
How wise was it for the Qing Dynasty to sign unequal treaties? Expert: Seemingly weak but laid 9.6 million legal territory

According to the "Qing History Manuscript Taizong Benji", chongde first year of the first summer of the fourth month of the second month of the year, sacrifice to heaven and earth, perform the honorific ceremony, and must have the name of the world known as the Great Qing.

The Qing Dynasty, the last dynasty of China's feudal dynasty, was closed to the country in the late Qing Dynasty, which led to the reduction of China to a semi-colony, when the great powers of various countries came to share a piece of the pie.

How wise was it for the Qing Dynasty to sign unequal treaties? Expert: Seemingly weak but laid 9.6 million legal territory

The Qing Dynasty has always been the object of people's criticism, and the reason why there is a so-called Manchu Qing mistaken country for three hundred years.

A big reason for this is that after 1840, the Qing court signed more than 200 unequal treaties, and the indemnities stipulated in the treaties were cut off, which caused China to lose power and humiliate the country, while the life of Empress Dowager Cixi was extravagant and eroded.

How wise was it for the Qing Dynasty to sign unequal treaties? Expert: Seemingly weak but laid 9.6 million legal territories!

The contribution made by the Qing Dynasty was actually better than that of the Ming Dynasty

In China's more than two thousand years of feudal history, the dynasties that have existed can be said to be innumerable, and the two dynasties that people like to compare the most are the Ming Dynasty and the Qing Dynasty.

Many people wonder if the Ming Dynasty had not been replaced by the Qing Dynasty, then China would not have had to go through such a humiliating history.

However, in fact, china can not have a Ming Dynasty, and no Qing Dynasty can do it!

How wise was it for the Qing Dynasty to sign unequal treaties? Expert: Seemingly weak but laid 9.6 million legal territory

This is because, according to the perspective of the Central Plains Dynasty of the Ming Dynasty, the vassal states during the Ming Dynasty were not considered to be the territory of the Ming Dynasty. Such a view would seriously affect China's territorial sovereignty today.

After the Qing Dynasty, the Qing Dynasty inherited everything that had been the Ming Dynasty, and the Qing Dynasty was vast, from dolgun to Wu Sangui completely eliminated the last force of the Ming Dynasty, the territory of the Qing Dynasty was completely stable.

Later, Kangxi conquered Yunnan, Guangxi, Annex, Taiwan, Heilongjiang, Jilin, and Outer Mongolia. During the Qianlong period, he completely eliminated the anti-Qing forces in Xinjiang and from then on exercised strict management of Xinjiang.

After more than a hundred years of conquest, the Qing Dynasty greatly expanded its territory.

According to records, the land area of the Ming Dynasty was about 3.53 million square kilometers, while the area of the Qing Dynasty was 13.16 million square kilometers.

The territory of the Qing Dynasty reached its peak, and the expansion of the Qing Dynasty also laid the foundation for today's China.

The Qing Dynasty's territory was larger than that of the Yuan Dynasty, and its expansion was second to none.

How wise was it for the Qing Dynasty to sign unequal treaties? Expert: Seemingly weak but laid 9.6 million legal territory

In the history books, it is said that the Yuan Dynasty had the largest territory, but in fact, this is wrong, because it confuses the two concepts of "Yuan Dynasty" and "Mongol Empire".

At the time of the establishment of the Yuan Dynasty, the Mongol Empire was already extinct in name only, and the Yuan Dynasty and its brother regimes, the so-called "Four Great Khanates", actually had no subordination, so the Yuan Dynasty could not control people at all.

Therefore, if the territory of Central Asia, West Asia and Russia controlled by the four khanates is counted as the Yuan Dynasty, it is a bit unreasonable, and if the Area of the Yuan Dynasty is only counted, it is inferior to the Qing Dynasty.

If the Manchu Qing Dynasty had not included Xinjiang and Tibet in its territory, with the trend of the Soviet Union annexing the Central Asian countries at that time, Xinjiang and Tibet would certainly not have been able to preserve it, even if China's strength is strong today, it is unreasonable to grab the "inherent territory of the Soviet Union" with the Soviet Union.

It was the qing dynasty that made Tibet a part of today's China.

From the Heilongjiang general in the northeast to the Ili general in the northwest, and then from the minister stationed in Tibet in the southwest to the establishment of the Taiwan Government, the Great Qing dynasty can be called second to none in expanding its territory.

The signing of the treaty was criticized, but in fact it laid 9.6 million legal territories

How wise was it for the Qing Dynasty to sign unequal treaties? Expert: Seemingly weak but laid 9.6 million legal territory

However, some people will say that the Manchu Qing lost 4 million land.

Indeed, during the Qing Dynasty, a large number of unequal treaties were signed with other countries, resulting in a large loss of land in China.

However, in fact, the signing of these treaties does not mean that there is no benefit at all.

For example, the Treaty of Nebuchadnezzar, after the Battle of Yaksa in 1684, the Qing and Russia signed the Treaty of Nebuchu, which demarcated the border between the two countries in the northeast.

In addition, the treaty recognized that south of the Waixing'an Mountains, Sakhalin Island and the Heilongjiang River Basin were all Qing Dynasty territories.

Although at the same time as the signing of the treaty, China lost some territory, but in the long run, it is still beneficial, after all, at that time, the border between China and Russia was also determined, which also limited the invasion of the Qing Dynasty and protected the Qing Dynasty.

The northeast region was included in China's territory, and China's territorial area was expanded, and this was also recognized internationally.

How wise was it for the Qing Dynasty to sign unequal treaties? Expert: Seemingly weak but laid 9.6 million legal territory

brief summary

Today's territory of our country was laid down during the Qing Dynasty, and the Manchu Qing dynasty was indeed weak, but the signing of these unequal treaties actually protected China at that time, and at the same time, it also made us have a clear national territory today.

Therefore, the three hundred years of the Manchu Qing Dynasty cannot actually be completely considered in this way, no matter how corrupt the Qing Dynasty is, it is the founder of China's territory after all, without the Qing Dynasty, how can it come from today's 9.6 million square kilometers of land?

References: Draft History of the Qing Dynasty, Taizong Benji, Treaty of Nebuchu

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