
Emperors all call themselves "Yuan", so what does the Emperor Taishang call himself? Qianlong overbearing Li Yuan was sad

What is history: it is the echo of the past to the future, the reflection of the future on the past. - Hugo

In 221 BC, the King of Qin swallowed up the eight wildernesses and unified the six kingdoms, establishing the first unified feudal dynasty in Chinese history. Yin Zheng considered himself to be "the Third Emperor of Virtue and the Five Emperors of Gonggai", so for the first time he adopted the title of "Emperor" to indicate his identity as the supreme ruler of China. At the same time, he also formulated a series of relevant regulations, including the emperor's food, clothing, and living, etiquette norms, and things that ministers and people needed to avoid. In terms of title, Qin Shi Huang also began to change his name from a widow to "朕". Many people are curious, if the emperor abdicates, how can he call himself empress dowager?

Emperors all call themselves "Yuan", so what does the Emperor Taishang call himself? Qianlong overbearing Li Yuan was sad

There are very few Taishang emperors in Chinese history, there are only 17 in total, of which the first Taishang Emperor was Qin Zhuangxiang, the father of Qin Shi Huang. After Qin Shi Huang proclaimed himself the First Emperor, he posthumously honored his father as Emperor Taishang, so King Xiang of Qin Zhuang did not experience the feeling of being Emperor Taishang during his lifetime. The first living Emperor Taishang in history was Liu Bang's father, Liu Taigong. Liu Taigong was originally a farmer, and all his life he faced the loess and turned his back to the sky, and he did not expect that his son would one day become emperor.

Emperors all call themselves "Yuan", so what does the Emperor Taishang call himself? Qianlong overbearing Li Yuan was sad

After Liu Bang became emperor, in order to reflect his filial piety, he often went to ask Liu Taigong for peace. In ancient times, it was necessary to kneel three times and prostrate nine times, and Liu Taigong gladly accepted it, but the people around him reminded him that he could not do this. Liu Taigong asked, "He is my son, isn't it normal for me to ask for peace?" The next person said, "It is true that he is your son, but he is also the emperor of the people of the world." Do you think it is appropriate for the emperor to bow down to you?" Liu Taigong broke out in a cold sweat. When Liu Bang came back, he personally went to the door to greet him. When Liu Bang wanted to salute him, he hurried back again.

Emperors all call themselves "Yuan", so what does the Emperor Taishang call himself? Qianlong overbearing Li Yuan was sad

Liu Bang asked, "What is going on?" Liu Taigong said, "You are the emperor, I am a commoner with a flat head, and if you kneel, I will be killed." I can't let you break the rules. Liu Bang also felt that this matter was quite difficult. At this time, a minister talked about Qin Shi Huang's posthumous honoration of King Xiang of Qin Zhuang as Emperor Taishang, and suggested that Liu Bang honor Liu Taigong as Emperor Taishang. Liu Bang felt that this idea was very good, so he made Liu Taigong the Emperor. This Liu Taigong had never even been an emperor, and directly crossed the rank to become the Emperor Taishang, so his title was the same as before, and there was no change.

Emperors all call themselves "Yuan", so what does the Emperor Taishang call himself? Qianlong overbearing Li Yuan was sad

In the ancient history of our country, the person who was most reluctant to become the emperor was Li Yuan, the emperor of Tang Gaozu. After Li Shimin launched the Xuanwumen Rebellion, he forced Li Yuan to make him crown prince. Later, in order to prevent the night from being long and dreaming, he honored Li Yuan as the Emperor Taishang and made himself emperor. At this time, Li Yuan was really a handful of bitter tears, and even the last sentence in the abdication edict was: "Goodness!" This is also my dream. Here, his self-designation has become "I."

Emperors all call themselves "Yuan", so what does the Emperor Taishang call himself? Qianlong overbearing Li Yuan was sad

Similarly, due to the anshi rebellion, the crown prince Li Heng honored Li Longji as emperor after Lingwu succeeded to the throne. Li Longji said to Wei Jiansu and Fang Zhen, who had come to report the letter: "Emperor Taishang, the Military State Emperor took the emperor's punishment in advance, and then played the emperor's punishment. Here, Li Longji's self-proclamation is still degenerate, but his power has long been emptied. However, Because Emperor Huizong of Song hurriedly gave way to his son when the Jin people attacked, he became the Emperor Taishang himself and did not face his son, so he called himself "Old Decadent" when he was with Song Qinzong.

Emperors all call themselves "Yuan", so what does the Emperor Taishang call himself? Qianlong overbearing Li Yuan was sad

As for the most domineering Emperor Taishang in China's history, it was, of course, the Qianlong Emperor, who ruled for 60 years. After he ceded the throne to his son Jiaqing, he clung to power and refused to let go. His self-designation is still "朕", and his edict is called "敕旨". If the words "Emperor Taishang" appear in the sonata, it should be written three times higher. If the word "Emperor" appears, it needs to be raised two blocks. Even if he abdicates, he still has to suppress Jiaqing steadily. Therefore, the Jiaqing Emperor did not begin to clean up Hezhen until after Qianlong's death. Qianlong was also the last Taishang Emperor in China's history, and after his death, the Taishang Emperor system ended.

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