
How to use semi-made noodles well? And what should I pay attention to? Yesterday's half-leaved dough video attracted a lot of messages from friends, with strange questions, such as whether the half-leaved noodles are steamed immediately, and the ratio of the two doughs

author:Pastry chef Lao Mo

How to use semi-made noodles well? And what should I pay attention to?

Yesterday's half-made dough video attracted a lot of friends to leave messages, and the questions were strange, such as whether the half-made noodles were steamed immediately, what was the ratio of the two types of dough, etc.!!

Please keep these aspects in mind!!

1. What is semi-leaved dough? In fact, the semi-fermented dough is not fully fermented, because the dead dough is mixed, but the semi-finished product still needs to be fully fermented to be cooked, otherwise the phenomenon of dead dough is serious. Semi-leavened noodles are generally used in leavened noodle soup packets, which can lock the soup well from being absorbed by the skin, mainly because the honeycomb is relatively dense.

2. Although there are various methods of half-made noodles and methods, they cannot escape the ratio of 10 to 1, that is, 10 parts of the noodles and 1 part of the dead noodles. Everyone must know that adding dead dough must not affect the fermentation.

3. Half-raised noodles are not old noodles, and they can't be cooked right away, to put it bluntly, half-raised noodles are noodles, except for adding dead dough, the other steps are exactly the same as making noodles.

4. Different and different water volumes. For example, to separate and two pieces of dough, the amount of water should be the same, not too soft, and the dough we taught in yesterday's video, the water volume can be increased a little, and the dough is soft and then add dry flour in proportion. In addition, you can also turn the dead dough into hot noodles, the hot dough is not good, the water volume can be softer, it is okay, you only need to make the dough and the hard point can complement each other.

5. The dough in the half-made dough can not be fermented for the first time, it seems that the hair is not just right, simply put, it is fermented 1 times as large, and the dough has a small amount of honeycomb, mainly to make the yeast come alive, and will not affect the effect of later fermentation.

6. Pay special attention to the amount of alkali, absolutely not too much, normal 1.5 grams of flour at most, and then more may appear yellow spots and alkaline taste.

7. Be sure to knead well after adding dead dough to fully mix the two doughs to ensure that the later fermentation is not affected. This step is the most problematic point, you can knead a dough when you knead it, and then use a knife to cut it into small pieces and continue to knead, which can save a lot of effort, and you don't need to do this with a dough sheeter.

8. It is best to use the flour you bought, it doesn't matter if the gluten is high or low, so the success rate is relatively high.

That's the basic point of the half-made noodles, I hope you can collect it and remember it well.

Finally, thank you for your support! If you want to know more pasta skills, you can pay attention to it, search for relevant videos on the homepage to learn, and leave a message to me if you have any questions.

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How to use semi-made noodles well? And what should I pay attention to? Yesterday's half-leaved dough video attracted a lot of messages from friends, with strange questions, such as whether the half-leaved noodles are steamed immediately, and the ratio of the two doughs
How to use semi-made noodles well? And what should I pay attention to? Yesterday's half-leaved dough video attracted a lot of messages from friends, with strange questions, such as whether the half-leaved noodles are steamed immediately, and the ratio of the two doughs
How to use semi-made noodles well? And what should I pay attention to? Yesterday's half-leaved dough video attracted a lot of messages from friends, with strange questions, such as whether the half-leaved noodles are steamed immediately, and the ratio of the two doughs
How to use semi-made noodles well? And what should I pay attention to? Yesterday's half-leaved dough video attracted a lot of messages from friends, with strange questions, such as whether the half-leaved noodles are steamed immediately, and the ratio of the two doughs

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