
"Food Language" announced the suspension of the service, and will launch a companion server in the future but delete all data

author:Hand to talk about hime

Developed by Guangzhou Tiantai (parent company Guangzhou Baitian) and published by Tencent, the food anthropomorphic beauty boy development game "Food Language" will be suspended at 11 o'clock on June 18, 2024.

"Food Language" announced the suspension of the service, and will launch a companion server in the future but delete all data

Although the official reason for suspension is the expiration of the agency agreement, players basically know that not making money may be the real reason.

"Food Language" announced the suspension of the service, and will launch a companion server in the future but delete all data

As early as a few months ago, "Food Language" has been showing signs of discontinuation, according to players, the official not only reduced the frequency of updates, but also issued a large number of benefits, so that players can get limited characters and various props without krypton, and the official even removed all kinds of kryptonite projects, so that players have no place for krypton. This "kill yourself" operation has upset many players.

"Food Language" announced the suspension of the service, and will launch a companion server in the future but delete all data

NGA also has Xiaohongshu, and some employees and practitioners broke the news, saying that "Food Language" is losing money and may be closed/already going through the shutdown process.

"Food Language" announced the suspension of the service, and will launch a companion server in the future but delete all data
"Food Language" announced the suspension of the service, and will launch a companion server in the future but delete all data
"Food Language" announced the suspension of the service, and will launch a companion server in the future but delete all data

Now that the suspension is a fact, players' fears have come true.

Regarding the suspension arrangement and compensation, the official wrote in detail, if you are a player of "Food Language", you can go to Weibo and other official accounts to read the full text. The point of controversy is that Ladder said that it will delete the player's account data and character information after the server is closed in accordance with the "Personal Information Protection Law".

"Food Language" announced the suspension of the service, and will launch a companion server in the future but delete all data

The official also said that in the preparation of the companion version of "Food Language", the second step of the main line content will be added, which is completely free, has been open to the server, and will set up a large number of benefits to help players grow rapidly.

"Food Language" announced the suspension of the service, and will launch a companion server in the future but delete all data

In other words, there will be a new version of "Food Language" on the official meeting, and you don't need krypton gold if you have new content, you can recreate the number to play and develop a character, but the data of your old account is gone. On the bright side, the characters will eventually return to the player, and on the worst side, it will take time to repeat it again, and the "stuff" that was previously invested is gone.

"Food Language" announced the suspension of the service, and will launch a companion server in the future but delete all data

Some players are quite unhappy with this.

"Food Language" announced the suspension of the service, and will launch a companion server in the future but delete all data

So why can't the players' data be retained? In the interaction in the comment area, the key information given by the official is "try our best to fight", "can't get it", "the original operator deletes", etc., so from the official reply, we can know that the data should be in the hands of the operator Tencent, and the R&D party's ladder is not, and then the two parties cannot transfer the data for legal reasons or other reasons.

"Food Language" announced the suspension of the service, and will launch a companion server in the future but delete all data
"Food Language" announced the suspension of the service, and will launch a companion server in the future but delete all data
"Food Language" announced the suspension of the service, and will launch a companion server in the future but delete all data
"Food Language" announced the suspension of the service, and will launch a companion server in the future but delete all data

Will things turn around? Maybe.

Some players take "The Boss is Too Busy" and "Cloud Clothes and Feathers" as examples, both games have to be closed and deleted data, and later after the players' rights protection, they all survived and became games that retain data but are no longer updated, especially "Cloud Clothes and Feathers", similar to this situation, Xishanju developed Tencent agent.

"Food Language" announced the suspension of the service, and will launch a companion server in the future but delete all data

In short, I hope that everyone who has spent time and energy and emotional training on the number and characters can have a good ending.

Good night.

"Food Language" announced the suspension of the service, and will launch a companion server in the future but delete all data

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