
This year, the construction industry is not good, my carpenter worked 400 a day last year, and only 20 this year

author:Li Yiyi

Title: This year's construction industry is not good, my carpenter worked 400 a day last year, and only 200 yuan this year

Breaking article at the beginning:

Listen to me, today's headline topic is just too explosive! You know what? This year's construction industry seems to be a little bit bad, and the carpentry brothers around me are starting to have a sad face. Last year, I made 400 yuan for a day's work, but this year it's only 200 yuan?

Don't rush to point the finger at the boss, let's analyze it. Last year, the construction industry was in full swing, and carpenters could easily earn 400 yuan a day, well, at that time, everyone was rushing to work. But what about this year? I don't know why, the industry seems to be a bit sluggish, there are fewer construction sites, and the income of carpenters has also declined. It's almost like a big reversal, isn't it?

This year, the construction industry is not good, my carpenter worked 400 a day last year, and only 20 this year

But, brothers, don't be discouraged! Maybe this is just a temporary low point, maybe it will get better next year! We still have to cheer up, show more energy, fight for our own lives, and fight for the happiness of our families!

Main body of the article:

Therefore, this year's downturn in the construction industry is really a bit unprepared. The contrast between last year's scene and this year's scene is like a world of difference, and it is a little confusing. Everybody's asking, what the hell is going on, is there something big about it?

First, we have to look at the overall state of the construction industry. Last year's real estate market was extremely hot, with construction sites one after another, projects larger than the other, and carpenters were naturally in high demand. This year, the real estate policy has been strengthened, and the supply of land in the market has also decreased, resulting in a decrease in construction site projects, and the work of carpenters has also decreased accordingly. This is one reason why carpenters' incomes have plummeted.

This year, the construction industry is not good, my carpenter worked 400 a day last year, and only 20 this year

Second, we have to look at the supply and demand in the labor market. Last year, the construction industry was in high demand, and the supply of carpenters exceeded demand, so wages naturally rose. This year, due to the overall situation of the industry, the supply of carpenters has increased, which has caused the market competition to intensify, and wages have naturally fallen. This is another reason why we are seeing a decrease in carpentry income.


Therefore, although the current situation is a bit frustrating, we must not give up on this! Believe in ourselves and believe that tomorrow will be better! I believe that as long as we persist in our efforts, actively deal with them, and overcome difficulties, we will definitely be able to usher in a new turning point!

In the future, I am still full of confidence in the construction industry. Although it is a little difficult at the moment, as long as we unite closely and work together, I believe that in the near future, the construction industry will be full of vitality and bring us a better tomorrow!

This year, the construction industry is not good, my carpenter worked 400 a day last year, and only 20 this year

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