
Memories of computer hardware and interfaces: time flies, the years of old technology

author:Vampire Hunter Alucardo

With the continuous advancement of technology, our computer hardware and interfaces have also undergone earth-shaking changes with each passing day. However, looking back, the hardware and interfaces of the old era seem to be postcards in the history of computer development, outlining the memories of the past. This article will take you through the time tunnel, and remember the disappearing hardware and interfaces on the computer, let us miss and understand together.

1. Optical drives: The glory days of the past

Memories of computer hardware and interfaces: time flies, the years of old technology

At that time, computers used optical drives to install systems

In today's digital age, it may be hard to imagine that computers once needed a specialized device to read optical discs. Optical drive was one of the standard configurations of computers back then. From the early CD-ROMs to the later DVDs-ROMs, optical drives played a dual role in data transmission and entertainment in those days. However, today, with the popularity of cloud storage and high-speed networks, optical drives have gradually withdrawn from the mainstream stage and become a footnote in the history of computer hardware development.

Memories of computer hardware and interfaces: time flies, the years of old technology

I remember 10 years ago, the old computer system was still using a CD-ROM! Now I can't see it at all!

2. Printer interface: the era of serial port and parallel port

Memories of computer hardware and interfaces: time flies, the years of old technology

Remember back then, in order to print documents on the computer, we needed to connect to a printer. There are two main ways to connect to the printer, one is the serial port, and the other is the parallel port. Serial ports have been widely used in the early days due to their simple cables and reliable transmission methods, while parallel ports have become a more advanced choice due to their high-speed transmission characteristics. However, with the popularization of USB interfaces, serial ports and parallel ports gradually declined, becoming legends in the history of computer development.

Memories of computer hardware and interfaces: time flies, the years of old technology

The GBA flashcard used back then used this interface, and secretly went to the Internet café to play the game!

3. Floppy disk: A time capsule for storage

Memories of computer hardware and interfaces: time flies, the years of old technology

1.44MB floppy disk

Floppy disks were one of the most common storage media in early personal computers. Despite their fragile appearance and limited storage capacity, they were once the primary means of information transfer and sharing. In those days, copying files and transferring data almost always had to rely on this small block. However, with the emergence of high-capacity and high-speed storage devices such as hard disks and USB flash drives, floppy disks have gradually faded out of our field of vision.

Memories of computer hardware and interfaces: time flies, the years of old technology

In the early 90s, there were quite a few PC games that were released on floppy disks!

4. PS2 interface: where the mouse and keyboard meet

Memories of computer hardware and interfaces: time flies, the years of old technology

The PS2 interface is one of the standard interfaces for connecting a mouse and keyboard. Before the USB port became widespread, most computers used the PS2 interface to connect input devices. It is easy to plug and unplug, stable transmission, and once became the mainstream interface of computer input devices. However, with the popularization of the USB port, the PS2 port gradually withdrew from the stage of history and was replaced by modern connection methods.

Memories of computer hardware and interfaces: time flies, the years of old technology

CS god specifies double delphinium keyboard

5. Small batteries on the motherboard

Memories of computer hardware and interfaces: time flies, the years of old technology

If there is no power, it will not be able to turn on

When we miss the computer hardware and interfaces of the past, we have to mention the small battery on the motherboard. This seemingly tiny component actually plays a special and important role.

The small battery on the motherboard, usually the CR2032 model lithium battery, is responsible for supplying power to the CMOS chip on the motherboard. This chip contains the basic input/output system (BIOS) settings for the computer, as well as the real-time clock (RTC) function. Although this battery is relatively small, it plays a key role in keeping your computer running. In the previous computer, when the power of this battery gradually decreased, it may cause the computer to lose settings after restarting, remember to replace this battery seems to be 5 yuan a piece, the price is very clear!

6. VGA interface: a farewell to the era

Memories of computer hardware and interfaces: time flies, the years of old technology

Once upon a time, the VGA interface (Video Graphics Array) was the most common connection between a computer and a monitor. With its analog video transmission, this interface has supported countless displays and projectors over the decades. However, with the rapid development of technology, VGA interfaces have gradually entered the stage of history, making way for more advanced digital interfaces.

The maximum resolution and color depth limitations of the VGA interface make it gradually unable to meet the needs of modern HD and UHD displays. With the emergence of digital interfaces such as HDMI and DisplayPort, they have gradually replaced VGAs by providing higher resolutions, higher frame rates, and more powerful audio transmission capabilities. While VGA interfaces can still be found on some older display devices and projectors, VGAs have become increasingly rare in newer generations of computers and displays.


Time flies, and technology is changing with each passing day. Looking back on the past, those disappearing hardware and interfaces are the footprints in the development of science and technology, and we are proud and proud of the past.

Memories of computer hardware and interfaces: time flies, the years of old technology
Memories of computer hardware and interfaces: time flies, the years of old technology

However, new technologies and interfaces are constantly emerging to make our computers more powerful and convenient. While remembering, let us embrace the future and look forward to computer hardware and interfaces continuing to write new legends. Perhaps, one day in the future, we will also miss today's technology and interfaces, because the development of technology is a never-ending journey of change.

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