50g fatal! This kind of food, no matter how much you like it, you should touch it less
10g poisoning, 50g fatal! This kind of food, no matter how much you like it, you should touch it less

Ginger is easy to mildew after being left for too long or damp, so it cannot be cut off and the rotten part can not be used again. Because once ginger is moldy, it will accumulate a large amount of safrole (2B carcinogens), and long-term consumption is also easy to increase the risk of cancer.

10g poisoning, 50g fatal! This kind of food, no matter how much you like it, you should touch it less
10g poisoning, 50g fatal! This kind of food, no matter how much you like it, you should touch it less

After the potatoes sprout, the content of the originally low-dose toxic substance - solanine will be greatly increased, and eating too much of this substance may lead to poisoning, nausea, diarrhea, numbness of the lips and other symptoms.

10g poisoning, 50g fatal! This kind of food, no matter how much you like it, you should touch it less
10g poisoning, 50g fatal! This kind of food, no matter how much you like it, you should touch it less

Normal sugarcane is yellowish-white and has no discoloration, while moldy sugarcane will see red filaments in the center. Moldy sugarcane will produce strong 3-nitropropionic acid, and 0.5 grams can be poisonous.

10g poisoning, 50g fatal! This kind of food, no matter how much you like it, you should touch it less


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[3] Lin Zhong, Fang Guangwei, Lv Wei, et al. Study on the Limits of Tetrodotoxin in Snails [J]. Chinese Journal of Food Hygiene, 2012, 24 (02): 145-148. DOI:10.13590/j.cjfh.2012.02.009.

[4] Zhang Xiaoyi, Zhang Xiuyao, Cai Xinxin, et al. Analysis of detection results of paralytic shellfish toxin and tetrodotoxin in snail in Wenzhou [J]. Journal of Preventive Medicine, 2019, 31 (09): 936-939. DOI:10.19485/j.cnki.issn2096-5087.2019.09.020.

[5] "Don't Touch! Ningbo woman suffered cardiac arrest after eating, doctor urgently reminds", CCTV, 2023-06-11

[6] "A hundred times more toxic than arsenic!" Warnings issued in many places: Don't buy! Don't eat! Guangzhou Daily, 2024-06-21

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