
The man took the initiative to donate the Qianlong National Treasure, and the experts of the Forbidden City were ecstatic, and the reasons for this caused heated discussion in the world


Year, there is one


When a young man surnamed Pan suddenly came to the Forbidden City, he found the staff at the time and bluntly said that he wanted to hand over the cultural relics and asked if he could meet with the cultural relics experts. The staff was very excited to hear that they had come to hand in the cultural relics, so


Bring in the experts. After the experts arrived, the young man said that the artifact he wanted to donate was a refrigerator. At this time, the expert was stunned, thinking about what is so strange about the refrigerator that can be seen now?

The man took the initiative to donate the Qianlong National Treasure, and the experts of the Forbidden City were ecstatic, and the reasons for this caused heated discussion in the world

When the young man took out the cultural relics he had brought, the expert saw a very exquisite "ancient version of the refrigerator". Experts rushed forward to identify, according to the young man, this is an object from the Qianlong period of the Qing Dynasty. Handed down by his ancestors, it was probably among the items that Puyi sold cheaply when he was forced out of the palace, which was bought by his ancestors at that time and has been collected at home ever since. But then it passed into his hands, and he felt that it was a national cultural relic after all, so after considering it, he decided to come and donate the cultural relics to the country free of charge.

The man took the initiative to donate the Qianlong National Treasure, and the experts of the Forbidden City were ecstatic, and the reasons for this caused heated discussion in the world

When experts looked at this object, they found that this cloisonné enamel refrigerator was divided into two parts, with a box that could hold items on the top and a base below. The box is about eighty centimeters tall, has two holes for exhausting air conditioning, and has the word Qianlong on the box. The cultural relics expert was very touched by the young man's decision to donate cultural relics free of charge and wanted to give him some rewards within his ability, but the young man politely refused. But in the end, experts still feel that behavior like that of a young man is very worthy of recognition and recognition. So the reward was given to him while writing

The pennant of "protecting cultural relics, merit in the contemporary era, benefit in the thousand autumns", took this opportunity to express heartfelt gratitude to this young man on behalf of the country.

The man took the initiative to donate the Qianlong National Treasure, and the experts of the Forbidden City were ecstatic, and the reasons for this caused heated discussion in the world

The issue of people handing in cultural relics has been widely discussed in society, and most people think that the cultural relics they found are handed over. Only a small number of people with a high sense of cultural relics protection expressed their willingness to hand them over to the state. After all, handing over cultural relics to the state and displaying them in museums can not only better preserve cultural relics, but also pass them on to future generations so that more people can enjoy the style of cultural relics in history.

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