
Liu Jixiang Documentary Literature: Golden Soul (29)

author:Exquisitely clear and purple
Liu Jixiang Documentary Literature: Golden Soul (29)

28- Practical talents are the most public

-- The leading group of the 3rd detachment of the 1st corps respects knowledge and intellectuals

The 3rd detachment is located in the northern border of the motherland, since its establishment in 1979, it has been engaged in geological work mainly in the western part of Heilongjiang Province and the eastern part of Inner Mongolia in the large and small Xing'an Mountains, with a total of more than 400,000 square kilometers in 14 counties (banners) of two places and one alliance.

They have completed 93 geological projects and submitted 61 gold placer exploration reserves to the state. 2 tons. Where does this come from? The party committee of the detachment said: "The plane tree was planted, which attracted the golden phoenix. We care for technical cadres, do our best to create conditions for technical cadres to solve problems, mobilize the enthusiasm of technical cadres, and provide a place for them to give full play to their wisdom and wisdom in geological prospecting. ”

The 3rd detachment fought all year round in the depths of the dense forests of the inaccessible Great Khing'an Mountains. There is only a frost-free period of five months a year, and in winter, the snow is heavy and dripping into ice, and the minimum temperature reaches minus 51°C. In summer, mosquitoes and flies are flocked and wild animals are infested. Entering the work area, there are no people for hundreds of miles, the valleys are vertical and horizontal, the towers are all over, and there is no way to go.

The officers and men lived in tents with ventilation on all sides for many years and drank the "tail pouting water" of the tower. Some work areas can't eat fresh vegetables for several months, so they live by eating dehydrated dried vegetables and pickles, and even "pick wild vegetables and roots to boil, and spin raw firewood with leaves to burn". There is no talk of cultural life, no newspapers, no radio. The officers and soldiers described: "The soldiers watch the soldiers during the day, and count the stars at night; I only heard the sound of the hammer, but I didn't know that anyone could do it." Before leaving, the demobilized veteran humorously said: "We have been in Daxinganling for three years, and every year we go out in the wind and snow, and the leaves fall to collect the team, and we have never seen what kind of skirts the girls in the county town wear in summer." ”

The year before last, a local geological survey team had just entered the edge of Xikouzi, and before it reached the most difficult section, a team of more than 20 people said that they would not go any further. In the early days of the formation of the troops, faced with such a working and living environment, many technical cadres became "flying geese in the south." Before the unit was changed to the police, 42 technical cadres were transferred or transferred. If you can't leave for a while, you don't feel at ease, ask for favors, find a way, and look forward to leaving the 3rd detachment earlier; Those who really can't go are required to change their careers and leave their technical posts and leave the harsh environment to work in government agencies.

Some veteran comrades also have great fluctuations in their thinking, believing that they have drilled ravines all their lives, looked for mines all their lives, and finally had to stay in Daxinganling, and they are unwilling, and they have worries about the difficulty of their children in schooling and their family members finding employment; The young technical cadre had a girlfriend in his hometown, but when the woman heard about the harsh conditions in the Daxinganling Mountains, she "retreated." The girlfriend of a technical cadre went to the unit to have a look, and when she returned, she gave an ultimatum on the condition that there was only one condition, that is, to leave the three detachments, otherwise they would "work and fly separately" and go their separate ways. Seeing the harsh environment of the Daxinganling and the poor conditions of the detachment, some of the trainees assigned by the academies picked up their backpacks and left. Some students are even more simply, hearing that they were assigned to 3 detachments, they simply did not look for another job. Before the police change alone, five trainees said goodbye. The unstable foundation of the technical cadres and the reality of people's minds have aroused deep thinking among the "group of people" of the three detachments.

Liu Jixiang Documentary Literature: Golden Soul (29)

After careful analysis, they unanimously realized that we are a geological prospecting force, and technical cadres are the main force of geological prospecting. If the 3rd detachment wants to find mines in alpine and remote areas, it must build a strong team of technical cadres. To build a contingent of excellent technical cadres, we must first do a good job in the work of "keeping people in a tight line" and do our best to help them solve the practical difficulties they encounter in work and life within the scope of conditions permitting, so that the technical cadres will feel that although it is cold in Daxinganling, the party committee of the detachment is hot in caring for the technical cadres; Although the conditions of the 3rd detachment were difficult, they were willing to provide a broad world for technical cadres to display their ambitions. As long as they are willing to put in the effort, they can make a difference here.

In recent years, the party committee has set four priorities for the political treatment of technical cadres.

One is the use of priority. In view of the fact that there is a shortage of young and talented technical cadres, we boldly hired new people, promoted those who are capable, and entrusted them with important tasks, and successively promoted 14 young technical cadres with good professional skills, a strong sense of responsibility, and certain organizational ability to technical leadership posts. At present, the chief and deputy chief engineers of the company are all young technical cadres under the age of 35, and one of them has been promoted to deputy chief engineer. If the chief engineer is a formal party member, he can enter the party branch and participate in the political leadership of the company.

The second is to give priority to joining the party. Under the same conditions, priority should be given to the development of technical cadres to join the party. At the time of its formation, there were only 2 party members with technical cadres, but now there are 48 party members with technical cadres, accounting for 51.6 percent of the total number of technical cadres. For those technical cadres who are frequently mobilized due to work needs, who are the backbone every year, who are the targets of development every year, and who have not been developed, the organization departments are instructed to focus on follow-up and inspection, and those who meet the criteria for party membership are separately assigned to the party and accepted into the party.

The third is to give priority to merit and awards. In terms of the distribution of reward indicators, the proportion of awards to technical cadres is higher than 5% of the average number of cadres, and the actual number of awards has accounted for 4% of the total number of technical cadres. Fourth, promotion priority. Since 1985, 22 technical cadres have been promoted to engineers or senior engineers. Every year, 1 percent of the cadres are assigned to technical cadres in advance. In addition, it has also set up a number of advanced models among technical cadres, extensively launched activities to "learn from Lei Feng, learn from heroic models, and aspire to make contributions to the frontiers," deepened the "three glorious" education, paid attention to laying a solid ideological foundation for technical cadres, and strengthened the sense of honor, mission, and responsibility of technical cadres.

Liu Jixiang Documentary Literature: Golden Soul (29)

Support at work. In order to enable technical cadres to work boldly and freely, to give play to their authoritative role in construction, prospecting, and troop management, and to make them feel that they have status and are respected, the following methods have been adopted:

The first is to create opportunities for technical cadres to participate in the management of the company. The chief engineer was appointed to concurrently serve as the company's deputy technical commander, so that they could not only grasp the technology but also participate in the management of the company. When the personnel are scattered in the construction, let the technicians lead the team to be responsible for the management work, establish their authority, so that they have the opportunity to display their talents in the administrative management, and fully reflect their important role in the company.

The second is to create convenient working conditions. As soon as the trainees arrived at the unit, they were provided with brand-new personal work equipment, equipped the field census personnel with special cars, improved the office conditions of the technical cadres, merged the offices of the organs, and exchanged them with spacious and bright large rooms. In the case of lack of cadres, try to meet the needs of technical positions; Adopt the method of going out and inviting in, create more learning opportunities for technical cadres, and organize personnel to visit some famous gold mines in China for many times to develop their prospecting ideas; Invite veteran experts to the army to give lectures and teach new prospecting theories and methods. As a result, a group of young technical cadres have grown up rapidly and shouldered the heavy burden of prospecting. The third is to fully trust and support technical cadres to faithfully perform their duties.

In the design of the constituency, field construction, and the preparation of reports, the technical cadres have absolute authority. All the work of the detachment must be arranged around the overall layout of the geological work, and the technicians have the right to veto and reinvent the unqualified projects. In 1987, after the Hutonghe exploration area was fully completed, the drilling materials had been transported to Tahe, 300 miles away, but the sample analysis results reported at this time found that there was a hole that was not closed. Technical cadres enjoy full autonomy in the field construction layout, project acceptance, and other aspects of the work, and are not subject to administrative interference.

Be considerate in life. In order to enable technical cadres to travel lightly and make great efforts to solve their worries, priority should be given to arranging employment for the families and children of technical cadres. In 1987, when the army was recruited for attrition, all children of engineers were given an additional 30 points. For the production and operation positions of the detachment, the children of technical cadres are also arranged as much as possible. Some veteran comrades said gratefully: "The detachment has solved practical difficulties for us, and we must all the more stand on the last shift and make another contribution to prospecting." There are 4 technicians who have reached retirement age, and they are still fighting on the job, going down to the company, running general inspections, and staying on the road and food, as they did in the past.

Wang Lifu, a veteran engineer, has been retired for two years, but he has not left his post after retirement, and he is still copying reports for the detachment while squatting at his home in Harbin to give full play to his spare energy. Concerned about the family and marital affairs of technical cadres, the detachment will try every means to help transfer their loved ones who are working in other places, as long as there are requirements and conditions permit. Engineer Comrade Wang Yuezhong's lover used to work in Heihe, but after the organization came forward, she was transferred to Jiagedaqi and arranged a suitable job. Comrade Wang Yuezhong was deeply moved by this and said that he would definitely repay the organization's concern with practical actions to do a good job. In 1988, when he was in charge of the technical department of the Kurku mine, his mother was critically ill and hospitalized in August, and the child suffered a fractured lower arm. In the face of this successive misfortunes, the comrades advised him to go back and take care of him, but he resolutely refused to go down the mountain and devoted himself to his work.

After graduating from university, the girlfriend of Comrade Li Yanchun, a young technical cadre, was willing to work in the No. 3 detachment, so they asked the higher-level organization to help them make arrangements so that they could put an end to the "liaison." The political organs also took the initiative to act as "matchmakers" and matched the elderly technical cadres, so that 11 technical cadres had girlfriends in the locality, and 18 had established happy and happy little families in the army; in the distribution of housing, priority was given to technical cadres, and the practice of resettlement according to the conditions of the army was broken, and all technical cadres who had married in the army were given housing.

Liu Jixiang Documentary Literature: Golden Soul (29)

In 1987, the three detachments submitted unplanned reserves and received some money. Some comrades said: "This time we have to pay bonuses." But they thought the money should be put to good use. With the support of their superiors, they advanced some money to build a family building for 24 families.

When the party committee was studying the housing distribution plan, 20 households were allocated to technical cadres, and the leaders of the department, government, and rear departments still lived in bungalows. After the completion of a new family building last year, they arranged for the young chief engineer of the company to move into the new house. Kuang Changxing, a young technical cadre, is unemployed in the mainland, has no housing, and is close to giving birth. They helped him move his lover's hukou to Jiagedaqi and arranged for a house, which touched them deeply. With the help and care of their superiors, they also moved some of the old comrades' household registrations who had been drilling in the ravine all their lives to the city, relieving them of their worries. They conduct home visits at least twice a year to understand the difficulties of mastering technical cadres and solve them; We should take the initiative to arrange for sick technical cadres to be hospitalized, send relief funds to technical cadres whose families have financial difficulties, and transfer the children of technical cadres to better schools so as to reduce their worries.

These works have won the understanding and support of the technical cadres, and have made the technical cadres truly feel that they have a status, are respected, and can display their ambitions in the three detachments, and have played a role in keeping people in their hearts. Fundamental changes have taken place in the contingent of technical cadres: In the early days of the unit's formation, there were only 50 or so technical cadres, and now it has grown to nearly 100 technical cadres, of whom 5 percent have intermediate or senior technical titles.

For example, Comrade Li Xingfu, deputy chief engineer, worked diligently for prospecting for decades, and at the end of 1988, his eldest son died of leukemia. My wife also fell ill with a fire. The burden of family and work was on his shoulders alone, but at this time, the preparation of the geological report was in an intense stage. He buried his personal grief in the bottom of his heart, and after burying his eldest son, he immediately threw himself into work. Engineer Yang Guozhi, whose home is in Mudanjiang City, and his lover works in the city party committee with superior conditions, has repeatedly found a receiving unit for him, but in consideration of the small number of technical cadres in the army and the fact that the exploration of Xikouzi has not yet ended, he rejected his lover again and again, and he has been working in Daxinganling for 18 years. Zhao Guogang, a young engineer, "does not say anything about hardships in spring, and is often afraid of being burdened" and endured all kinds of hardships for prospecting. Xikouzi has been looking for mines for five years, and every year he is the first to go in and the last to come out. In 1989, in order to complete the task of building the site as soon as possible, he did not take off his clothes and slept for half a month, worked 16 or 7 hours a day, and was covered with lice.

Remarkable achievements have been made in troop building and geological prospecting by mobilizing the enthusiasm of technical cadres and giving play to their role as the main force. Over the past ten years, the three detachments have submitted a total of 23 placer gold exploration reports to the state, with an average reserve of 97 kilograms per capita, and have obtained outstanding social benefits, and 19 exploration reports have been used by local production departments, providing ore mining bases for two gold mining bureaus and six gold companies.

During this period, the detachment was commended twice at the National Gold Work Conference; In 1988, it was rated as a "Meritorious Unit for Prospecting" in the first three years of the Seventh Five-Year Plan by the Command, and in 1989, it was rated as a "Meritorious Unit for Prospecting for Ten Years" by the Headquarters, and in the same year, the Party Committee of the detachment was awarded the honorary title of "National Advanced Grassroots Party Organization" by the Organization Department of the CPC Central Committee. In 1991, he was awarded the collective first-class merit at the National Geological Work Conference; Two gold placer exploration reports won the Silver Award.

1993. 12
Liu Jixiang Documentary Literature: Golden Soul (29)
Liu Jixiang Documentary Literature: Golden Soul (29)
Liu Jixiang Documentary Literature: Golden Soul (29)


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