
Du Yuesheng did one thing in his later years, transferring two letters, and few people understood the obscurity of them!

Du Yuesheng is a person who behaves as a person, and there is a famous jianghu rule: no matter who you are, no matter what you do, you must cut the tofu noodles with a knife.

The so-called knife cut tofu noodles, in other words, is to know how to go around the source, eight sides exquisite, when the situation is very good, can do a big meal on one side, but also do not neglect the other side; and when there are two boats parked on the sensitive lake, and can not step on any boat, and do not offend any party.

From the perspective of the jianghu behavior, when the situation in the jianghu is good, as long as you get rid of the arrogance, know how to think of danger in times of peace, and have a humble posture, things will be easy to handle, but the difficulty is that the jianghu is neutral under the storm, so that the storm will automatically recede, and at the same time, it will not offend any party.

Du Yuesheng did one thing in his later years, transferring two letters, and few people understood the obscurity of them!

In Du Yuesheng's decades of jianghu, it is not uncommon for knives to cut tofu noodles to light up, but the biggest, most hearted city government, and the most clever one is also the one who said that he was guilty of two crimes when he was floating in Hong Kong in his twilight years.

How obscure and clever is Du Yuesheng in handling this matter?

In 2010, shanghai hosted the World Expo, and director Jia Zhangke made a documentary about a hundred people on the beach, including Du Yuesheng. To this end, Jia Zhangke interviewed Du Yuesheng's eldest daughter Du Meiru. In an interview, Du's parents and daughters talked about Du Yuesheng's letters to Chairman Mao and Chiang Kai-shek when they were in Hong Kong, but the context of the matter, the bottom truth, she was completely wrong, or rather, what Du Yuesheng said was all about the smoke bombs deliberately released by Du Yuesheng.

Objectively speaking, in the environment at that time, Du's parents and daughters did not have the need to avoid the truth, and the reason why she failed to tell the truth was because she let Du Yuesheng mislead and "deceive" like an outsider.

Even the eldest daughter who knows the inside story of the Du Mansion in Hong Kong only knows one, not the second, which shows that Du Yuesheng's "package adjustment plan" this time is extraordinary.

What's going on here?

Let's talk about it.

Around 1949, many big capitalists in Shanghai, especially the big industrial and commercial, industrial, and banking capitalists, most of whom, like Du Yuesheng, chose to live in Hong Kong temporarily, stepping on two boats and watching the changes in the situation. Du Yuesheng has been operating in Shanghai Beach for many years, especially in the field of industrial and commercial finance, and his prestige and influence can never be underestimated, so the group of Shanghai and even Jiangsu and Zhejiang industrial and commercial finance giants who represented China's golden vein at that time were watching Du Yuesheng's actions while temporarily avoiding Hong Kong.

If Du Yuesheng chooses to return to Shanghai, most of them will follow; if Du Yuesheng chooses to go far away to Taiwan, they will most likely follow suit.

This means that Du Yuesheng at that time had a strategic value for a special period, whether it was for the mainland or Taiwan, so during that period, the sincere invitations and solicitations of du Yuesheng by both sides never stopped.

Du Yuesheng did one thing in his later years, transferring two letters, and few people understood the obscurity of them!

For Du Yuesheng at that time, the fallen leaves were his long-cherished wishes, but several things that happened on the beach finally made him give up the idea of returning.

One thing was that he saw The situation where Jin Rong was staying in Shanghai. The former tycoon of Shanghai Beach first wrote a long "confession" and publicly published a newspaper to apologize for his sins, and then swept the road every morning in front of the "Shanghai Great World", the industry he founded all his life. According to Du Yuesheng's young son Du Weishan, when he saw this information in the newspaper, Du Yuesheng said worriedly, if I return to Shanghai, will I also sweep the road?

Another incident that had a greater impact on Du Yuesheng was that Ye Zhuoshan and Ma Xiangsheng, former members of the Little Eight-Share Party, were shot dead for the "Wang Shouhua Blood Case." The killing of Wang Shouhua during April 12 was the biggest knot in Du Yuesheng's life, and in this period of history, although Du Yuesheng was a tool that was used, his final posture made him very painful, and it was difficult to wash away the sins he had committed.

What kind of posture?

Although not the real protagonist, it is also not a supporting role.

The other option, to go to Taiwan, is also an irrational choice for Du Yuesheng. When he went to Taiwan, he ended up with only two endings, either being completely left out under the bed like a night pot, or being hit like a remnant of residue.

This was Du Yuesheng's situation at that time, although there were two large boats on the lake, but one he did not dare to step on, the other he did not want to step on, how in the end can he do the knife cut tofu noodles, both can calmly live, but also the two sides do not sin?

Du Yuesheng did one thing in his later years, transferring two letters, and few people understood the obscurity of them!

Speaking of this, it is necessary to talk about the strategists around Du Yuesheng.

There is a saying that Du Yuesheng had three reuse counselors, Yang Guanbei, Yang Zhixiong, and Yang Du, who were for the "three Yang Kaitai". But Du Yuesheng's younger son, Du Weishan, said that this statement only saw the surface, Yang Guanbei and Yang Zhixiong were only important assistants of his father in industry, and Yang Du could only be counted as a doorman of Du Mansion, and it was actually these three people who could really enter the secret room of Du Mansion and advise his father - Luo Qinghua, the master of Shaoxing, The New Zhi, who had been a close friend of Qian Xinzhi all his life, and Lu Jingshi, a proud protégé.

In the face of the sincere invitation of the two parties, it was two of Dumen's three strategists who broke this problem, Luo Qinghua, the master of Shaoxing, and Xinzhi, who had been close to money all his life.

Luo Qinghua suggested to Du Yuesheng that it is better to let the two sides understand the gods in their euphemisms, so that the two sides will understand that there is still room for self-evidentness, and it is better to write two letters of thanks to the same effect, and then apply a plan, but there is one, this matter must be made an inadvertent mistake, so that even if either side blames it, there is a justifiable excuse on the table.

Du Yuesheng listened to Luo Qinghua's suggestion and looked at Qian Xinzhi with understanding.

Qian Xinzhi said tacitly that I was a famous "drunkard" in Shanghai Beach, and I had sent letters to Mr. Du many times before, and it was most appropriate for me to sing this good play of "drunken mischief".

Du Yuesheng said that only Mr. Qian had come to carry this black cauldron.

After the three of them decided on this plan, Du Yuesheng personally asked his secretary Hu Xuwu to draw up letters to the mainland and Taiwan, and the content of the two letters of thanks was basically the same, in which he first expressed his gratitude for the invitation in a warm greeting, and then he told the most impeccable reason -- the recurrence of depression, asthma, mobility difficulties, and difficulty in making the trip, so he had to live in Hong Kong temporarily.

Du Yuesheng's contact letters have always been delivered by Qian Xinzhi, a famous financier in Shanghai Beach, while privately, Qian Xinzhi quietly transferred two letters, loaded the letters to the mainland into envelopes sent to Taiwan, and loaded the letters written to Taiwan into envelopes sent to the mainland.

After the letter was sent, everything was exactly as Du Yuesheng and the three of them expected; after the mainland and Taiwan saw the letter of thanks for the transfer of the package, they knew that the other side was fighting for Du Yuesheng, and Du Yuesheng chose the middle road without making a sound and without concealment, and temporarily living in Hong Kong, no one could be guilty. Therefore, from then on, whether it was the mainland or Taiwan, the two sides no longer competed with each other to win Du Yuesheng over, and the former jianghu tyrant finally gained a decent calm.

Du Yuesheng did one thing in his later years, transferring two letters, and few people understood the obscurity of them!

Because the high-level figures naturally understood the deep meaning of Du Yuesheng's plan, they would not ask for the guilt, and the three people who conspired with this matter were silent after the fact, so whether it was at that time or later, except for the insiders and Du Yuesheng's individual relatives, almost no one knew about it.

In the last time, the reason why Du Yuesheng mentioned this matter to the eldest daughter Du Meiru was also very far-reaching, he did not tell du Meiru the truth, but left a designed smoke bomb, so a few years later, when Du Meiru returned to the mainland to speak, she expressed deep regret on behalf of the Du family, Du Meiru said that if it were not for Qian Xinzhi's drunken mistake and the two letters were wrong, his father might have returned.

As Du Mei said, even people with great experience would at most think that Du Yuesheng's eldest daughter was talking about the river, and such an important thing was being done by a well-known figure on the beach in the past, how could he make such a low-level mistake. As everyone knows, such a question is just a lack of a realm level, hearing Du Meiru's oral history, the real understanding of people must be silent, will smile -

The wind and rain are shaky and easy,

The painstaking efforts of the rivers and lakes are already dust.

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