
After I bought 4 cars, I realized that ordinary families must look at the brand when buying a car, and they are all sincere

author:Uncle Da said things



In recent years, with the continuous development of social economy, people's living standards are also improving, owning a car of their own has become a part of modern life, and more and more families have begun to consider buying a car.

However, I believe that many friends who have bought a car know that buying a car is not an easy task, and the variety of models and brands on the market is dazzling, and how to choose a cost-effective vehicle that suits you requires a lot of thought.

Recently, a friend named Xiao Li shared his experience of buying a car four times in the circle of friends, and he used his personal experience to tell everyone that buying a car is not a simple matter, and knowing how to save money and worry about buying a car is the most important thing.

After I bought 4 cars, I realized that ordinary families must look at the brand when buying a car, and they are all sincere

Xiao Li's first car

In Xiao Li's four car buying experiences, the first car was a domestic independent brand SUV, at that time Xiao Li had just worked, and he didn't know much about the automobile market, so he followed the advice of the salesman of the 4S store when buying a car, and finally chose this SUV. Xiao Li is quite satisfied with his decision to buy a car, and feels that the exterior design of this SUV is fashionable and atmospheric, and the price is relatively close to the people, which is very suitable for the taste of young people.

However, when Xiao Li was proudly showing off on the streets and alleys with this SUV, friends around him said that the quality and performance of this SUV were not very good, and there were various small problems from time to time.

After I bought 4 cars, I realized that ordinary families must look at the brand when buying a car, and they are all sincere

The unstable quality of the car caused a lot of trouble to Xiao Li

At first, Xiao Li didn't pay much attention to the words of his friends, thinking that they were just jealous, but as the expenses became longer and longer, Xiao Li slowly discovered that what his friends said was not groundless, and his SUV did have various quality problems.

And it's a more serious kind. Every time you take the car to the 4S shop for maintenance, it costs a lot of money, and even if it is repaired for a period of time, all kinds of small problems will still appear frequently, which has brought a lot of trouble to Xiao Li's life and work.

After I bought 4 cars, I realized that ordinary families must look at the brand when buying a car, and they are all sincere

The unstable quality of the car made Xiao Li suffer serious losses

Slowly Xiao Li also began to realize that his SUV is not a very good quality car, but a very unstable quality of the car, and it is also a car with a rapidly declining value, in order to get rid of the various troubles brought by this SUV as soon as possible, Xiao Li finally chose to sell this SUV at a relatively low price, but because the value retention rate of this SUV is not very high, it eventually led to Xiao Li losing a lot of money.

After I bought 4 cars, I realized that ordinary families must look at the brand when buying a car, and they are all sincere

The second time he bought a car, Xiao Li began to be cautious

After experiencing a failure to buy a car, Xiao Li was not discouraged, but began to think more carefully about what brand and model he should choose for his next car.

After a period of research and comparison, Xiao Li finally chose a joint venture brand SUV, this time Xiao Li is very satisfied with his car purchase, because this SUV not only has a high appearance in the exterior design. And it also has a very good performance in terms of vehicle performance and power, and most importantly, the quality of this SUV is very stable, and its performance in all aspects can meet Xiao Li's expectations.

The joint venture car has brought Xiao Li a good experience of using the car

Compared with the previous SUV, this joint venture SUV has brought Xiao Li a very good car experience, not only with a stylish appearance, but also with excellent performance in handling and comfort.

And the most important thing is that the various configurations and functions of this SUV are very rich, which can meet Xiao Li's various needs in daily life, so that Xiao Li can truly feel the convenience and happiness brought by the car to life.

After I bought 4 cars, I realized that ordinary families must look at the brand when buying a car, and they are all sincere

The value retention rate and stability of the joint venture car are very good

In addition, Xiao Li is also very satisfied with the value retention rate and stability of this joint venture SUV, compared with the previous SUV, this joint venture SUV is both in the process of use and in the later sales process.

It has given Xiao Li a lot of help, and also made Xiao Li have a deeper understanding of the joint venture car, and feels that when ordinary families buy a car, if they can choose a joint venture car with stable quality and high value retention rate, it will undoubtedly bring a lot of convenience and help to their lives.

The purchase of electric vehicles also requires careful choice of brand

With the continuous development of society, the market demand for new energy vehicles is also increasing, and more and more people are beginning to consider buying electric vehicles. However, compared with traditional fuel vehicles, the purchase of electric vehicles also needs to be considered more carefully, after all, the technology and battery requirements of electric vehicles are relatively high. If you choose an electric car that is not of good quality, it is likely that you will encounter various problems in the future use process.

Factors that the average family needs to consider when buying an electric vehicle

In this regard, Xiao Li also gave you some suggestions, feeling that when ordinary families buy electric vehicles, in addition to considering factors such as the mileage and charging time of electric vehicles, they also need to carefully choose the brand of electric vehicles, and it is best to choose some car companies with a certain reputation and strength. In this way, we can better ensure that the electric vehicles we buy can obtain reliable after-sales service and maintenance guarantees, and can also avoid the high cost of maintenance in the future.

After I bought 4 cars, I realized that ordinary families must look at the brand when buying a car, and they are all sincere

How to choose the right vehicle for you

From Xiao Li's four car buying experiences, we can learn a lot of things, first of all, whether we are buying traditional fuel vehicles or new energy electric vehicles, we need to fully understand our needs and budget. Only in this way can you better choose a vehicle that suits you and avoid unnecessary economic pressure on your life because of blindly following the trend.

It is also very important to consult others

Secondly, consult more friends or some professionals who understand cars, through their help and suggestions, we can have a more comprehensive understanding of the advantages and disadvantages of various different models, and can also better understand the maintenance and repair knowledge of vehicles, and make more informed car purchase decisions.

After I bought 4 cars, I realized that ordinary families must look at the brand when buying a car, and they are all sincere


No matter what kind of vehicle we choose, we need to be cautious and spend more effort to understand and compare, so that we can buy a car that is really suitable for us, and we can truly enjoy the convenience and happiness that the car brings to us in the future use process.

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