
Three major external conditions are needed to resolve the Taiwan issue? After Putin's successful election, he spoke about Taiwan for the first time and gave his views

author:Discussion of History
Three major external conditions are needed to resolve the Taiwan issue? After Putin's successful election, he spoke about Taiwan for the first time and gave his views

With the Russian elections coming to an end, on March 18, Putin was re-elected president of Russia with the highest number of votes.

Three major external conditions are needed to resolve the Taiwan issue? After Putin's successful election, he spoke about Taiwan for the first time and gave his views

After becoming the new president, Putin mentioned China's Taiwan issue for the first time when he took office, and in addition to expressing his own position on behalf of Russia, he also gave his own opinions.

Putin pointed out that three major external conditions are needed to resolve the Taiwan issue, and only by satisfying these three conditions can the Taiwan issue be resolved while ensuring China's internal stability and not being harmed by war.

Three major external conditions are needed to resolve the Taiwan issue? After Putin's successful election, he spoke about Taiwan for the first time and gave his views

Guarantee the security of northern China

We all know that the Soviet Union, the predecessor of Russia, had a long Cold War with the United States, and both countries wanted to gain world sovereignty, but because their strength was comparable, they could only continue to stalemate.

It was not until the collapse of the Soviet Union that the Cold War ended, but it also hurt the vitality of today's Russia, and during this time, the United States still regarded Russia as a thorn in the side and a thorn in the flesh.

Three major external conditions are needed to resolve the Taiwan issue? After Putin's successful election, he spoke about Taiwan for the first time and gave his views

Even the countries that united with the West to impose various sanctions on Russia, during this period, another country, China, rose strongly, once again making the United States feel the crisis.

But it also gave the opportunity for China and Russia, two neighboring powers, to become friendly countries under the constant interference of the United States. Friendly exchanges between Russia and China not only achieve trade between the two countries, but also ensure the security of the border between the two countries.

This is also one of the three major external conditions for resolving the Taiwan issue, that is, to ensure the security of northern China.

Three major external conditions are needed to resolve the Taiwan issue? After Putin's successful election, he spoke about Taiwan for the first time and gave his views

This principle is actually very simple, just like when fighting on the battlefield, if you want to go forward and bravely kill the enemy, you must ensure the security of the rear, and this is also the case in resolving the Taiwan issue.

In the past, China's economy was backward and in dire straits, suffering from internal and external troubles, and the entire region was invaded by other countries. The fact that the North was invaded by the invading enemy from the south left China in a dilemma.

Especially in the former Soviet Union, the relationship between China and the Soviet Union was not friendly, and could even be described as hostile, which led to the Soviet Union's invasion of China's northeast region. At its worst, the Soviet army even passed through the Far East and went straight to the northeast of the mainland, causing great disturbances to the mainland and making China even more self-sufficient.

Three major external conditions are needed to resolve the Taiwan issue? After Putin's successful election, he spoke about Taiwan for the first time and gave his views

Therefore, if we want to solve the Taiwan issue, we must first ensure the security of northern China, and only in this way can China have no worries about the future.

At the same time, it is also possible to transfer part of China's military strength from the north to the south to solve the Taiwan issue, and if the security of the north can be completely guaranteed, then there will be more heavy machinery units and air units to support Taiwan's waters.

It will solve the Taiwan issue more quickly, and at the same time, it will also have a great deterrent effect on Taiwan, the United States and other interfering countries, and reduce the interference of other factors. Moreover, today's China is no longer the Qing Dynasty of the past, not only is it strong, but it has always maintained an alliance with Russia.

Three major external conditions are needed to resolve the Taiwan issue? After Putin's successful election, he spoke about Taiwan for the first time and gave his views

All of this has provided an effective guarantee for the security of northern China, but the United States and Western countries have also been harassing Russia through Ukraine.

The idea of using Russia as a gap between China and Russia to interfere and invade Asia and China has long been seen through by Russia and China, and the next action is to dispel such thoughts from the United States.

Three major external conditions are needed to resolve the Taiwan issue? After Putin's successful election, he spoke about Taiwan for the first time and gave his views

It has the ability to stop Indian servicemen from moving north

In addition to the need for security in northern China to be effectively guaranteed during the war and other events, China also faces a potential enemy, and that is India.

Three major external conditions are needed to resolve the Taiwan issue? After Putin's successful election, he spoke about Taiwan for the first time and gave his views

The relationship between China and India has always been in a state of contradiction, and there have been large and small frictions over border issues in the past world.

In October 1962, China launched a self-defense counterattack with Indian troops in the border areas of Tibet and Xinjiang, which is also known as the Sino-Indian border war. In the past, China's military strength was also very backward because of its economic backwardness, and many countries tried to infringe on China.

An important example of this is the border defense between China and India, where Indian soldiers have repeatedly provoked Chinese crossings since 1951. China has held many negotiations with India on the basis of the principle of no war between the two countries, but India has been able to openly demand land from China.

Three major external conditions are needed to resolve the Taiwan issue? After Putin's successful election, he spoke about Taiwan for the first time and gave his views

Moreover, the area of land claimed is very large, and it is openly proposed to directly divide 90,000 square kilometers of land in the eastern sector and more than 30,000 square kilometers in the western sector to India.

Of course, such an unreasonable demand has been rejected by China, and the reason for this is not only because the lion of India has opened its mouth, after all, it has given more than 100,000 square kilometers of land, and India, which is not satisfied, will ask for more territory in order to encroach on China more.

But the more important reason is that China's territorial integrity is absolutely inviolable, so after the negotiations failed, the Chinese and Indian soldiers clashed fiercely and launched a self-defense counterattack.

Three major external conditions are needed to resolve the Taiwan issue? After Putin's successful election, he spoke about Taiwan for the first time and gave his views

The Battle of Xishankou and the counterattack in the Warong area took place during this period, and the Chinese side also suffered numerous casualties, with a total of 722 soldiers killed in the war, and more than 1,000 wounded.

But in the end, it ended with China's victory, which was also the largest self-defense counterattack in China's history, and also dealt a heavy blow to India.

Despite India's defeat in the war, its ambitions to encroach on China have not stopped, and now that China is about to settle the Taiwan issue, India has once again found an opportunity to interfere with the mainland.

Moreover, the strength of the Indian military force should not be underestimated, and now India is concentrating its combat forces in the eastern, northern and central parts of the country to try to confront our army.

Three major external conditions are needed to resolve the Taiwan issue? After Putin's successful election, he spoke about Taiwan for the first time and gave his views

As one of the important parts of the mainland's national defense, the border defense line has played an important role in protecting the country's internal stability and stability, and there must not be the slightest mistake.

Therefore, while resolving the Taiwan issue, it is necessary to always pay attention to India's actions, and India can easily take this opportunity to interfere with the mainland's border areas.

Therefore, compared with the northern region, while settling the Taiwan issue, China should also "heavily guard" the border areas of Xinjiang and Tibet to guard against and prevent India's aggression.

Three major external conditions are needed to resolve the Taiwan issue? After Putin's successful election, he spoke about Taiwan for the first time and gave his views

However, in dealing with Indian soldiers, the mainland has had direct conflicts with the Indian army, and has also won wars, and has some relevant experience in fighting India.

Moreover, the mainland also has a great advantage in terms of topography, Xinjiang and Tibet are already at high altitudes, and there are also Himalayas and Kunlun Mountains nearby, which can form a certain block and suppression.

Even in battle, it can effectively slow down India's offensive and provide more time for the mobilization and deployment of our troops.

Three major external conditions are needed to resolve the Taiwan issue? After Putin's successful election, he spoke about Taiwan for the first time and gave his views

Japan and South Korea should be prevented from entering the Taiwan Strait

Today's international situation can be said to be very tense, but the alliance of various parties is also relatively clear, the clearest of which is the alliance between the United States and Japan and South Korea.

Three major external conditions are needed to resolve the Taiwan issue? After Putin's successful election, he spoke about Taiwan for the first time and gave his views

In order to use Japan and South Korea to open the door to invasion of Asia, the United States has established friendly relations with Japan and South Korea. Japan and South Korea are more like two knives in the hands of the United States in its invasion of Asia, obeying the command of the United States to do things, while the United States has been constantly intervening in the middle of China's Taiwan issue.

Japan and the ROK, as the two strikers of the United States, are naturally very likely to intervene in the issue of China's liberation of Taiwan, and China should be more vigilant against these two countries. After all, Japan and South Korea are very close to China, especially in the waters near China, and Taiwan and Japan have a very big advantage.

It can be said that it is relatively easy to check the issue of mobile phones entering the Taiwan Strait, although China's military strength at sea is very strong, which is incomparable with Japan and South Korea.

Three major external conditions are needed to resolve the Taiwan issue? After Putin's successful election, he spoke about Taiwan for the first time and gave his views

However, under the intervention and intervention of Japan, South Korea, and the United States, it will also have a certain impact on China, especially the influence of these two countries on the waters around the Taiwan Strait, which is likely to eventually lead to China's loss of sovereignty in this battlefield.

Since Japan and the ROK have established friendly relations with the United States, it can be said that they are completely subordinate to the command of the United States and are also at the mercy of the United States.

Moreover, the maritime military bases of the two countries are also unconditionally open to the United States, and they have not been used and deployed, and at the same time, the United States is allowed to build military bases at will, which can be said to be really an unconditional trust in the United States.

Three major external conditions are needed to resolve the Taiwan issue? After Putin's successful election, he spoke about Taiwan for the first time and gave his views

But this has increased China's vigilance, and if there is a real conflict with these two countries, the United States can directly intervene in the Chinese battlefield through these two countries.

This is no different from the issue of US meddling in China, and the US military strength has always been impossible to ignore, and it is one thing to fight alone with Japan and South Korea, but it is another thing to fight with the United States to intervene.

Although Japan and South Korea cannot completely prevent China from resolving the Taiwan issue, they can prevent and contain China's footsteps to a certain extent, and this will also cause great interference to China.

Three major external conditions are needed to resolve the Taiwan issue? After Putin's successful election, he spoke about Taiwan for the first time and gave his views

It can be imagined that once a war breaks out in the Taiwan Strait, the first thing China will have to solve is the issue with Taiwan, but at this time, Japan and South Korea are in conflict with China at the same time, instigated by the United States, then the situation will become very complicated.

Not only that, India in the border area has always been eyeing China, and it can be said that it is haunted by the defeat of past wars, if he also launched an invasion of China at this time.

It will inevitably cause China a great headache, so before resolving the Taiwan issue, it is necessary to solve the problems between China and India, Japan and South Korea.

Three major external conditions are needed to resolve the Taiwan issue? After Putin's successful election, he spoke about Taiwan for the first time and gave his views

Even if it is impossible to solve the problem, it is necessary to take more precautions, and while ensuring the security of the northern region, it is necessary to increase the border defense force in the border areas, and it is even more necessary to keep an eye on the movements of Japan and South Korea, and constantly increase vigilance and be prepared at all times.

Three major external conditions are needed to resolve the Taiwan issue? After Putin's successful election, he spoke about Taiwan for the first time and gave his views


Taiwan has been China's territory since ancient times, and China's territorial sovereignty cannot be allowed to be violated in any way, and no country, including the United States, can stop China from trying to resolve the Taiwan issue.

When Macao, Hong Kong and other countries returned to the embrace of the motherland, the Taiwan issue has not been completely resolved, which has become China's biggest and most desired goal so far, and it is also one of the necessary ways for China's next development plan.

Now that the Taiwan issue is about to be resolved, the United States has always wanted to follow him to interfere with and contain our military, and even wants to rely on this sea area to make a breakthrough to carry out an invasion of China.

Three major external conditions are needed to resolve the Taiwan issue? After Putin's successful election, he spoke about Taiwan for the first time and gave his views

However, with the settlement of the Taiwan issue, the United States wants to dispel the idea that this is not what it wants to see, so it will do its utmost to prevent the mainland from resolving the Taiwan issue in the future.

However, resolving the Taiwan issue is already an imperative for the mainland, and no person or country can stop it, and he said that it is only a matter of time before the mainland is concerned, but we must also heighten our vigilance at all times and make good arrangements.

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