
Essay questions for the high school entrance examination full of errors

author:Love to climb all your life

The essay questions of the Chinese high school entrance examination and the college entrance examination have been the focus of media attention for many years. I think that even if we do not consider the norms of the language itself, the responsibility for the candidates, the significance of talent selection, and other factors, the attention of this public opinion alone is enough for the proposer to carefully consider.

In previous years, this aspect has been good, but in 2024, it is too scary.

Let's take a look at the college entrance examination essay questions first, the questions of the second volume of the new college entrance examination are:

Essay questions for the high school entrance examination full of errors

The Internet and AI have made it possible to "get answers to questions quickly", which means the speed at which answers can be obtained. I wondered how such an obvious logical fallacy could not be reviewed.

A friend of mine pointed out a mistake that was easier to ignore.

If "ours" are the "ours" questions, the "their" or "your" questions should be answered, so whose questions are the questions that are quickly answered?

The much-anticipated college entrance examination is still like this, and the high school entrance examination, which is not too influential, is even more chaotic.

The questions for the high school entrance examination in Shanghai are as follows.

Essay questions for the high school entrance examination full of errors

First of all, "beach" is another word, it should be "a pool of water". (Thanks to Prof. Law for providing the picture below)

Essay questions for the high school entrance examination full of errors

Secondly, the concept of "growth" proposed in the second sentence can be understood as a metaphor, but what is the "unknown"? Is it the essence of "water"? What are the similarities?

Even if you don't consider this kind of "hard injury", in a topic, there are not only the key words "growth", "unknown things", "suitable for yourself", but also three "or" information to deal with, and two metaphors "a puddle of water" and "taking water". With so many factors to consider, this is something that junior high school students can handle?

The following is from Qingdao, Shandong.

Essay questions for the high school entrance examination full of errors

Check the "setback" article in the "Chinese Dictionary", which means "failure".

Essay questions for the high school entrance examination full of errors

Then "whether it is a setback or a failure" is obviously a repetition of meaning.

Moreover, the conjunction "no matter what", it is customary for the objects that follow it to have reversed or complementary meanings, such as "whether male or female" and "noble and cheap", and cannot be similar.

In addition, what does the author of the question want to express by "continuing" and "frustration and failure"? Do you think that candidates are 100% "frustrated" and "failed" to life?

The following is from Deyang, Sichuan.

Essay questions for the high school entrance examination full of errors

The preceding corresponding to "more tempting" is, of course, "tempting", and the precedent corresponding to "most spectacular" must of course also be "spectacular".

However, these problems are very big, but when grading the papers, they can still be compensated for by some clever means. Some topics, although the text is in order and slightly flawless, but in fact, it is the most terrifying.

The following is the title of Suining, Sichuan.

Essay questions for the high school entrance examination full of errors

If students are trained to write essays on this topic in Chinese class, it will be a catastrophe for the Chinese language......

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