
"Alita": Cameron to the world's Amway, how good is the original "Dream"?

author:Long winds in March

(This article is original by Wheat Watch Movie, if you need to learn from it, please be sure to identify!) )

Hello everyone, I am your focus on unprofessional film commentary wheat ~

Produced by Cameron, "Alita: Battle Angel" has been officially released in China today, and in the previous article, Wheat also watched the film in advance and recommended this latest masterpiece of Ka Shen.

"Alita": Cameron to the world's Amway, how good is the original "Dream"?

Alita: Battle Angel poster

As a science fiction film with robots as the protagonist, Mr. Cameron applies the world's most advanced special effects technology and face capture technology, not only paying attention to the outside, but also paying attention to the inside. It is said that the body structure of the robot in the film and even each internal part has been strictly polished by special effects, so the movements of the characters will be so smooth and natural, which is also the most powerful place in the special effects of this movie.

In fact, Mr. Cameron had already obtained the filming rights of the original "Dream" more than ten years ago, but because the technology at that time was not enough to support his special effects concept, he chose to make "Avatar" first. So what magic does "Dream" have to make such a movie master like a child to amway to the world? Wheat will talk to you today about the story behind the original comic "Dream"

"Alita": Cameron to the world's Amway, how good is the original "Dream"?

Stills from Alita: Battle Angel

"Dream" is a representative work of Japanese manga artist Kishiro Yukito, telling the story of Gary, a young girl who has changed her mind, grows up in battle and constantly searches for memories. The comic has been serialized since 1991, there are three parts, the third "Mars War" is still serialized to this day, it can be said that a large part of the people's childhood memories.

It is said that when the first part of the series was serialized to the end, the author Kijo Yukito suffered from a more serious mental illness and felt that it was impossible to complete the work according to the original plan, so a relatively large reversal was made at the end, and the first part ended hastily. But there was no intention of planting willows, even if the state of Kishiro Yukito was not good at that time, but there was still a different flash point in the work, which made many fans who read the first manga feel that it was perfect.

"Alita": Cameron to the world's Amway, how good is the original "Dream"?

While marveling, most people still have a feeling of loss, because everyone is very much looking forward to how wonderful the follow-up plot will be, so that the call for a sequel to this work at that time was very high, so the author Kishiro Yukito restarted the second part of the series after recovering from treatment.

However, it is actually difficult to continue the first part when it is already complete, so Kishiro Yukito chose to delete some of the plots at the end of the first part and then reconnect the plot of the second part, which is also the reason why many friends found that some plots were different when they read the first manga and then watched the second part.

"Alita": Cameron to the world's Amway, how good is the original "Dream"?

It is very interesting that the fans' understanding of this series of comics and other Japanese comics is fundamentally different, usually when we watch "Naruto" and "Dragon Ball", if the author starts to draw character dialogue at length, we feel that this episode is very watery, but "Dream" if it appears in a large-scale fight plot Fans feel that this episode is water.

For "Dream", people prefer to see the dialogue of the characters rather than the fight plot, which is one of the most attractive places of this work.

"Alita": Cameron to the world's Amway, how good is the original "Dream"?

Wheat saw that many of his friends were criticizing why Mr. Cameron changed the name of the protagonist in the movie to Alita, instead of using Gary or Kelly in the original book, in fact, there are some small episodes here.

Gary, the protagonist of the original comic, once had a dream in which her name was Alita, and I think this is why the author laid the foreshadowing early in the morning and Cameron's teacher chose the name "Alita".

"Alita": Cameron to the world's Amway, how good is the original "Dream"?

After watching the movie, everyone must wonder if there is a second part of this series? Wheat tells you that Mr. Cameron has made it clear that there is a trilogy in this series when filming "Battle Angel", so the unfinished friends are looking forward to the arrival of the next one

Well, this push is here, what do the friends think about "Alita: Battle Angel" and the original "Dream"? Welcome to leave a message below to discuss Oh~

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